Alexustas / Props-requests

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RPM-based navigation #34

Open Alexustas opened 8 years ago

Alexustas commented 8 years ago

proof of concept

MOARdV commented 8 years ago

This is interesting. How did you set it up?

Alexustas commented 8 years ago

it was surprisingly easy to do )

2016-07-08 19-18-43-824


  name = NavScreenTestProp 


    name = JSIVariableAnimator
        refreshRate = 2

            controlledTransform = ACFT_LAT_Loc
            variableName = LATITUDE
            scale = -90,90
            localTranslationStart = 0,0,0.05
            localTranslationEnd = 0,0,-0.05
            controlledTransform = ACFT_LONG_Loc
            variableName = LONGITUDE
            scale = -180,180
            localTranslationStart = 0.1,0,0
            localTranslationEnd = -0.1,0,0
            controlledTransform = TGT_LAT_Loc
            variableName = TARGETLATITUDE
            scale = -90,90
            localTranslationStart = 0,0,0.05
            localTranslationEnd = 0,0,-0.05
            controlledTransform = TGT_LONG_Loc
            variableName = TARGETLONGITUDE
            scale = -180,180
            localTranslationStart = 0.1,0,0
            localTranslationEnd = -0.1,0,0

            controlledTransform = ARFT_MarkerObj
            variableName = MATH_ASET_AZ
            scale = -180,180
            localRotationStart = 0,180,0
            localRotationEnd  = 0,-180,0
            longPath = yes

// CUSTOMs setup

   name = ASET_LAT_DIFF
   operator = SUBTRACT 

   sourceVariable = LATITUDE 
   sourceVariable = TARGETLATITUDE
   name = ASET_LONG_DIFF
   operator = SUBTRACT 

   sourceVariable = LONGITUDE 
   sourceVariable = TARGETLONGITUDE
   name = ASET_AZ
   operator = ATAN2  

   sourceVariable = MATH_ASET_LAT_DIFF 
   sourceVariable = MATH_ASET_LONG_DIFF 
Alexustas commented 8 years ago

the main thing is that I can replace the coordinates of targets at any fixed values, such as the coordinates of the runway and then it will be possible to do something like the instrument approach procedure. Also you can enter the coordinates of waypoints and receive course on them

Alexustas commented 8 years ago

The problem is that I can calculate the direction, but I can not find the distance to a fixed point, using the capabilities of PRM. I have useful information on this subject, but I can not pull it off. maybe I should create request?

DeputyLOL commented 8 years ago

I have/had the configs that did just that. I was trying to make an ILS but then NavUtilities exposed its variables and made all my work irrelevant. It uses: d = sqrt((X2 - X1)^2 + (Y2 - Y1)^2) This uses the 'flat earth' method so it will lose accuracy, let me know if your interested because I'm very interested with where this is going.

MOARdV commented 8 years ago

maybe I should create request?

A request would be good as a reminder. I've been pretty busy on something else lately, so I will forget if I don't have a reminder. :)

Alexustas commented 8 years ago

I want to make a simple navigation system, independent of the third-party mods. something like a radio navigation system based on a network of virtual NDB and VOR, located in the surroundings of KSC and the island

Alexustas commented 8 years ago

NAV Radio and ADF is not yet connected to each other. I still need to "build" a radionavigation network, ie, specify the location and frequency of all stations and draw charts.

MOARdV commented 8 years ago

Wow. That looks very cool.

I thought of adding support for MechJeb waypoint definitions in RPM (not requiring MechJeb, but able to read a MechJeb waypoint file, and then use them in RPM). They don't have a frequency field, but it may be possible to add a frequency field without MechJeb getting upset about it.

Alexustas commented 8 years ago

In this case, the frequency - the main thing. depending on the frequency setting, the appropriate radio beacon is selected and substituted its coordinates to calculate the relative bearing

Alexustas commented 8 years ago

So, what has been done:

screenshot225 screenshot223 screenshot224 2016-07-25 06-45-02-728 ksc_chart

MOARdV commented 8 years ago

!!!! I am speechless.

Well, almost speechless: does this mean when these are finished you can work on a Globus navigation system for those of us who fly spaceships instead of airplanes? :)

DeputyLOL commented 8 years ago

I didn't even think this was possible. You are amazing and I hope there is more to come!

Alexustas commented 8 years ago

you can work on a Globus navigation system

OK )). let's go back to the IMP ("Globus")

MOARdV commented 8 years ago

Also, how are you storing the nav waypoints? Is that a SELECT_ variable?

Alexustas commented 8 years ago


1 - "tune" radio to the station

// station frequences ==========================================
// location_type_(freq,name)
// KSC ILS DME RWY 27 (110.10,"IWE")

      name = ASET_NAV_1_RADIO_KSC_ILS27_IWE
      operator = AND

            name = PERSISTENT_ASET_NAV_Radio_1_ACTIVE_FREQ  
            range = 110.09,110.11
            name = CUSTOM_ASET_NAV_1_RADIO_ON
            range = 0.1, 1.1
            name = ORBITBODYINDEX   
            range = 0.1, 1.1


2,3 - find station coordinates

// switch station coordinates ====================================

// select station LATITUDE ----


        defaultValue = 0 

// - - - KSC ILS DME RWY 27 (IWE)

            name = CUSTOM_ASET_NAV_1_RADIO_KSC_ILS27_IWE  
            range = 0.1, 1.1

            value = -0.05023564553

// select station LONGITUDE ----


        defaultValue = 0 

// - - - KSC ILS DME RWY 27 (IWE)

            name = CUSTOM_ASET_NAV_1_RADIO_KSC_ILS27_IWE  
            range = 0.1, 1.1

            value = -74.51769428769

4 - find station altitude

// station altitude (ASL) ========================================================

// select station ALTIITUDE ----


        defaultValue = 0 

// - - - KSC ILS DME RWY 27 (IWE)

            name = CUSTOM_ASET_NAV_1_RADIO_KSC_ILS27_IWE  
            range = 0.1, 1.1

            value = 70
theonegalen commented 8 years ago

Is it possible to add runways to the configuration if one is using KerbinSide?

Alexustas commented 8 years ago

I myself do not plan to carry out support "KerbalSide". This is a very serious amount of work and a lot easier to do it for those who develops or maintains this mod. And I think it's better to make a separate navigation for "KarbalSide" instead of combining it with the Stock

Alexustas commented 8 years ago

some nice little feature. kind of tooltips... 2016-08-10 04-19-49-854

MOARdV commented 8 years ago

KSP 1.2 will have support for user-saved waypoints. Avionics Systems (the replacement for RPM that I am designing) will be designed to use those waypoints, and I will make sure it is possible to import waypoints from a config file, too.

Alexustas commented 8 years ago

OK. will see that will make Squad and how it will work

Alexustas commented 8 years ago

and meanwhile, I started to make charts (o_O) 2016-08-11 16-37-28-762


MOARdV commented 8 years ago

o_O indeed!

I definitely must make waypoint navigation a first-class feature.

Alexustas commented 8 years ago

Update ("Bolt" prop fixed aswell) and Improved charts

Alexustas commented 8 years ago

I noticed that 'Dropbox' viewer incorrectly displays the fonts in the chart. you better use the Acrobat viewer

theonegalen commented 8 years ago

Bloody beautiful charts, mate!

Alexustas commented 8 years ago

Bloody beautiful charts, mate!

Have you already tested navigation system?

Alexustas commented 8 years ago

As long as KSP allows me to read the waypoint database, any new beacon can be added using that name format, and MAS will be able to say, "A-ha! This waypoint is a VOR named AAA1, and its frequency is 108.1".

due to the operating principle of of radio navigation (you do not fly from point A to point B, but flying along the antenna beams, broadcasted by stations) do not necessarily to mix waypoints with the navigation station. it may be a separate config file having a different syntax. Waypoints are very suitable for GPS navigation (which is a particular case of RNAV)

Alexustas commented 8 years ago

radio navigation - it's the same thing that you are traveling by car with a bundle of paper maps and read road signs and trying to understand where you are now and where you need to turn.

but waypoints (and GPS) - is a nice LCD display which is very helpfully draws colored lines and arrows, and you just have to listen to the sweet voice from the speaker and execute what she tells you to. something like that ))

MOARdV commented 8 years ago

due to the operating principle of of radio navigation (you do not fly from point A to point B, but flying along the antenna beams, broadcasted by stations) do not necessarily to mix waypoints with the navigation station. it may be a separate config file having a different syntax.

Yes, but the waypoint database may still be useful to maintain and organize the data. Just because the radio navigation beacon is stored in the waypoint database, I don't have to use KSP's waypoint system to display it.

Alexustas commented 8 years ago

I don't have to use KSP's waypoint system to display it.


I believe a complete description of the station must have the following fields:

STATION NAME (in real life is the name of the city or settlement, near which the station is located)It consists of one or two words

STATION IDENTIFIER. 3 uppercase letters

IDENTIFIER MORSE CODE. there can be specified URL to the audio file. or perhaps have the opportunity to built-in generator Morse code, which will read the ID and play sounds ("point" or "dash") in accordance with the letters? it would be very cool

STATION LATITUDE (degree format)

STATION LONGITUDE (degree format)



MOARdV commented 8 years ago

Okay, We can have a config file format that will provide all of these fields. I think use the field names you have, only without 'station' (eg, name, identifier, latitude, longitude, altitude, and type). Do you want transmitter strength / range also, or do all Kerbin NAV radios have the same range?


Unity allows me to schedule audio clips. If there are sound files for each letter, I can arrange them to play automatically using the station identifier.

Alexustas commented 8 years ago

Do you want transmitter strength / range also, or do all Kerbin NAV radios have the same range?

I was thinking about the stations ranges and came to the conclusion that it simply increase the number of stations and complicate the whole system. so that in my implementation the range of the station depends on its type: NDB - the lowest, BOP - intermediate, DME - the greatest distance. Moreover, the range of each particular station depends on the altitude above sea level. so in fact they already have a different range

Alexustas commented 8 years ago


I see three ways to implement this feature:

First, I create a finished soundtrack for each the identifier, as is done currently.

Second, I can create a soundtrack for each letter (we only need the letters), and then I need a script that will decode and play back the ID code with the specified pauses between the individual letters

The third method. I create only two sounds: a short and a long beep. and then I need a script which will decode ID and create a series of commands for the 'soundplayer' module with specified intervals between the individual beeps and individual letters. this is the best, but also the most complicated to implement a method

also, you need to know that the station broadcasts its identifier approximately once per minute

I tried to find a ready-made scripts (link,link,link) for Morse code, but my several-hour dive into the study of Lua does not give me any chance to understand what the hell is going on out there

MOARdV commented 8 years ago

What I am thinking about is a module called navigation. It will have methods like SetStation and PlayStationIdentifier(true) or PlayStationIdentifier(false) that will automatically play the station identifier. If it is one minute interval, that is easy for the navigation module to do. All it will need are the morse code letters (one WAV file per letter), and it will know how to create the correct morse code sequence.

Alexustas commented 8 years ago

so, we talk about the second method? right?

Alexustas commented 8 years ago

If it is one minute interval, that is easy for the navigation module to do.

and of course, the code should only be played if "IDENT" button is pressed on the receiver. So most of the time this feature will be idle

Alexustas commented 8 years ago

What I am thinking about is a module called navigation.

probably it would be better if I move further discussion of this feature in your Navigation topic? And here will be only issues relating to nav devices and nav station network

MOARdV commented 8 years ago

so, we talk about the second method? right?

I think this is the best method. 3rd method is complex, and 1st method means creating a new sound file for each station, and also means someone can not customize stations on their own installation.

probably it would be better if I move further discussion of this feature in your Navigation topic?

Yes, I think so.