Alexustas / Props-requests

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Number displays #11

Closed DeputyLOL closed 8 years ago

DeputyLOL commented 8 years ago

Now we have dials to select numbers. We need something nice to display them on! autopilot If possible, could they have the orange background and bright orange, digital style numbers? They would also go blank when a certain variable either met or not met.

DeputyLOL commented 8 years ago

yeah, good idea. Have the 'degree' look like it is part of the other numbers. (remove line inbetween 0 and degree and add the faint grey lines underneath the degree.

Alexustas commented 8 years ago
  "Have the 'degree' look like it is part of the other numbers. (remove line inbetween 0 and degree"

I'm afraid I do not understand what you mean

DeputyLOL commented 8 years ago

Sorry. You see the faint 8s to the left that signify that the number is not currently illuminated. Have that effect on the degree symbol. (bright circle on top, dim circle on bottom)

As for the line, I was referring to the thin white line inbetween the 0 and degree

Alexustas commented 8 years ago

ah, it's ok. it's just quick sketch. not a final look )) i forgot to put dark-grey "8" behind "degree", sorry

Alexustas commented 8 years ago

that's better? )) bandicam 2015-10-13 03-13-48-765

DeputyLOL commented 8 years ago


Alexustas commented 8 years ago

Do you need two seperate COURSE display and dials or only one?

DeputyLOL commented 8 years ago

in real planes there are 2 and they are separate. I personally don't need a second one. The course selector is a little useless in KSP, as it is basically heading that takes into account any crosswinds.... KSP doesn't have wind. Others might want a second one though.

Alexustas commented 8 years ago


Alexustas commented 8 years ago

Bo-oo-m! I got it! ))

Alexustas commented 8 years ago

DeputyLOL commented 8 years ago

that looks perfect. sorry I have been a bit quiet recently, work was starting to mount up.

Alexustas commented 8 years ago

i need clean up something and then I will upload all MCP stuff

DeputyLOL commented 8 years ago


Alexustas commented 8 years ago

MCP Displays:

edti URLs, or put "EFIS_MCP_Display" into "\GameData\ASET\ASET_Props\Instruments\"

Alexustas commented 8 years ago


Alexustas commented 8 years ago

Rotary wheel for V/S - G/S adjust:

DeputyLOL commented 8 years ago

SO MANY NEW THINGS FOR TESTING :smiley: (btw you misspelt glide slope in the page text file for the V/S G/S screen, you spelt it glidesplope) I corrected it in my setup

Alexustas commented 8 years ago

oh, thanks. typo - it's my constant problem ((

Alexustas commented 8 years ago

btw, i can make inscriptions (or labels, or signs, or... how it's called in English?) for MCP. It's will be seperate polygonal texts props. ALTITUDE, COURSE, HEADING etc. in same style like "BANK" on the "heading" dial and "DN <----> UP"

Alexustas commented 8 years ago

bandicam 2015-10-13 23-28-35-028

DeputyLOL commented 8 years ago

yes please. my cockpit display is a different shape to yours so is it possible to have the lines and lables as separate props.

DeputyLOL commented 8 years ago

Thinking about it, maybe better to just have a configurable lable prop

Alexustas commented 8 years ago

hmmm. i can make prop like "SmallLabelPlate" but with small clearance between text and plate bandicam 2015-10-14 00-07-07-621

DeputyLOL commented 8 years ago

yes please.

Alexustas commented 8 years ago

I hope you understand my idea. I find it hard to describe in words

DeputyLOL commented 8 years ago

yeah I understand it. Its going to be fiddly in unity, but I think it could work well.

Alexustas commented 8 years ago

yes, you can't see the text itself in Unity, this is not very convenient. What's why i've maked lables with plates underneath.

But you will be able to see text origin and scale, and you get a configurable label without any background. I do not have any other ideas how to do this

Alexustas commented 8 years ago

I need to think about how to make this process as easy as possible

Alexustas commented 8 years ago

it seems I came up with how to do this

DeputyLOL commented 8 years ago

I sense a diagram....

Alexustas commented 8 years ago

No, the diagram is not much help here. ksp reders internals and props only if they placed in a specific Unity layer. if i take a regular labelPlate prop and place them in the "wrong" layer, you stiil be able to see it (and click it and moved etc) in Unity editor, but it not be rendered in KSP

Alexustas commented 8 years ago

but your text of course will be rendered ))

DeputyLOL commented 8 years ago

that's good then

Alexustas commented 8 years ago


Alexustas commented 8 years ago

Yes! it's work. you can just replace mu-model and you will get all your label w/o background. but of course, you need to change a color of text

DeputyLOL commented 8 years ago

is it possible to have the labels 'light up'? currently, all the labels of all your props can be 'on' (white) or 'off' (dark grey). can the labels be white when off and a brighter glowing white when on?

Alexustas commented 8 years ago

no. the stock module used for labels. it's hardcoded by squad and it's not glowing if only black. And i hate it for this. what's why i've maked BLACK text oon white plate.

DeputyLOL commented 8 years ago

hmmmm.... would the text be colour configurable?

Alexustas commented 8 years ago

MOARdv mentioned about the problem: "Short answer, no. It's using a KSP object that doesn't provide any font control (font, justification, etc). That may change when KSP 1.1 drops and we have to deal with the side-effects of Unity 5." here:

DeputyLOL commented 8 years ago


Alexustas commented 8 years ago
 "hmmmm.... would the text be colour configurable?"

everything will work exactly the same as in the SmallLabelPlate but the plate itself will be invisible (in game)

DeputyLOL commented 8 years ago

that's ok then

Alexustas commented 8 years ago

I've added transforms for text to the all MCP displays


bandicam 2015-10-14 13-00-14-432

Alexustas commented 8 years ago


DeputyLOL commented 8 years ago

I'm having an issue with the vertspeed and glideslope display. It is meant to switch between showing 2 separate variables.

The vertical speed mode works fine, the glide slope mode doesn't. It appears as a white and black box. Any ideas?

DeputyLOL commented 8 years ago

nevermind fixed it. I was still using the type version and forgot to change the textfile name in the monitor config.