Alexustas / Props-requests

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Vokshod / Soyuz "Globus" IMP #31

Open MOARdV opened 8 years ago

MOARdV commented 8 years ago


Displays latitude and longitude on the two rotating cylinders on top (similar to stock compass). Also rotates the sphere so that current crosshairs are over the current latitude and longitude.

For KSP:

What I have to do for it to work:

What do you think?

Alexustas commented 8 years ago

What do you think?

I think you have found a way to read my thoughts at a distance. and I am a little scared. :-D

But seriously, I have a few days meditate on a similar device. But I was confused by one thing - what do we do with the texture of Kerbin when we arrive, for example, to Dune? we can switch the texture, yes, but it will be a real powerful magic!

Alexustas commented 8 years ago

I started to invent my own instrument :-)

This device uses the same principle of operation. as with the ARRT. film depicting the planets maps rewound back and forth using the step motors

a very bright light source with a mirror (or other method) projects a point indicating the current position of the spacecraft

navindicator-01 navindicator-02

MOARdV commented 8 years ago

I think you have found a way to read my thoughts at a distance. and I am a little scared. :-D

:-D Or we both are working on IVAs, and we both say "Hey, I need this instrument!" at the same time.

I started to invent my own instrument :-)

I thought of a similar instrument, only instead of a light point, it had two arms that moved, similar to the x-pointer. I like the light point. Plus, this instrument does not require a special new plugin. Although maybe the film roll does? Oh, that can be animated too, and if all of the maps are on a single texture atlas, only one texture is needed (and I don't have to extract textures from SCANsat). I like it!

Alexustas commented 8 years ago

Film rolling can be done with Texture shift mode of JSIVariableAnimator More appropriate would have been JSICallbackAnimator module, because of switching map in demand is very rare, but it does not have mahRateChange parameter, so the maps will switch instantly.

Alexustas commented 8 years ago

two arms that moved, similar to the x-pointer.

I decided to use a lightpoint , instead of the mechanical pointer because the pointer is required to a rounded screen, like a X-Pointer. But films need flat screen

Alexustas commented 8 years ago

and I don't have to extract textures from SCANsat

I think of how it is possible to use this interesting web resource

MOARdV commented 8 years ago

I think of how it is possible to use this interesting web resource

I remember that site! It has been a long time since I visited it, and I forgot where it was. I wonder if it is possible to download small maps from it?

Alexustas commented 8 years ago

for which celestial bodies I have to make a texture for Globe? for all of them? we have 17 celestial bodies in total

MOARdV commented 8 years ago

I was thinking about the texture. Do you think a texture atlas will work, and use a variable animator to move the map image? The textures do not need to be very big - 512 x 256 may be the biggest we need unless you zoom in very close, and a 2k x 2k texture can fit 32 images at 512 x 256 (although that wastes a lot of atlas space, unless it can be used for the prop, also). It does not need to be very high-quality map. I can also see if I can find a way to create the textures using the KSP database, unless you have an easy way to do that.

Alexustas commented 8 years ago

the first thing we need to do is decide on the design of this device. I build IMP Globe or I build a film projector?

I would prefer a IMP, it is more historically authentic and easier to do, but I do not really like "magical" change of texture maps when changing current body ... I'm confused

MOARdV commented 8 years ago

I like the IMP Globe, also. I rarely send manned craft out of Kerbin orbit (maybe Mun and Minmus), so having only a Kerbin globe is okay. If I want to go farther away from Kerbin, I will use a glass cockpit with many MFDs.

Alexustas commented 8 years ago

well, then I'll make two instruments: the coordinate gauge (1) and the "Globus" (2) 2016-07-26 04-14-32-163

Alexustas commented 8 years ago

btw )

MOARdV commented 8 years ago

Video marked private, can't watch :/

Alexustas commented 8 years ago

oh, sorry. try again

MOARdV commented 8 years ago

That is pretty cool. Does it use an atlas for the maps?

Alexustas commented 8 years ago

2016-07-26 19-02-10-353

Alexustas commented 8 years ago


2016-07-26 19-27-30-169

"Globus" IMP navigation instrument

MOARdV commented 8 years ago

I like it!

Alexustas commented 8 years ago

and the second prop

MOARdV commented 8 years ago

Very cool! I like the separate props, too. It makes it easy to place the lat/lon display in a different place than the globe. Although I think I will have to rearrange my IVA to make room for it where it can be seen. :)

Alexustas commented 8 years ago

and finally I decided to make a CRT display for the "historical" cockpit. only for target management and (in addition) external cameras

MOARdV commented 8 years ago

That is similar to what I did in the Yarbrough "retro" IVA - I did not use a green CRT display, but I did use the retro buttons for mode select buttons.

DeputyLOL commented 8 years ago

and finally I decided to make a CRT display for the "historical" cockpit. only for target management and (in addition) external cameras

Please release this, I wanted to make a 'classic' version of my cockpit.

Alexustas commented 8 years ago

So here the most recent version of ASET stuff:

Please notice ! Many props have been fundamentally reworked. eg "TabloIndicator", "SwitchRotary", "ASET_B-Knob", "IndicatorADV", "Primitives"...

Almost all instruments are using now 'Callback' and 'JSILabel' modules

MOARdV commented 8 years ago

That is a very clever change to SwitchRotary - it is a more complex config, but much easier model since you don't need a whole new model for each switch.

EDIT: By the way, the IMP + coordinate gauge is brilliant. I have already installed it in my Yarbrough IVA, although I think I need to rearrange the IVA again to make it easier to access.

DeputyLOL commented 8 years ago

Ahhh!!! Why did I have to be in France with no wifi when you drop this!?!?! Whyyyyyy!!!!!!!!

theonegalen commented 8 years ago

I'm having a slight visual problem with some of the new classic avionics instruments. The Electric Output gauge reads "Brake Force" even after I changed the cfg to point to the correct texture, and the Engine Temperature gauge is labeled Skin Temperature in a similar manner.

DeputyLOL commented 8 years ago

There is a problem with the Boeing Cross feed prop. It doesn't appear in IVA and then my cockpit randomly explodes when flying because it's collided with the cross feed prop.

DeputyLOL commented 8 years ago

Also could I make a request for a CRT screen with no buttons? Like the one seen in a 737 classic or an Airbus A310?

Alexustas commented 8 years ago

IVA and then my cockpit randomly explodes

Oh! I'm sorry, I forgot to reassign the correct layer

DeputyLOL commented 8 years ago

No problem. Thank you!

MOARdV commented 8 years ago

Two comments on IMP, now that I've flown it a few orbits around Kerbin:

1) The "LAT" and "LONG" captions are not illuminated, and therefore hard to see without an external light.

2) The center line on the gauge is invisible when the longitude is east (black center line, black background). Could this be emissive / not black?

Other than these two minor things, the IMP is very, very good. I will make some screen shots when I am done changing my IVA.

Alexustas commented 8 years ago

(black center line, black background).

Wait, Black? It must be RED

2016-08-12 12-11-38-458

when the longitude is east (black center line, black background).

Black half of scale (left side) must be WEST and white - is EAST. as previously shown in the sketch I have got it wrong in the settings?

to get backlight right now add the following modules in the config

        name = JSICallbackAnimator
        variableName = CUSTOM_ASET_IMP_BACKLIGHT


            coloredObject = ASET_IMP_LLG_MARK_Obj
            passiveColor = 0,0,0,255
            scale = 0.5,1.1
            coloredObject = ASET_IMP_LLG_Body_Obj
            passiveColor = 0,0,0,255
            scale = 0.5,1.1
MOARdV commented 8 years ago

Black half of scale (left side) must be WEST and white - is EAST. as previously shown in the sketch I have got it wrong in the settings?

No, I got it wrong. I think WEST and I write EAST.


Wait, Black? It must be RED

Ah, it is red (I checked in Unity). But is hard to read without lights, and it is in a dark location, so it is hard to see. I will add the extra values to the config and see if that helps.

Alexustas commented 8 years ago

I will add the extra values to the config and see if that helps.

I've already check it. everything is working properly

2016-08-12 19-05-51-962

DeputyLOL commented 8 years ago

It may just be me but the bolt props aren't showing up in game, they do show up in unity. The other screw props work perfectly.

Alexustas commented 8 years ago

bolt props aren't showing up in game

oh, wrong layer again. Sorry ((

DeputyLOL commented 8 years ago


InsaneDruid commented 7 years ago

Nice display, but in my humble opinion (to be more historically accurate even if a bit harder to read) the globe should not "pan" the map under the cross hair. Currently, the globe spins around a vertical and horizontal axis (in regard to the imp device itself, lets call them Y (vertical/up down) and X (horizontal/left right) like in unity where Z would be the from the device to the user) to display lat and long, so the user always sees the parallels and meridians aligned to these axis, like a panning map.

The pro side with this approach is the easy recognition of the region you are flying above, as it is like a panning, but not rotating map. The downside is: you can't tell the direction you are travelling on this map by the actual state of the instrument.

I strongly believe the actual units where designed so that the you could read the actual position and the actual, current heading on the map. Both the older Vostok/Voshod imps and especially the later ones used in the Soyuz have some sorts of direction indicators in their cross-hairs. As the cross-hairs where fixed the map globe needed to rotate accordingly. Also one change of the later instruments was that the instrument could be used with different inclinations as the Soyuz was capable of being launched to different inclined orbit - there would be no change needed if they where working in a panning map mode)

Just look at some images of the Soyuz variant: Image of an IMP Image of Soyuz IVA

In both images (and the rest you can find online) there is this "left to right" indicator apparent on the cross-hair. Also look at the map, the current location and the position and angle of the equator. On the two images above, on the one that shows the single unit the cross-hair is above the USA. The direction "left to right" being south-easterly over the USA is in sync with the position and rotation of the equator and also a possible one for a Soyuz. On the second image, the position is more southerly of the equator and, assuming the "left to right" orbit direction is right, it would also fit the position and angle of the equator.

Also, the interior images of the devices like Image of the interior of an IMP (attention: rotated 180°) show a bit of the internal structure. The equator was a metal fixture holding the drive that rotated two half-sphere around the north-south axis of the globe. The equator doesn't rotate (on this axis) itself. Rather, he is mounted on a drive that is on the horizontal plane of the device (X from the beginning of this text hell). So most probably, the globe half-spheres rotated around on a local axis that was tilted around the Z axis (in the amount of orbit inclination?!) and that was also rotating around the X axis to centre the point below the ship on the screen. Thus, if I am not completely mistaken, the cross hair always showed position and current velocity vector on the map.

InsaneDruid commented 7 years ago

Also: is there any chance of a getting a display "time to enter/leave shadow"?

I made an ИНК-2C for my TKS /usable in sojuz and saljut, too. image of a 3d mode of an IMPl Latitude, longitude and the actual orb are actually present in your globus imp (and thus could be used on this model too), but this one displays also time to enter and leave shadow .

EDIT: Sorry for the spamming, but does the landing prediction actually work? Have MJ installed, the imp, 4way selector and landign prediction enable switch installed, doesnt show anything on "landing" mode.

spaceaholic commented 7 years ago

Hi all..this is way cool. On background I have actual examples of Voshkod and Soyuz Globus, as well as a FDAI in my personal collection. Ideally would love to be able to demonstrate their function with a computer based tool which you seem to be developing. If there is some way I can be of assist in this effort let me know.
