Open RoyLeeDongHee opened 4 years ago
is coco pretrained model.
is imagenet pretrained model.
you won't have coco pretrained model before training coco, so csdarknet53-omega.conv.105
is suggested to train the coco model.
and if your dataset is larger than coco, for example, openimage, i will also suggest you to use csdarknet53-omega.conv.105
hi, where can I download csdarknet53-omega.conv.105? @WongKinYiu @AlexeyAB @RoyLeeDongHee Thanks for help~
hi. i'll start to train yolov4 with MSCOCO dataset.
what is difference between yolov4.conv137 and csdarknet53-omega.conv.105 ?
why you suggest csdarknet53-omega.conv.105 to train with MSCOCO?