The current version of jnxlibc that core is using actually has a bug that tripped up one of the peerstore tests.
I've fixed it in jnxlibc repo (you'll see a pull request), but there were too many commits since we last synced jnxlibc (about 15 if I remember correctly) so I didn't dare apply it to whisper-core yet.
I just fixed up the test in whisper-core by changing the usernames.
The current version of jnxlibc that core is using actually has a bug that tripped up one of the peerstore tests.
I've fixed it in jnxlibc repo (you'll see a pull request), but there were too many commits since we last synced jnxlibc (about 15 if I remember correctly) so I didn't dare apply it to whisper-core yet.
I just fixed up the test in whisper-core by changing the usernames.