Open yacad opened 4 years ago
you can use yolov4_tensorrt,it will be faster 2-3 times than darknet.
Thanks for your reply @Shame-fight
I already know that using tensorrt speeds it up. I don't want to use tensorrt and I want cuDNN 8.0 working fine on darknet to get faster framerate. Just as the speed got faster in cuDNN 7.6.3.
nvidia just released cudnn 8.0.3
The performance of cudnnConvolutionBiasActivationForward() for INT8x4 use cases on Volta and Turing, INT8x32 use cases on Turing, FP32 and pseudo-FP16 use cases on Volta, Turing, and Ampere GPU architecture have been improved.
haven't tried it yet, but you can see if it improves your use case
Hi @AlexeyAB.
When will jetpack4.4 (CUDA 10.2, cuDNN 8.0) be fully supported?
In jetpack4.3 (CUDA 10.2, cuDNN 7.6.3), setting CUDNN=1 increases the speed. However, in jetpack4.4 (CUDA 10.2, cuDNN 8.0), setting CUDNN=1 still slows the speed.
When can I increase the speed by setting CUDNN=1 in jetpack4.4 (CUDA 10.2, cuDNN 8.0)?
I previously asked NVIDIA with the same problem on jetpack4.4DP, but did not get an answer. At that time, jetpack4.4 was a developer version(jetpack4.4DP), but now that it has been released, I think this problem should be resolved.
Thanks @AlexeyAB.