Alexpux / Qt-builds

Scripts for building Qt-5.x
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Build documentations #5

Closed bratao closed 11 years ago

bratao commented 11 years ago

Thanks for this awesome script. One minor issue is the documentations. The option to build the documentations would be avaliable.

Alexpux commented 11 years ago

Now I have issues with build documentation. I post bug to developers

bratao commented 11 years ago

I know that this is ultra hackish, but I'm able to generate usable docs by putting this in pkg_install on scenarios add: cd $BUILD_DIR/$P-$QT_VERSION export PATH=$BUILD_DIR/$P-$QT_VERSION/gnuwin32/bin:/c/QtSDK/Qt32-5.0.1/bin:$MINGW_PART_PATH:$WINDOWS_PART_PATH:$MSYS_PART_PATH mingw32-make -j8 docs

git clone --branch master git:// qtdesktopcomponents
cd qtdesktopcomponents
qmake -r
mingw32-make -j8
mingw32-make -j8 docs
mingw32-make -j8 install
Alexpux commented 11 years ago

Now documentation for Qt5 generated and installed properly.