Closed gg-bb closed 1 month ago
As I made a local copy of the pygmtsar (via pip install) I don't know if there is a command to test if the installation dependencies are corrects. I dove into some github forum about "deserialize" issues such as: and tried the solution they came up with without any success.
By the way, Here are the data I used (but I don't think that is relevant since I could produce the interferogram with the latest gmtsar version):
master: S1A_IW_SLC__1SDV_20230903T183344_20230903T183412_050167_0609B4_100E.SAFE aligned: S1A_IW_SLC__1SDV_20230915T183345_20230915T183413_050342_060F9F_85A4.SAFE master eof: S1A_OPER_AUX_POEORB_OPOD_20230923T080643_V20230902T225942_20230904T005942.EOF aligned eof: S1A_OPER_AUX_POEORB_OPOD_20231005T080628_V20230914T225942_20230916T005942.EOF
There are no errors when processing your scenes using the Türkiye_Earthquakes_2023.ipynb notebook. Some bursts are misaligned, but it still works.
Dear Alexey, Thank you for your comment. I believe I figured out what happen.. In fact before installing pygmtsar I wanted to learn more about dask so I installed it via conda and pip. After that, when I installed pygmtsar some conflicted versions of msgpack likely made the code to crash. I found the following thread: (the last comment is of interest) to reinstall dask in a cleaner way. So far so good, I will finish the processing to be sure everything has been fixed before closing the issue. I keep you in touch. Best regards, GB
Please note, PyGMTSAR Docker images can help provide a ready-to-use configuration on any host.
Dear Alexey, It eventually worked, and it is really fast compare to the original version of gmtsar (15 min vs 2h30)! I followed the instructions provided here: - last comment
I will take a closer look to all the pygmtsar features including the docker images you provide. Thank again for all your efforts and for sharing your work with the insar community!
Best Regards,
Good morning, I am processing two Sentinel 1 data (SAFE) in order to compute an interferogram. I have the dem.grd and the orbit files in the wdir\topo and wdir\raw directories (data tested with gmtsar and it works). I run a Turkey_Earthquake example based script to process the data but It raised a critical error that I can't solve (I am not very familiar with the dask library). My pygmtsar version is 2024.8.30.post3, I updated my anaconda env to the latest version.
Any help would be very appreciated Have a nice day. config: Ubuntu 22.04.5 LTS Intel® Xeon(R) Silver 4110 CPU @ 2.10GHz × 32 Ram: 64 Go
Here is my script:
Everything seems to work fine until the compute_geocode step. It returns the following error message: