Open prety16 opened 6 years ago
My mailbox is If you have time and are willing to help me solve this problem, I hope you can contact me. Thank you very much.
Try to comment result_vec = detector.tracking_id(result_vec);
and set the same nms
and thresh
in the yolo-cpp-dll. And test on this image:
I don't quite understand what you mean.
using namespace std;
int main()
char filename = "E:\毕业设计\图片相关\obj-park\010000011.jpg";
char cfg = "F:\EndUWorkplace\ref\yolo-park.cfg";
char* weight = "F:\EndUWorkplace\ref\yolo-park_7000.weights";
Detector detector = Detector(cfg, weight, 0);
image_t img=detector.load_image(filename);
return 0;
this is my code
struct bbox_t { unsigned int x, y, w, h; // (x,y) - top-left corner, (w, h) - width & height of bounded box float prob; // confidence - probability that the object was found correctly unsigned int obj_id; // class of object - from range [0, classes-1] unsigned int track_id; // tracking id for video (0 - untracked, 1 - inf - tracked object) unsigned int frames_counter;// counter of frames on which the object was detected };
struct image_t { int h; // height int w; // width int c; // number of chanels (3 - for RGB) float *data; // pointer to the image data };
class Detector {
YOLODLL_API Detector(char* cfg_filename, char* weight_filename, int gpu_id = 0);
YOLODLL_API ~Detector();
YOLODLL_API std::vector<bbox_t> detect(char* image_filename, float thresh = 0.2, bool use_mean = false);
YOLODLL_API std::vector<bbox_t> detect(image_t img, float thresh = 0.2, bool use_mean = false);
static YOLODLL_API image_t load_image(char* image_filename);
static YOLODLL_API void free_image(image_t m);
YOLODLL_API int get_net_width() const;
YOLODLL_API int get_net_height() const;
YOLODLL_API std::vector<bbox_t> tracking_id(std::vector<bbox_t> cur_bbox_vec, bool const change_history = true,
int const frames_story = 10, int const max_dist = 150);
std::vector<bbox_t> detect_resized(image_t img, int init_w, int init_h, float thresh = 0.2, bool use_mean = false)
if ( == NULL)
throw std::runtime_error("Image is empty");
auto detection_boxes = detect(img, thresh, use_mean);
float wk = (float)init_w / img.w, hk = (float)init_h / img.h;
for (auto &i : detection_boxes) i.x *= wk, i.w *= wk, i.y *= hk, i.h *= hk;
return detection_boxes;
std::vector<bbox_t> detect(cv::Mat mat, float thresh = 0.2, bool use_mean = false)
if ( == NULL)
throw std::runtime_error("Image is empty");
auto image_ptr = mat_to_image_resize(mat);
return detect_resized(*image_ptr, mat.cols, mat.rows, thresh, use_mean);
std::shared_ptr<image_t> mat_to_image_resize(cv::Mat mat) const
if ( == NULL) return std::shared_ptr<image_t>(NULL);
cv::Mat det_mat;
cv::resize(mat, det_mat, cv::Size(get_net_width(), get_net_height()));
return mat_to_image(det_mat);
static std::shared_ptr<image_t> mat_to_image(cv::Mat img_src)
cv::Mat img;
cv::cvtColor(img_src, img, cv::COLOR_RGB2BGR);
std::shared_ptr<image_t> image_ptr(new image_t, [](image_t *img) { free_image(*img); delete img; });
std::shared_ptr<IplImage> ipl_small = std::make_shared<IplImage>(img);
*image_ptr = ipl_to_image(ipl_small.get());
return image_ptr;
static image_t ipl_to_image(IplImage* src)
unsigned char *data = (unsigned char *)src->imageData;
int h = src->height;
int w = src->width;
int c = src->nChannels;
int step = src->widthStep;
image_t out = make_image_custom(w, h, c);
int count = 0;
for (int k = 0; k < c; ++k) {
for (int i = 0; i < h; ++i) {
int i_step = i*step;
for (int j = 0; j < w; ++j) {[count++] = data[i_step + j*c + k] / 255.;
return out;
static image_t make_empty_image(int w, int h, int c)
image_t out; = 0;
out.h = h;
out.w = w;
out.c = c;
return out;
static image_t make_image_custom(int w, int h, int c)
image_t out = make_empty_image(w, h, c); = (float *)calloc(h*w*c, sizeof(float));
return out;
class Tracker_optflow { public: const int gpu_count; const int gpu_id; const int flow_error;
Tracker_optflow(int _gpu_id = 0, int win_size = 9, int max_level = 3, int iterations = 8000, int _flow_error = -1) :
gpu_count(cv::cuda::getCudaEnabledDeviceCount()), gpu_id(std::min(_gpu_id, gpu_count - 1)),
flow_error((_flow_error > 0) ? _flow_error : (win_size * 4))
int const old_gpu_id = cv::cuda::getDevice();
stream = cv::cuda::Stream();
sync_PyrLKOpticalFlow_gpu = cv::cuda::SparsePyrLKOpticalFlow::create();
sync_PyrLKOpticalFlow_gpu->setWinSize(cv::Size(win_size, win_size)); // 9, 15, 21, 31
sync_PyrLKOpticalFlow_gpu->setMaxLevel(max_level); // +- 3 pt
sync_PyrLKOpticalFlow_gpu->setNumIters(iterations); // 2000, def: 30
// just to avoid extra allocations
cv::cuda::GpuMat src_mat_gpu;
cv::cuda::GpuMat dst_mat_gpu, dst_grey_gpu;
cv::cuda::GpuMat prev_pts_flow_gpu, cur_pts_flow_gpu;
cv::cuda::GpuMat status_gpu, err_gpu;
cv::cuda::GpuMat src_grey_gpu; // used in both functions
cv::Ptr<cv::cuda::SparsePyrLKOpticalFlow> sync_PyrLKOpticalFlow_gpu;
cv::cuda::Stream stream;
std::vector<bbox_t> cur_bbox_vec;
std::vector<bool> good_bbox_vec_flags;
cv::Mat prev_pts_flow_cpu;
void update_cur_bbox_vec(std::vector<bbox_t> _cur_bbox_vec)
cur_bbox_vec = _cur_bbox_vec;
good_bbox_vec_flags = std::vector<bool>(cur_bbox_vec.size(), true);
cv::Mat prev_pts, cur_pts_flow_cpu;
for (auto &i : cur_bbox_vec) {
float x_center = (i.x + i.w / 2.0F);
float y_center = (i.y + i.h / 2.0F);
prev_pts.push_back(cv::Point2f(x_center, y_center));
if (prev_pts.rows == 0)
prev_pts_flow_cpu = cv::Mat();
cv::transpose(prev_pts, prev_pts_flow_cpu);
if (prev_pts_flow_gpu.cols < prev_pts_flow_cpu.cols) {
prev_pts_flow_gpu = cv::cuda::GpuMat(prev_pts_flow_cpu.size(), prev_pts_flow_cpu.type());
cur_pts_flow_gpu = cv::cuda::GpuMat(prev_pts_flow_cpu.size(), prev_pts_flow_cpu.type());
status_gpu = cv::cuda::GpuMat(prev_pts_flow_cpu.size(), CV_8UC1);
err_gpu = cv::cuda::GpuMat(prev_pts_flow_cpu.size(), CV_32FC1);
prev_pts_flow_gpu.upload(cv::Mat(prev_pts_flow_cpu), stream);
void update_tracking_flow(cv::Mat src_mat, std::vector<bbox_t> _cur_bbox_vec)
int const old_gpu_id = cv::cuda::getDevice();
if (old_gpu_id != gpu_id)
if (src_mat.channels() == 3) {
if (src_mat_gpu.cols == 0) {
src_mat_gpu = cv::cuda::GpuMat(src_mat.size(), src_mat.type());
src_grey_gpu = cv::cuda::GpuMat(src_mat.size(), CV_8UC1);
//src_grey_gpu.upload(src_mat, stream); // use BGR
src_mat_gpu.upload(src_mat, stream);
cv::cuda::cvtColor(src_mat_gpu, src_grey_gpu, CV_BGR2GRAY, 1, stream);
if (old_gpu_id != gpu_id)
std::vector<bbox_t> tracking_flow(cv::Mat dst_mat, bool check_error = true)
if (sync_PyrLKOpticalFlow_gpu.empty()) {
std::cout << "sync_PyrLKOpticalFlow_gpu isn't initialized \n";
return cur_bbox_vec;
int const old_gpu_id = cv::cuda::getDevice();
if (old_gpu_id != gpu_id)
if (dst_mat_gpu.cols == 0) {
dst_mat_gpu = cv::cuda::GpuMat(dst_mat.size(), dst_mat.type());
dst_grey_gpu = cv::cuda::GpuMat(dst_mat.size(), CV_8UC1);
//dst_grey_gpu.upload(dst_mat, stream); // use BGR
dst_mat_gpu.upload(dst_mat, stream);
cv::cuda::cvtColor(dst_mat_gpu, dst_grey_gpu, CV_BGR2GRAY, 1, stream);
if (src_grey_gpu.rows != dst_grey_gpu.rows || src_grey_gpu.cols != dst_grey_gpu.cols) {
src_grey_gpu = dst_grey_gpu.clone();
return cur_bbox_vec;
////sync_PyrLKOpticalFlow_gpu.sparse(src_grey_gpu, dst_grey_gpu, prev_pts_flow_gpu, cur_pts_flow_gpu, status_gpu, &err_gpu); // OpenCV 2.4.x
sync_PyrLKOpticalFlow_gpu->calc(src_grey_gpu, dst_grey_gpu, prev_pts_flow_gpu, cur_pts_flow_gpu, status_gpu, err_gpu, stream); // OpenCV 3.x
cv::Mat cur_pts_flow_cpu;, stream);
dst_grey_gpu.copyTo(src_grey_gpu, stream);
cv::Mat err_cpu, status_cpu;, stream);, stream);
std::vector<bbox_t> result_bbox_vec;
if (err_cpu.cols == cur_bbox_vec.size() && status_cpu.cols == cur_bbox_vec.size())
for (size_t i = 0; i < cur_bbox_vec.size(); ++i)
cv::Point2f cur_key_pt =<cv::Point2f>(0, i);
cv::Point2f prev_key_pt =<cv::Point2f>(0, i);
float moved_x = cur_key_pt.x - prev_key_pt.x;
float moved_y = cur_key_pt.y - prev_key_pt.y;
if (abs(moved_x) < 100 && abs(moved_y) < 100 && good_bbox_vec_flags[i])
if (<float>(0, i) < flow_error &&<unsigned char>(0, i) != 0 &&
((float)cur_bbox_vec[i].x + moved_x) > 0 && ((float)cur_bbox_vec[i].y + moved_y) > 0)
cur_bbox_vec[i].x += moved_x + 0.5;
cur_bbox_vec[i].y += moved_y + 0.5;
else good_bbox_vec_flags[i] = false;
else good_bbox_vec_flags[i] = false;
//if(!check_error && !good_bbox_vec_flags[i]) result_bbox_vec.push_back(cur_bbox_vec[i]);
if (old_gpu_id != gpu_id)
return result_bbox_vec;
//#include <opencv2/optflow.hpp>
class Tracker_optflow { public: const int flow_error;
Tracker_optflow(int win_size = 9, int max_level = 3, int iterations = 8000, int _flow_error = -1) :
flow_error((_flow_error > 0) ? _flow_error : (win_size * 4))
sync_PyrLKOpticalFlow = cv::SparsePyrLKOpticalFlow::create();
sync_PyrLKOpticalFlow->setWinSize(cv::Size(win_size, win_size)); // 9, 15, 21, 31
sync_PyrLKOpticalFlow->setMaxLevel(max_level); // +- 3 pt
// just to avoid extra allocations
cv::Mat dst_grey;
cv::Mat prev_pts_flow, cur_pts_flow;
cv::Mat status, err;
cv::Mat src_grey; // used in both functions
cv::Ptr<cv::SparsePyrLKOpticalFlow> sync_PyrLKOpticalFlow;
std::vector<bbox_t> cur_bbox_vec;
std::vector<bool> good_bbox_vec_flags;
void update_cur_bbox_vec(std::vector<bbox_t> _cur_bbox_vec)
cur_bbox_vec = _cur_bbox_vec;
good_bbox_vec_flags = std::vector<bool>(cur_bbox_vec.size(), true);
cv::Mat prev_pts, cur_pts_flow;
for (auto &i : cur_bbox_vec) {
float x_center = (i.x + i.w / 2.0F);
float y_center = (i.y + i.h / 2.0F);
prev_pts.push_back(cv::Point2f(x_center, y_center));
if (prev_pts.rows == 0)
prev_pts_flow = cv::Mat();
cv::transpose(prev_pts, prev_pts_flow);
void update_tracking_flow(cv::Mat new_src_mat, std::vector<bbox_t> _cur_bbox_vec)
if (new_src_mat.channels() == 3) {
cv::cvtColor(new_src_mat, src_grey, CV_BGR2GRAY, 1);
std::vector<bbox_t> tracking_flow(cv::Mat new_dst_mat, bool check_error = true)
if (sync_PyrLKOpticalFlow.empty()) {
std::cout << "sync_PyrLKOpticalFlow isn't initialized \n";
return cur_bbox_vec;
cv::cvtColor(new_dst_mat, dst_grey, CV_BGR2GRAY, 1);
if (src_grey.rows != dst_grey.rows || src_grey.cols != dst_grey.cols) {
src_grey = dst_grey.clone();
return cur_bbox_vec;
if (prev_pts_flow.cols < 1) {
return cur_bbox_vec;
////sync_PyrLKOpticalFlow_gpu.sparse(src_grey_gpu, dst_grey_gpu, prev_pts_flow_gpu, cur_pts_flow_gpu, status_gpu, &err_gpu); // OpenCV 2.4.x
sync_PyrLKOpticalFlow->calc(src_grey, dst_grey, prev_pts_flow, cur_pts_flow, status, err); // OpenCV 3.x
std::vector<bbox_t> result_bbox_vec;
if (err.rows == cur_bbox_vec.size() && status.rows == cur_bbox_vec.size())
for (size_t i = 0; i < cur_bbox_vec.size(); ++i)
cv::Point2f cur_key_pt =<cv::Point2f>(0, i);
cv::Point2f prev_key_pt =<cv::Point2f>(0, i);
float moved_x = cur_key_pt.x - prev_key_pt.x;
float moved_y = cur_key_pt.y - prev_key_pt.y;
if (abs(moved_x) < 100 && abs(moved_y) < 100 && good_bbox_vec_flags[i])
if (<float>(0, i) < flow_error &&<unsigned char>(0, i) != 0 &&
((float)cur_bbox_vec[i].x + moved_x) > 0 && ((float)cur_bbox_vec[i].y + moved_y) > 0)
cur_bbox_vec[i].x += moved_x + 0.5;
cur_bbox_vec[i].y += moved_y + 0.5;
else good_bbox_vec_flags[i] = false;
else good_bbox_vec_flags[i] = false;
//if(!check_error && !good_bbox_vec_flags[i]) result_bbox_vec.push_back(cur_bbox_vec[i]);
prev_pts_flow = cur_pts_flow.clone();
return result_bbox_vec;
class Tracker_optflow {};
cv::Scalar obj_id_to_color(int obj_id) { int const colors[6][3] = { { 1,0,1 },{ 0,0,1 },{ 0,1,1 },{ 0,1,0 },{ 1,1,0 },{ 1,0,0 } }; int const offset = obj_id 123457 % 6; int const color_scale = 150 + (obj_id 123457) % 100; cv::Scalar color(colors[offset][0], colors[offset][1], colors[offset][2]); color *= color_scale; return color; }
class preview_boxes_t { enum { frames_history = 30 }; // how long to keep the history saved
struct preview_box_track_t {
unsigned int track_id, obj_id, last_showed_frames_ago;
bool current_detection;
bbox_t bbox;
cv::Mat mat_obj, mat_resized_obj;
preview_box_track_t() : track_id(0), obj_id(0), last_showed_frames_ago(frames_history), current_detection(false) {}
std::vector<preview_box_track_t> preview_box_track_id;
size_t const preview_box_size, bottom_offset;
bool const one_off_detections;
public: preview_boxes_t(size_t _preview_box_size = 100, size_t _bottom_offset = 100, bool _one_off_detections = false) : preview_box_size(_preview_box_size), bottom_offset(_bottom_offset), one_off_detections(_one_off_detections) {}
void set(cv::Mat src_mat, std::vector<bbox_t> result_vec)
size_t const count_preview_boxes = src_mat.cols / preview_box_size;
if (preview_box_track_id.size() != count_preview_boxes) preview_box_track_id.resize(count_preview_boxes);
// increment frames history
for (auto &i : preview_box_track_id)
i.last_showed_frames_ago = std::min((unsigned)frames_history, i.last_showed_frames_ago + 1);
// occupy empty boxes
for (auto &k : result_vec) {
bool found = false;
// find the same (track_id)
for (auto &i : preview_box_track_id) {
if (i.track_id == k.track_id) {
if (!one_off_detections) i.last_showed_frames_ago = 0; // for tracked objects
found = true;
if (!found) {
// find empty box
for (auto &i : preview_box_track_id) {
if (i.last_showed_frames_ago == frames_history) {
if (!one_off_detections && k.frames_counter == 0) break; // don't show if obj isn't tracked yet
i.track_id = k.track_id;
i.obj_id = k.obj_id;
i.bbox = k;
i.last_showed_frames_ago = 0;
// draw preview box (from old or current frame)
for (size_t i = 0; i < preview_box_track_id.size(); ++i)
// get object image
cv::Mat dst = preview_box_track_id[i].mat_resized_obj;
preview_box_track_id[i].current_detection = false;
for (auto &k : result_vec) {
if (preview_box_track_id[i].track_id == k.track_id) {
if (one_off_detections && preview_box_track_id[i].last_showed_frames_ago > 0) {
preview_box_track_id[i].last_showed_frames_ago = frames_history; break;
bbox_t b = k;
cv::Rect r(b.x, b.y, b.w, b.h);
cv::Rect img_rect(cv::Point2i(0, 0), src_mat.size());
cv::Rect rect_roi = r & img_rect;
if (rect_roi.width > 1 || rect_roi.height > 1) {
cv::Mat roi = src_mat(rect_roi);
cv::resize(roi, dst, cv::Size(preview_box_size, preview_box_size), cv::INTER_NEAREST);
preview_box_track_id[i].mat_obj = roi.clone();
preview_box_track_id[i].mat_resized_obj = dst.clone();
preview_box_track_id[i].current_detection = true;
preview_box_track_id[i].bbox = k;
void draw(cv::Mat draw_mat, bool show_small_boxes = false)
// draw preview box (from old or current frame)
for (size_t i = 0; i < preview_box_track_id.size(); ++i)
auto &prev_box = preview_box_track_id[i];
// draw object image
cv::Mat dst = prev_box.mat_resized_obj;
if (prev_box.last_showed_frames_ago < frames_history &&
dst.size() == cv::Size(preview_box_size, preview_box_size))
cv::Rect dst_rect_roi(cv::Point2i(i * preview_box_size, draw_mat.rows - bottom_offset), dst.size());
cv::Mat dst_roi = draw_mat(dst_rect_roi);
cv::Scalar color = obj_id_to_color(prev_box.obj_id);
int thickness = (prev_box.current_detection) ? 5 : 1;
cv::rectangle(draw_mat, dst_rect_roi, color, thickness);
unsigned int const track_id = prev_box.track_id;
std::string track_id_str = (track_id > 0) ? std::to_string(track_id) : "";
putText(draw_mat, track_id_str, - cv::Point2i(-4, 5), cv::FONT_HERSHEY_COMPLEX_SMALL, 0.9, cv::Scalar(0, 0, 0), 2);
std::string size_str = std::to_string(prev_box.bbox.w) + "x" + std::to_string(prev_box.bbox.h);
putText(draw_mat, size_str, + cv::Point2i(0, 12), cv::FONT_HERSHEY_COMPLEX_SMALL, 0.8, cv::Scalar(0, 0, 0), 1);
if (!one_off_detections && prev_box.current_detection) {
cv::line(draw_mat, + cv::Point2i(preview_box_size, 0),
cv::Point2i(prev_box.bbox.x, prev_box.bbox.y + prev_box.bbox.h),
if (one_off_detections && show_small_boxes) {
cv::Rect src_rect_roi(cv::Point2i(prev_box.bbox.x, prev_box.bbox.y),
cv::Size(prev_box.bbox.w, prev_box.bbox.h));
unsigned int const color_history = (255 * prev_box.last_showed_frames_ago) / frames_history;
color = cv::Scalar(255 - 3 * color_history, 255 - 2 * color_history, 255 - 1 * color_history);
if (prev_box.mat_obj.size() == src_rect_roi.size()) {
cv::rectangle(draw_mat, src_rect_roi, color, thickness);
putText(draw_mat, track_id_str, - cv::Point2i(0, 10), cv::FONT_HERSHEY_COMPLEX_SMALL, 0.8, cv::Scalar(0, 0, 0), 1);
//extern "C" {
/ // C - wrappers YOLODLL_API void create_detector(char const cfg_filename, char const weight_filename, int gpu_id); YOLODLL_API void delete_detector(); YOLODLL_API bbox_t detect_custom(image_t img, float thresh, bool use_mean, int result_size); YOLODLL_API bbox_t detect_resized(image_t img, int init_w, int init_h, float thresh, bool use_mean, int result_size); YOLODLL_API bbox_t detect(image_t img, int result_size); YOLODLL_API image_t load_img(char image_filename); YOLODLL_API void free_img(image_t m);
} // extern "C"
static std::shared_ptr
void create_detector(char const cfg_filename, char const weight_filename, int gpu_id) {
c_detector_ptr = std::make_shared
void delete_detector() { c_detector_ptr.reset(); }
bbox_t detect_custom(image_t img, float thresh, bool use_mean, int result_size) { c_result_vec = static_cast<Detector>(c_detector_ptr.get())->detect(img, thresh, use_mean); result_size = c_result_vec.size(); return; }
bbox_t detect_resized(image_t img, int init_w, int init_h, float thresh, bool use_mean, int result_size) { c_result_vec = static_cast<Detector>(c_detector_ptr.get())->detect_resized(img, init_w, init_h, thresh, use_mean); result_size = c_result_vec.size(); return; }
bbox_t detect(image_t img, int result_size) { return detect_custom(img, 0.24, true, result_size); }
image_t load_img(char image_filename) { return static_cast<Detector>(c_detector_ptr.get())->load_image(image_filename); } void free_img(image_t m) { static_cast<Detector*>(c_detector_ptr.get())->free_image(m); }
this is my .hpp file
Use this code:
Detector detector = Detector(cfg, weight, 0);
detector.nms = 0.45;
image_t img=detector.load_image("dogr.jpg");
vector<bbox_t> vector_b = detector.detect(img, 0.25, false);
It is taken from:
it doesn't work .the value of x is 0 and the value of y is 0 too.
@prety16 Can you show screenshot?
Can you give me your mailbox address? I sent you my DLL and the source code for generating DLL and Weghts and.Cfg files to you.
@AlexeyAB Can you give me your mailbox address? I sent you my DLL and the source code for generating DLL and Weghts and.Cfg files to you.
The same configuration file can be identified successfully by darknet.exe, but it can't be identified in YOLO-CPP-DLL. I don't know where the problem is
When I call ~Detector (), the error shown in the above picture appears
it doesn't work .the value of x is 0 and the value of y is 0 too.
I don't see x=0 or y=0 on the screenshots.
When I call ~Detector (), the error shown in the above picture appears
You shouldn't call ~Detector() explicit.
Use this code:
std::string cfg_file = "cfg/yolov3.cfg";
std::string weights_file = "yolov3.weights";
Detector detector = Detector(cfg, weight, 0);
detector.nms = 0.45;
image_t img=detector.load_image("dogr.jpg");
vector<bbox_t> vector_b = detector.detect(img, 0.25, false);
for (auto &i : vector_b) {
std::cout << "obj_id = " << i.obj_id << ", x = " << i.x << ", y = " << i.y
<< ", w = " << i.w << ", h = " << i.h
<< std::setprecision(3) << ", prob = " << i.prob << std::endl;
I trained a license plate detection network with Yolo,it works well when i used darknet.exe. But when I used the same configuration file and weight to detect the same picture in yolo-cpp-dll, the result was incorrect.