AlexeyAB / darknet

YOLOv4 / Scaled-YOLOv4 / YOLO - Neural Networks for Object Detection (Windows and Linux version of Darknet )
21.65k stars 7.96k forks source link

436.8560 milli-seconds?! Detection is too sloooow! GPU is NOT working? #8438

Open 12343954 opened 2 years ago

12343954 commented 2 years ago

If something doesn’t work for you, then show 2 screenshots:

  1. screenshots of your issue

i used the PS D:\> .\vcpkg install darknet[full]:x64-windows to install darknet successfully! after testing, i found that the detection was too slow! it looks like the GPU isn't speeding up!


BUT, in my yolov3, it's very fast. same machine, same hard devices.

> PS darknet.exe detector test cfg/ yolov3.cfg yolov3.weights  dog.jpg
 CUDA-version: 10010 (11010), cuDNN: 7.6.5, CUDNN_HALF=1, GPU count: 1
 OpenCV version: 4.2.0
 compute_capability = 750, cudnn_half = 1
net.optimized_memory = 0
batch = 1, time_steps = 1, train = 0
   layer   filters  size/strd(dil)      input                output
   0 conv     32       3 x 3/ 1    416 x 416 x   3 ->  416 x 416 x  32 0.299 BF
   1 conv     64       3 x 3/ 2    416 x 416 x  32 ->  208 x 208 x  64 1.595 BF
   2 conv     32       1 x 1/ 1    208 x 208 x  64 ->  208 x 208 x  32 0.177 BF
   3 conv     64       3 x 3/ 1    208 x 208 x  32 ->  208 x 208 x  64 1.595 BF
   4 Shortcut Layer: 1,  wt = 0, wn = 0, outputs: 208 x 208 x  64 0.003 BF
   5 conv    128       3 x 3/ 2    208 x 208 x  64 ->  104 x 104 x 128 1.595 BF
   6 conv     64       1 x 1/ 1    104 x 104 x 128 ->  104 x 104 x  64 0.177 BF
 106 yolo
[yolo] params: iou loss: mse (2), iou_norm: 0.75, cls_norm: 1.00, scale_x_y: 1.00
Total BFLOPS 65.879
avg_outputs = 532444
 Allocate additional workspace_size = 52.43 MB
Loading weights from yolov3.weights...
 seen 64, trained: 32013 K-images (500 Kilo-batches_64)
Done! Loaded 107 layers from weights-file
dog.jpg: Predicted in **17.944000 milli-seconds**.
bicycle: 99%
dog: 100%
truck: 94%
  1. screenshots with such information
PS D:\YOLOv4-W11\vcpkg\installed\x64-windows\tools\darknet> .\darknet detector test .\cfg\ .\cfg\yolov4.cfg .\scripts\yolov4.weights .\data\dog.jpg
 CUDA-version: 11040 (11040), cuDNN: 8.2.4, GPU count: 1
 OpenCV version: 4.5.5
 0 : compute_capability = 750, cudnn_half = 0, GPU: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060
net.optimized_memory = 0
mini_batch = 1, batch = 8, time_steps = 1, train = 0
   layer   filters  size/strd(dil)      input                output
   0 Create CUDA-stream - 0
 Create cudnn-handle 0
conv     32       3 x 3/ 1    608 x 608 x   3 ->  608 x 608 x  32 0.639 BF
   1 conv     64       3 x 3/ 2    608 x 608 x  32 ->  304 x 304 x  64 3.407 BF
   2 conv     64       1 x 1/ 1    304 x 304 x  64 ->  304 x 304 x  64 0.757 BF
   3 route  1                                      ->  304 x 304 x  64
   4 conv     64       1 x 1/ 1    304 x 304 x  64 ->  304 x 304 x  64 0.757 BF
   5 conv     32       1 x 1/ 1    304 x 304 x  64 ->  304 x 304 x  32 0.379 BF
   6 conv     64       3 x 3/ 1    304 x 304 x  32 ->  304 x 304 x  64 3.407 BF
   7 Shortcut Layer: 4,  wt = 0, wn = 0, outputs: 304 x 304 x  64 0.006 BF
   8 conv     64       1 x 1/ 1    304 x 304 x  64 ->  304 x 304 x  64 0.757 BF
   9 route  8 2                                    ->  304 x 304 x 128
  10 conv     64       1 x 1/ 1    304 x 304 x 128 ->  304 x 304 x  64 1.514 BF
  11 conv    128       3 x 3/ 2    304 x 304 x  64 ->  152 x 152 x 128 3.407 BF
  12 conv     64       1 x 1/ 1    152 x 152 x 128 ->  152 x 152 x  64 0.379 BF
  13 route  11                                     ->  152 x 152 x 128
  14 conv     64       1 x 1/ 1    152 x 152 x 128 ->  152 x 152 x  64 0.379 BF
  15 conv     64       1 x 1/ 1    152 x 152 x  64 ->  152 x 152 x  64 0.189 BF
  16 conv     64       3 x 3/ 1    152 x 152 x  64 ->  152 x 152 x  64 1.703 BF
  17 Shortcut Layer: 14,  wt = 0, wn = 0, outputs: 152 x 152 x  64 0.001 BF
  18 conv     64       1 x 1/ 1    152 x 152 x  64 ->  152 x 152 x  64 0.189 BF
  19 conv     64       3 x 3/ 1    152 x 152 x  64 ->  152 x 152 x  64 1.703 BF
  20 Shortcut Layer: 17,  wt = 0, wn = 0, outputs: 152 x 152 x  64 0.001 BF
  21 conv     64       1 x 1/ 1    152 x 152 x  64 ->  152 x 152 x  64 0.189 BF
  22 route  21 12                                  ->  152 x 152 x 128
  23 conv    128       1 x 1/ 1    152 x 152 x 128 ->  152 x 152 x 128 0.757 BF
  24 conv    256       3 x 3/ 2    152 x 152 x 128 ->   76 x  76 x 256 3.407 BF
  25 conv    128       1 x 1/ 1     76 x  76 x 256 ->   76 x  76 x 128 0.379 BF
  26 route  24                                     ->   76 x  76 x 256
  27 conv    128       1 x 1/ 1     76 x  76 x 256 ->   76 x  76 x 128 0.379 BF
  28 conv    128       1 x 1/ 1     76 x  76 x 128 ->   76 x  76 x 128 0.189 BF
  29 conv    128       3 x 3/ 1     76 x  76 x 128 ->   76 x  76 x 128 1.703 BF
  30 Shortcut Layer: 27,  wt = 0, wn = 0, outputs:  76 x  76 x 128 0.001 BF
  31 conv    128       1 x 1/ 1     76 x  76 x 128 ->   76 x  76 x 128 0.189 BF
  32 conv    128       3 x 3/ 1     76 x  76 x 128 ->   76 x  76 x 128 1.703 BF
  33 Shortcut Layer: 30,  wt = 0, wn = 0, outputs:  76 x  76 x 128 0.001 BF
  34 conv    128       1 x 1/ 1     76 x  76 x 128 ->   76 x  76 x 128 0.189 BF
  35 conv    128       3 x 3/ 1     76 x  76 x 128 ->   76 x  76 x 128 1.703 BF
  36 Shortcut Layer: 33,  wt = 0, wn = 0, outputs:  76 x  76 x 128 0.001 BF
  37 conv    128       1 x 1/ 1     76 x  76 x 128 ->   76 x  76 x 128 0.189 BF
  38 conv    128       3 x 3/ 1     76 x  76 x 128 ->   76 x  76 x 128 1.703 BF
  39 Shortcut Layer: 36,  wt = 0, wn = 0, outputs:  76 x  76 x 128 0.001 BF
  40 conv    128       1 x 1/ 1     76 x  76 x 128 ->   76 x  76 x 128 0.189 BF
  41 conv    128       3 x 3/ 1     76 x  76 x 128 ->   76 x  76 x 128 1.703 BF
  42 Shortcut Layer: 39,  wt = 0, wn = 0, outputs:  76 x  76 x 128 0.001 BF
  43 conv    128       1 x 1/ 1     76 x  76 x 128 ->   76 x  76 x 128 0.189 BF
  44 conv    128       3 x 3/ 1     76 x  76 x 128 ->   76 x  76 x 128 1.703 BF
  45 Shortcut Layer: 42,  wt = 0, wn = 0, outputs:  76 x  76 x 128 0.001 BF
  46 conv    128       1 x 1/ 1     76 x  76 x 128 ->   76 x  76 x 128 0.189 BF
  47 conv    128       3 x 3/ 1     76 x  76 x 128 ->   76 x  76 x 128 1.703 BF
  48 Shortcut Layer: 45,  wt = 0, wn = 0, outputs:  76 x  76 x 128 0.001 BF
  49 conv    128       1 x 1/ 1     76 x  76 x 128 ->   76 x  76 x 128 0.189 BF
  50 conv    128       3 x 3/ 1     76 x  76 x 128 ->   76 x  76 x 128 1.703 BF
  51 Shortcut Layer: 48,  wt = 0, wn = 0, outputs:  76 x  76 x 128 0.001 BF
  52 conv    128       1 x 1/ 1     76 x  76 x 128 ->   76 x  76 x 128 0.189 BF
  53 route  52 25                                  ->   76 x  76 x 256
  54 conv    256       1 x 1/ 1     76 x  76 x 256 ->   76 x  76 x 256 0.757 BF
  55 conv    512       3 x 3/ 2     76 x  76 x 256 ->   38 x  38 x 512 3.407 BF
  56 conv    256       1 x 1/ 1     38 x  38 x 512 ->   38 x  38 x 256 0.379 BF
  57 route  55                                     ->   38 x  38 x 512
  58 conv    256       1 x 1/ 1     38 x  38 x 512 ->   38 x  38 x 256 0.379 BF
  59 conv    256       1 x 1/ 1     38 x  38 x 256 ->   38 x  38 x 256 0.189 BF
  60 conv    256       3 x 3/ 1     38 x  38 x 256 ->   38 x  38 x 256 1.703 BF
  61 Shortcut Layer: 58,  wt = 0, wn = 0, outputs:  38 x  38 x 256 0.000 BF
  62 conv    256       1 x 1/ 1     38 x  38 x 256 ->   38 x  38 x 256 0.189 BF
  63 conv    256       3 x 3/ 1     38 x  38 x 256 ->   38 x  38 x 256 1.703 BF
  64 Shortcut Layer: 61,  wt = 0, wn = 0, outputs:  38 x  38 x 256 0.000 BF
  65 conv    256       1 x 1/ 1     38 x  38 x 256 ->   38 x  38 x 256 0.189 BF
  66 conv    256       3 x 3/ 1     38 x  38 x 256 ->   38 x  38 x 256 1.703 BF
  67 Shortcut Layer: 64,  wt = 0, wn = 0, outputs:  38 x  38 x 256 0.000 BF
  68 conv    256       1 x 1/ 1     38 x  38 x 256 ->   38 x  38 x 256 0.189 BF
  69 conv    256       3 x 3/ 1     38 x  38 x 256 ->   38 x  38 x 256 1.703 BF
  70 Shortcut Layer: 67,  wt = 0, wn = 0, outputs:  38 x  38 x 256 0.000 BF
  71 conv    256       1 x 1/ 1     38 x  38 x 256 ->   38 x  38 x 256 0.189 BF
  72 conv    256       3 x 3/ 1     38 x  38 x 256 ->   38 x  38 x 256 1.703 BF
  73 Shortcut Layer: 70,  wt = 0, wn = 0, outputs:  38 x  38 x 256 0.000 BF
  74 conv    256       1 x 1/ 1     38 x  38 x 256 ->   38 x  38 x 256 0.189 BF
  75 conv    256       3 x 3/ 1     38 x  38 x 256 ->   38 x  38 x 256 1.703 BF
  76 Shortcut Layer: 73,  wt = 0, wn = 0, outputs:  38 x  38 x 256 0.000 BF
  77 conv    256       1 x 1/ 1     38 x  38 x 256 ->   38 x  38 x 256 0.189 BF
  78 conv    256       3 x 3/ 1     38 x  38 x 256 ->   38 x  38 x 256 1.703 BF
  79 Shortcut Layer: 76,  wt = 0, wn = 0, outputs:  38 x  38 x 256 0.000 BF
  80 conv    256       1 x 1/ 1     38 x  38 x 256 ->   38 x  38 x 256 0.189 BF
  81 conv    256       3 x 3/ 1     38 x  38 x 256 ->   38 x  38 x 256 1.703 BF
  82 Shortcut Layer: 79,  wt = 0, wn = 0, outputs:  38 x  38 x 256 0.000 BF
  83 conv    256       1 x 1/ 1     38 x  38 x 256 ->   38 x  38 x 256 0.189 BF
  84 route  83 56                                  ->   38 x  38 x 512
  85 conv    512       1 x 1/ 1     38 x  38 x 512 ->   38 x  38 x 512 0.757 BF
  86 conv   1024       3 x 3/ 2     38 x  38 x 512 ->   19 x  19 x1024 3.407 BF
  87 conv    512       1 x 1/ 1     19 x  19 x1024 ->   19 x  19 x 512 0.379 BF
  88 route  86                                     ->   19 x  19 x1024
  89 conv    512       1 x 1/ 1     19 x  19 x1024 ->   19 x  19 x 512 0.379 BF
  90 conv    512       1 x 1/ 1     19 x  19 x 512 ->   19 x  19 x 512 0.189 BF
  91 conv    512       3 x 3/ 1     19 x  19 x 512 ->   19 x  19 x 512 1.703 BF
  92 Shortcut Layer: 89,  wt = 0, wn = 0, outputs:  19 x  19 x 512 0.000 BF
  93 conv    512       1 x 1/ 1     19 x  19 x 512 ->   19 x  19 x 512 0.189 BF
  94 conv    512       3 x 3/ 1     19 x  19 x 512 ->   19 x  19 x 512 1.703 BF
  95 Shortcut Layer: 92,  wt = 0, wn = 0, outputs:  19 x  19 x 512 0.000 BF
  96 conv    512       1 x 1/ 1     19 x  19 x 512 ->   19 x  19 x 512 0.189 BF
  97 conv    512       3 x 3/ 1     19 x  19 x 512 ->   19 x  19 x 512 1.703 BF
  98 Shortcut Layer: 95,  wt = 0, wn = 0, outputs:  19 x  19 x 512 0.000 BF
  99 conv    512       1 x 1/ 1     19 x  19 x 512 ->   19 x  19 x 512 0.189 BF
 100 conv    512       3 x 3/ 1     19 x  19 x 512 ->   19 x  19 x 512 1.703 BF
 101 Shortcut Layer: 98,  wt = 0, wn = 0, outputs:  19 x  19 x 512 0.000 BF
 102 conv    512       1 x 1/ 1     19 x  19 x 512 ->   19 x  19 x 512 0.189 BF
 103 route  102 87                                 ->   19 x  19 x1024
 104 conv   1024       1 x 1/ 1     19 x  19 x1024 ->   19 x  19 x1024 0.757 BF
 105 conv    512       1 x 1/ 1     19 x  19 x1024 ->   19 x  19 x 512 0.379 BF
 106 conv   1024       3 x 3/ 1     19 x  19 x 512 ->   19 x  19 x1024 3.407 BF
 107 conv    512       1 x 1/ 1     19 x  19 x1024 ->   19 x  19 x 512 0.379 BF
 108 max                5x 5/ 1     19 x  19 x 512 ->   19 x  19 x 512 0.005 BF
 109 route  107                                            ->   19 x  19 x 512
 110 max                9x 9/ 1     19 x  19 x 512 ->   19 x  19 x 512 0.015 BF
 111 route  107                                            ->   19 x  19 x 512
 112 max               13x13/ 1     19 x  19 x 512 ->   19 x  19 x 512 0.031 BF
 113 route  112 110 108 107                        ->   19 x  19 x2048
 114 conv    512       1 x 1/ 1     19 x  19 x2048 ->   19 x  19 x 512 0.757 BF
 115 conv   1024       3 x 3/ 1     19 x  19 x 512 ->   19 x  19 x1024 3.407 BF
 116 conv    512       1 x 1/ 1     19 x  19 x1024 ->   19 x  19 x 512 0.379 BF
 117 conv    256       1 x 1/ 1     19 x  19 x 512 ->   19 x  19 x 256 0.095 BF
 118 upsample                 2x    19 x  19 x 256 ->   38 x  38 x 256
 119 route  85                                     ->   38 x  38 x 512
 120 conv    256       1 x 1/ 1     38 x  38 x 512 ->   38 x  38 x 256 0.379 BF
 121 route  120 118                                ->   38 x  38 x 512
 122 conv    256       1 x 1/ 1     38 x  38 x 512 ->   38 x  38 x 256 0.379 BF
 123 conv    512       3 x 3/ 1     38 x  38 x 256 ->   38 x  38 x 512 3.407 BF
 124 conv    256       1 x 1/ 1     38 x  38 x 512 ->   38 x  38 x 256 0.379 BF
 125 conv    512       3 x 3/ 1     38 x  38 x 256 ->   38 x  38 x 512 3.407 BF
 126 conv    256       1 x 1/ 1     38 x  38 x 512 ->   38 x  38 x 256 0.379 BF
 127 conv    128       1 x 1/ 1     38 x  38 x 256 ->   38 x  38 x 128 0.095 BF
 128 upsample                 2x    38 x  38 x 128 ->   76 x  76 x 128
 129 route  54                                     ->   76 x  76 x 256
 130 conv    128       1 x 1/ 1     76 x  76 x 256 ->   76 x  76 x 128 0.379 BF
 131 route  130 128                                ->   76 x  76 x 256
 132 conv    128       1 x 1/ 1     76 x  76 x 256 ->   76 x  76 x 128 0.379 BF
 133 conv    256       3 x 3/ 1     76 x  76 x 128 ->   76 x  76 x 256 3.407 BF
 134 conv    128       1 x 1/ 1     76 x  76 x 256 ->   76 x  76 x 128 0.379 BF
 135 conv    256       3 x 3/ 1     76 x  76 x 128 ->   76 x  76 x 256 3.407 BF
 136 conv    128       1 x 1/ 1     76 x  76 x 256 ->   76 x  76 x 128 0.379 BF
 137 conv    256       3 x 3/ 1     76 x  76 x 128 ->   76 x  76 x 256 3.407 BF
 138 conv    255       1 x 1/ 1     76 x  76 x 256 ->   76 x  76 x 255 0.754 BF
 139 yolo
[yolo] params: iou loss: ciou (4), iou_norm: 0.07, obj_norm: 1.00, cls_norm: 1.00, delta_norm: 1.00, scale_x_y: 1.20
nms_kind: greedynms (1), beta = 0.600000
 140 route  136                                            ->   76 x  76 x 128
 141 conv    256       3 x 3/ 2     76 x  76 x 128 ->   38 x  38 x 256 0.852 BF
 142 route  141 126                                ->   38 x  38 x 512
 143 conv    256       1 x 1/ 1     38 x  38 x 512 ->   38 x  38 x 256 0.379 BF
 144 conv    512       3 x 3/ 1     38 x  38 x 256 ->   38 x  38 x 512 3.407 BF
 145 conv    256       1 x 1/ 1     38 x  38 x 512 ->   38 x  38 x 256 0.379 BF
 146 conv    512       3 x 3/ 1     38 x  38 x 256 ->   38 x  38 x 512 3.407 BF
 147 conv    256       1 x 1/ 1     38 x  38 x 512 ->   38 x  38 x 256 0.379 BF
 148 conv    512       3 x 3/ 1     38 x  38 x 256 ->   38 x  38 x 512 3.407 BF
 149 conv    255       1 x 1/ 1     38 x  38 x 512 ->   38 x  38 x 255 0.377 BF
 150 yolo
[yolo] params: iou loss: ciou (4), iou_norm: 0.07, obj_norm: 1.00, cls_norm: 1.00, delta_norm: 1.00, scale_x_y: 1.10
nms_kind: greedynms (1), beta = 0.600000
 151 route  147                                            ->   38 x  38 x 256
 152 conv    512       3 x 3/ 2     38 x  38 x 256 ->   19 x  19 x 512 0.852 BF
 153 route  152 116                                ->   19 x  19 x1024
 154 conv    512       1 x 1/ 1     19 x  19 x1024 ->   19 x  19 x 512 0.379 BF
 155 conv   1024       3 x 3/ 1     19 x  19 x 512 ->   19 x  19 x1024 3.407 BF
 156 conv    512       1 x 1/ 1     19 x  19 x1024 ->   19 x  19 x 512 0.379 BF
 157 conv   1024       3 x 3/ 1     19 x  19 x 512 ->   19 x  19 x1024 3.407 BF
 158 conv    512       1 x 1/ 1     19 x  19 x1024 ->   19 x  19 x 512 0.379 BF
 159 conv   1024       3 x 3/ 1     19 x  19 x 512 ->   19 x  19 x1024 3.407 BF
 160 conv    255       1 x 1/ 1     19 x  19 x1024 ->   19 x  19 x 255 0.189 BF
 161 yolo
[yolo] params: iou loss: ciou (4), iou_norm: 0.07, obj_norm: 1.00, cls_norm: 1.00, delta_norm: 1.00, scale_x_y: 1.05
nms_kind: greedynms (1), beta = 0.600000
Total BFLOPS 128.459
avg_outputs = 1068395
 Allocate additional workspace_size = 20.36 MB
Loading weights from .\scripts\yolov4.weights...
 seen 64, trained: 32032 K-images (500 Kilo-batches_64)
Done! Loaded 162 layers from weights-file
 Detection layer: 139 - type = 28
 Detection layer: 150 - type = 28
 Detection layer: 161 - type = 28
.\data\dog.jpg: Predicted in 436.856000 milli-seconds.
bicycle: 92%
dog: 98%
truck: 92%
pottedplant: 33%
stephanecharette commented 2 years ago

You say:

BUT, in my yolov3, it's very fast. same machine, same hard devices.

...but is is not the same installation is it? The first one starts with this:

CUDA-version: 10010 (11010), cuDNN: 7.6.5, CUDNN_HALF=1, GPU count: 1 OpenCV version: 4.2.0 compute_capability = 750, cudnn_half = 1

...and the 2nd one starts with this:

CUDA-version: 11040 (11040), cuDNN: 8.2.4, GPU count: 1 OpenCV version: 4.5.5 0 : compute_capability = 750, cudnn_half = 0, GPU: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060

So obviously you have:

All of which were built in different ways. At the very least use the same installed version darknet etc to compare the yolov3 and yolov4 numbers.

On my video card, this is what I get when I compare YOLOv4 and YOLOv3:


./darknet detector test cfg/ cfg/yolov3-tiny.cfg yolov3-tiny.weights data/dog.jpg -dont_show data/dog.jpg: Predicted in 483.695000 milli-seconds.

./darknet detector test cfg/ cfg/yolov4-tiny.cfg yolov4-tiny.weights data/dog.jpg -dont_show data/dog.jpg: Predicted in 482.337000 milli-seconds.


./darknet detector test cfg/ cfg/yolov3.cfg yolov3.weights data/dog.jpg -dont_show data/dog.jpg: Predicted in 499.029000 milli-seconds.

./darknet detector test cfg/ cfg/yolov4.cfg yolov4.weights data/dog.jpg -dont_show data/dog.jpg: Predicted in 511.460000 milli-seconds.

As you can see, the v3 and v4 numbers are nearly identical. You should be getting similar results.

stephanecharette commented 2 years ago

And if you're looking for a faster tool, these are the results using DarkHelp:


DarkHelp cfg/yolov3-tiny.cfg yolov3-tiny.weights data/coco.names data/dog.jpg -> prediction took 3.865 milliseconds

DarkHelp cfg/yolov4-tiny.cfg yolov4-tiny.weights data/coco.names data/dog.jpg -> prediction took 4.755 milliseconds


DarkHelp cfg/yolov3.cfg yolov3.weights data/coco.names data/dog.jpg -> prediction took 16.077 milliseconds

DarkHelp cfg/yolov4.cfg yolov4.weights data/coco.names data/dog.jpg -> prediction took 32.306 milliseconds

12343954 commented 2 years ago

@stephanecharette thank you for reply!

yolo v3 is installed on Windows 10 hard drive. yolo v4 is installed on another Windows 11 hard drive. They are all isolated from each other.

I don't understand why the speed difference between the two is so great.

I only see one place different. yolov3.cudnn_half =1, yolov4.cudnn_half = 0

stephanecharette commented 2 years ago

I only see one place different.

I don't know why you say that. I pointed out all the differences to you above. Let me point them out again:

The first one starts with this:

CUDA-version: 10010 (11010), cuDNN: 7.6.5, CUDNN_HALF=1, GPU count: 1 OpenCV version: 4.2.0 compute_capability = 750, cudnn_half = 1

...and the 2nd one starts with this:

CUDA-version: 11040 (11040), cuDNN: 8.2.4, GPU count: 1 OpenCV version: 4.5.5 0 : compute_capability = 750, cudnn_half = 0, GPU: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060

So you have different hardware, different versions of CUDA, different versions of CUDNN, different versions of OpenCV, different configurations for darknet, and different versions of darknet.

12343954 commented 2 years ago

@stephanecharette , thank you for reply! they are on the same machine, same hard device. just not the same operating system. I don't think the difference in software version can cause such a big difference in results.

stephanecharette commented 2 years ago

I very much disagree. See my blog post on Darknet and FPS. Changes in software alone can make differences from 6.1 FPS to 71.5 FPS:


And on my RTX2070, the difference was even greater, from 5.3 FPS up to 209.7 FPS:



12343954 commented 2 years ago

your 5.3 FPS is under the CPU, not the GPU 177.5 FPS is under the CUDA 209.7 FPS is under the CUDA + cuDNN they are not under the same hard device. so the FPS are great different.

209.7 is more than 177.5,because the cuDNN worked.

my yolov4 ETA is 436.8560 ms, i think GUP or cuDNN acceleration is not turn on,but I have no evidence.

cenit commented 2 years ago

it might be different CMAKE_CUDA_ARCHITECTURES. Please, on both win10 and win11, make sure to have cmake updated to latest version (3.23), update cuda to 11.6 and cudnn to 8.4, then inside vcpkg do a

git pull .\bootstrap-vcpkg.bat .\vcpkg upgrade --no-dry-run to make sure to update darknet everywhere and to compare apples with apples

Then please re-post results :)

12343954 commented 2 years ago

@cenit thanks for reply!

PS D:\darknet\vcpkg\installed\x64-windows\tools\darknet> ./darknet detector test ./cfg/ ./cfg/yolov4.cfg yolov4.weights data/dog.jpg CUDA-version: 11060 (11060), cuDNN: 8.4.0, GPU count: 1 OpenCV version: 4.5.5 0 : compute_capability = 750, cudnn_half = 0, GPU: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060 net.optimized_memory = 0 mini_batch = 1, batch = 8, time_steps = 1, train = 0 layer filters size/strd(dil) input output 0 Create CUDA-stream - 0 Create cudnn-handle 0 conv 32 3 x 3/ 1 608 x 608 x 3 -> 608 x 608 x 32 0.639 BF 1 conv 64 3 x 3/ 2 608 x 608 x 32 -> 304 x 304 x 64 3.407 BF 2 conv 64 1 x 1/ 1 304 x 304 x 64 -> 304 x 304 x 64 0.757 BF 3 route 1 -> 304 x 304 x 64 ... [yolo] params: iou loss: ciou (4), iou_norm: 0.07, obj_norm: 1.00, cls_norm: 1.00, delta_norm: 1.00, scale_x_y: 1.05 nms_kind: greedynms (1), beta = 0.600000 Total BFLOPS 128.459 avg_outputs = 1068395 Allocate additional workspace_size = 18.88 MB Loading weights from yolov4.weights... seen 64, trained: 32032 K-images (500 Kilo-batches_64) Done! Loaded 162 layers from weights-file Detection layer: 139 - type = 28 Detection layer: 150 - type = 28 Detection layer: 161 - type = 28 data/dog.jpg: Predicted in 502.524000 milli-seconds. 😱😱😱 bicycle: 92% dog: 98% truck: 92% pottedplant: 33%

12343954 commented 2 years ago
1 2
richardp4 commented 3 weeks ago
1 2

Hi, I have the same problem. Inference time is too slow even though I set the GPU and CUDNN=1. I think you found the way to turn on the GPU or CUDA. Please let us know the solution. Thanks in advance.

stephanecharette commented 3 weeks ago

Hi, I have the same problem. Inference time is too slow even though I set the GPU and CUDNN=1. I think you found the way to turn on the GPU or CUDA. Please let us know the solution.

The solution I recommend is to use this Darknet/YOLO repo:

The repo you are attempting to use is no longer maintained.