AlexsLemonade / OpenPBTA-analysis

The analysis repository for the Open Pediatric Brain Tumor Atlas Project
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Key resources supplementary table #1289

Closed sjspielman closed 2 years ago

sjspielman commented 2 years ago

This PR addresses this OpenPBTA-manuscript issue and Key Resources table for software. Per this comment, this table needs to be supplementary (not embedded in Methods) since there are > 10, so I'm filing in this repository where the supplementary tables are tracked.

An excel file was compiled with 4 sheets:

Questions for reviewers

jharenza commented 2 years ago

Does anyone know where to track down the versions of tools used in the workflows? Similarly are there tools used in the workflows that are not described in the README that need to be added?

@migbro can you please help with this? We are trying to wrap up the manuscript. Thank you!

migbro commented 2 years ago

Hmmm, sure can you give me a list of what is missing? I feel like most tools have a version, but in looking at those linux dependencies, that's really getting down in the weeds there. Those depend mostly on the defaults of the base image - like ubuntu18.04 vs 16.04, know what I mean?

migbro commented 2 years ago

I see a mention of " This was compiled based on information in that repo's README, but some tool versions are not provided so they are marked "UNKNOWN" in the spreadsheet," but I don't see that sheet.

jharenza commented 2 years ago

Oops, it is here:

but @sjspielman can you change the extension to .xlsx

jharenza commented 2 years ago


@migbro - looks like MENDQC, VEP, bcftools

sjspielman commented 2 years ago

but @sjspielman can you change the extension to .xlsx

Oh boy that's quite the typo I made in there copying this file over!!

migbro commented 2 years ago

I've updated the sheet with software versions. Just a couple notes:

sjspielman commented 2 years ago

Thanks, @migbro !

sjspielman commented 2 years ago

I know the R package output is minimal code, but perhaps worth adding that to this script so we have the date run/output record.

Great idea! I'll write this to create sheet 1 and note remaining sheets are manual.

I'll change the file name for consistency, too.

jaclyn-taroni commented 2 years ago

I'll plan to look when the R code makes it into the table notebook. Please mention me when you're ready 😄

sjspielman commented 2 years ago

@jaclyn-taroni I updated this code so the table is entirely produced from the output_tables.Rmd notebook. A lot of this is manual data frames, but still much more reproducible than manually entered into an Excel.

sjspielman commented 2 years ago

@jaclyn-taroni Given the match between requirements.txt and Dockerfile, I ended up parsing the file directly. I think it makes sense to keep requirements.txt if only for others to use the file, if they want.