Alexustas / Props-requests

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'Classic' Instruments #21

Open DeputyLOL opened 8 years ago

DeputyLOL commented 8 years ago

While I wait for some features from RPM, I'm working on the 'backup' instruments in my cockpit. There's an instrument called an RMI (Radio Magnetic Indicator). Basically a compass with arrows on it: image What I want it to do isn't in RPM yet so we don't need this one soon. But i'll give you a quick explanation. The back of the instrument is a compass. The thin black arrow points towards your current waypoint. (not in rpm yet) The thick white arrow gives you the bearing of next waypoint from the current waypoint. (not in rpm) The red flags with arrows means that there is either no current waypoint (both flags visible) or no next waypoint (white flag visible). (or there is a failure) The heading flag means that the compass is not working or wrong. Not really sure what the 2 dials at the bottom would do.

Let me know what you think.

DeputyLOL commented 8 years ago

I was also wondering if you could make a small display for me to put a stand by AHI. image The + and - buttons are brightness control. Ignore the rest of the buttons.

DeputyLOL commented 8 years ago

ok, ignore the digital AHI for now. I'm going with classic standby gauges. Could you make this? image Basically, altitude on the top. Airspeed is the horizontal strip.

Alexustas commented 8 years ago

Could you make this?

of course

DeputyLOL commented 8 years ago

Thanks, what about the RMI?

Alexustas commented 8 years ago

yes, it also will be done, but currantly i'm working on TQ,

DeputyLOL commented 8 years ago

ok, I was thinking that it might be best to include more classic instruments that you could maybe add to your avionics pack. They are a lot like yours except most of them have a number readout, like your fuel gauge. Altimeter: image Airspeed: image (notice that it doesn't go below 60knots) You don't need to work on them now, I just wanted to put this idea down while I'm thinking about, because I will forget otherwise.

MOARdV commented 8 years ago

Something else to put on the Classic instruments wish-list - an analog clock. I think you can use the ASET_Altimeter model with a MODEL { } node to change textures to make it an analog clock. Maybe the face of the dial is still divided into 12 partitions (like an Earth clock), but the hours are only on every other 'big' tick, so "3 o'clock" is the bottom of the dial, "6 o'clock" is on the top, and there are ticks every 1/2 hour.

I will need to create a new variable to report UTSECS with only the hours, minutes, and seconds for the clock to work without things being messy. (Maybe a variable TIMEOFDAYSECS)

Alexustas commented 8 years ago

I will need to create a new variable to report UTSECS with only the hours, minutes, and seconds for the clock to work

Ohh! You just read my mind. )) I was about to make a request exactly in occasion analog clock

MOARdV commented 8 years ago

Variable TIMEOFDAYSECS is in the dev build on DropBox. That build also includes trim control options (neutralize trim, and set trim on each axis).

Alexustas commented 8 years ago

Ok. thank you! the only one question - how to make an analog clock suitable for both modes ( 6 and 24 hours)

MOARdV commented 8 years ago

how to make an analog clock suitable for both modes ( 6 and 24 hours)

You need two props, I think (or different textures, at least) with different scales (12 hour clock for Earth, with the animation set up so the hour hand circles twice, and 6 hour clock for Kerbin). I think this is one case where it is hard to make one prop that is suitable for both.

Alexustas commented 8 years ago

I'm going to do two scales (one under the other), and switch between them depending on the value of the variable ISONKERBINTIME. And I want to use MATH and SELECT to animate hour hand

MOARdV commented 8 years ago

Ah, of course. Why make two simple props when you can make one slightly more complex, but much more versatile prop.

Alexustas commented 8 years ago

I had the idea to do not only clock but also a timer. )

What is my plan. When the player presses the "start" button , current UTSECS value is transferred to the Persistent_ and then we subtract that value from the current value of UTSECS.

the difference between the current value of the UTSECS variable and stored in a persistent - that is what we need.

But I read the wiki, and realized that the 'transfer' feature is used only in conjunction with the plug-ins. right?

DeputyLOL commented 8 years ago

I think the transfer should be able to be used with other persistents. I might have already asked MOARdv about this. That would be very helpful when creating automated systems.

MOARdV commented 8 years ago

But I read the wiki, and realized that the 'transfer' feature is used only in conjunction with the plug-ins. right?

No, a "get" transfer can load any variable into a persistent:

    getVariable = SELECT_MOARdV_ALTITUDE
    perPodPersistenceName = SETALTITUDE

Loads variable in SELECT_MOARdV_ALTITUDE into PERSISTENT_SETALTITUDE (stateVariable controls whether the transfer is allowed, or if it is blocked - it can be left off if the transfer always happens).

Alexustas commented 8 years ago

@MOARdV what am I doing wrong?

I have switcher:

PROP { name = swTumbler2_TimerStart MODULE { name = JSIActionGroupSwitch animationName = TumblerAnim switchTransform = TumblerBase actionName = dummy switchSound = ASET/ASET_Props/Sounds/Tumbler3
TRANSFERACTION { getVariable = UTSECS perPodPersistenceName = TIMERSTARTTIME } } ... }

Math variable:


sourceVariable = UTSECS sourceVariable = PERSISTENT_TIMERSTARTTIME }

And variable "PERSISTENT_TIMERSTARTTIME" is always "-1"

(RPM 0.24.0)

MOARdV commented 8 years ago

It looks like actionName = dummy -> actionName = transfer

Alexustas commented 8 years ago

ohh. Thank you! it's work

Alexustas commented 8 years ago

and I even got to make a timer control with a single button. Start -> Stop -> Reset

MOARdV commented 8 years ago

and I even got to make a timer control with a single button. Start -> Stop -> Reset

!!! How? That is awesome.

Alexustas commented 8 years ago

Oh. I'm afraid I can not give a normal explanation in English. I will only say that it is a mixture of animated colliders, numeric input and regular actionGroupSwitch with "transfer" action

2015-11-16 10-54-01-497

MOARdV commented 8 years ago

Oh. I'm afraid I can not give a normal explanation in English. I will only say that it is a mixture of animated colliders, numeric input and regular actionGroupSwitch with "transfer" action

Ah, okay. I'll look at the config file when it's ready and see if I can infer how it works. That is still brilliant.

Alexustas commented 8 years ago

i still need to test it with Earth TIme, but with Kerbin time all work fine

MOARdV commented 8 years ago

That is great looking. I like that you have the ratchet effect on the second hand of the timer - very nice touch.

What are the props above the clock (looks like warning lamps?). I've been looking for something like that for an aircraft cockpit, so I don't have to keep editing textures for the tablo models.

Alexustas commented 8 years ago

That is great looking. I like that you have the ratchet effect on the second hand of the timer - very nice touch.

I actually did not do this effect. The MATH_ variable that I use is updated once per second and gives an integer.


sourceVariable = UTSECS sourceVariable = PERSISTENT_TIMERSTARTTIME }

And I just tested the clock on Earth time. Second hand of timer jumps on two seconds every two seconds and variable updated once per 2 seconds with 2 seconds step

Alexustas commented 8 years ago

What are the props above the clock (looks like warning lamps?). I've been looking for something like that for an aircraft cockpit, so I don't have to keep editing textures for the tablo models.

Yes, not so long ago, I did a universal "retro" warning light and the universal "retro" button. both have a clear light-gray background and transforms to add text label through config. Warning light also can light up with white, yellow, red and green light on your choice.

Alexustas commented 8 years ago

Timer on Earth time issue video

Alexustas commented 8 years ago

Also, I made a speed indicator with 4 modes:

2015-11-17 03-12-13-306

And "Phase/Ejection Angle" indicator with 3-point tumble switch to select modes, and "RNDZ Radar Signal Strenght" indicator, that is used the variable TARGETANGLEDEV

2015-11-17 03-12-33-139

MOARdV commented 8 years ago

"RNDZ Radar Signal Strenght"

Should be "Strength". :)

I like the phase angle dial - I was trying to think of how to do something like that.

I did a universal "retro" warning light and the universal "retro" button

Is this in the ASET Props? Or is it not officially released yet?

Alexustas commented 8 years ago

Should be "Strength". :)

oh, thanks. I will correct it

Is this in the ASET Props? Or is it not officially released yet?

No. None of these props have not yet released. I have yet to finish a few things before the release. and I need to decide to release this set separately, or include it in the basic ASET_props package.

Also, complex devices such as FDAI and DSKY definitely need a user's manual. and that is always a big problem for me ((

Alexustas commented 8 years ago

And what can you say about this issue?

MOARdV commented 8 years ago

Also, complex devices such as FDAI and DSKY definitely need a user's manual. and that is always a big problem for me ((

I can help with that. I can work on the documentation, and then have my wife tell me if it makes sense. :)

And what can you say about this issue?

I will find out.

Alexustas commented 8 years ago

"Retro" button: DL:

"Retro" Warning Light DL:

MOARdV commented 8 years ago

And what can you say about this issue?

This is caused by the way persistent variables are stored. For some reason, C# is losing precision on the value when converting it to a string (that can be saved in the file). In my save game, in KSP Year 13, it is an eight second interval. I will see what I can do about fixing it.

Alexustas commented 8 years ago

ASET Clock/Timer prop DL:

MOARdV commented 8 years ago

And what can you say about this issue?

I found the problem. Fix is on DropBox.

DeputyLOL commented 8 years ago

Was this ever released?

Also, I made a speed indicator with 4 modes: •AUTO, uses current state of the global FlightUI speed display mode •and direct selection of Surface, Orbital and Relative Target speed modes

I like the idea of that kind of gauge and I think I could use it as a cabin altitude gauge.

Alexustas commented 8 years ago

So I made a new, more realistic altimeter. it works only in the atmosphere when the pressure of 0.000001 to 4 atmospheres

MOARdV commented 8 years ago

So I made a new, more realistic altimeter. it works only in the atmosphere when the pressure of 0.000001 to 4 atmospheres

I like it. Much nicer than the config-file modified ASET altimeter I have (it stops working outside the atmosphere).

Alexustas commented 8 years ago

You all know my huge problems with the English language. so help me, please.

I want to make the aircraft display, showing estimated remaining time of the flight and distance, based on the amount of fuel remaining and current fuel consumption. it will be a simple one-line LСD display with modes switch . First - time mode (YYYY), the second - distances (ZZZZZ).

2016-07-07 14-14-19-254

What captions should I do for modes and for the name of this instrument? it should be short but understandable terms.

MOARdV commented 8 years ago

What captions should I do for modes and for the name of this instrument? it should be short but understandable terms.

Good question. Let me see if I can find some ideas. I know modern automobiles have a "range to empty" display that usually shows up as "Distance to E", but the first time I saw it, I thought it was telling me there was something east of the auto.

Alexustas commented 8 years ago

FAR call it "Est.Endurance" and "Est.Range"

MOARdV commented 8 years ago

I think Endurance and Range are good for YYYY and ZZZZ. XXXX should have "Fuel" in the name, maybe "Fuel Remaining"

theonegalen commented 8 years ago

Perhaps "Fuel Time Remaining?"