Alexofp / BDCC

Text based game about being a prisoner in a space prison with a lot of adult themes. Working title is Broken Dreams Correctional Center or BDCC for short. Test the latest version here: (could be unstable)
MIT License
126 stars 41 forks source link

Merge with NSMOD #24

Closed NSWIP closed 1 year ago

NSWIP commented 1 year ago

Reworked the Cum Capacity and Cum Production formulas. Added an options subsection to customize the reworked formulas. Only minor .gitignore file issues on my side.

NSWIP commented 1 year ago

I don't mind the better formulas if you maybe provide some before/after values and give your thoughts about the reasons. I dunno if giving the player control over the capacity through the game's settings is a good idea. Why do I think like that? I kinda wanted to give the player some perks that raise their capacity/production. But if they can just change the values through the options, these perks will suddenly become useless. Hope you understand what I mean. I suggest removing the options and just making the default values/formulas balanced to most people's likings. I will add those perks when I get to them x3 Lots of other tasks for now

But thank you for figuring this whole github thing out ^^. Sorry if I sound grumpy

No worries man, I'm gonna look into the game files some more and make some balance changes. Maybe a new item/pill that increases the cum capacity and cum production for the character that consumes it, also it would be stackable. I could change it so the options to change the formulas would be in the Debug/Cheat panel.