Open Alexustas opened 8 years ago
second script
This script truncates given string to the specified length
function aset_StringLimiter(String,Len)
if String ~= nil and math.floor(Len) == math.ceil(Len) then
return string.sub(String,1,Len)
else return "err"
-- tests
print (aset_StringLimiter("asdfqwer",5))
print (aset_StringLimiter("asdfqwer",2))
print (aset_StringLimiter("asdfqwer",22))
This script can be useful if on a small indicator displayed a some messages, and the message may suddenly be too long, like "Untitled Space Craft"...
third script
very basic variable formatter, mainly for training
function aset_BasicVarFormat(Var,Len,DecVal,Mult,Pref)
local formatStr = tostring("%".. Len.."." ..DecVal.."f")
return tostring((string.format(formatStr, Var*Mult))..Pref)
-- tests
Variable = -52523.236
print (aset_BasicVarFormat(Variable,15,1,1," km"))
-> -52523.2 km
Variable = -52523.236
print (aset_BasicVarFormat(Variable,-15,2,10,"kg"))
->-525232.36 kg
syntax: aset_BasicVarFormat(Variable,[_full_lengthof variable_],[number of fractional digits],[multiplier],["suffix"]
If the length is positive, then the alignment of the text produced by the right side, otherwise by left side
Very cool!
BTW - once you're using Lua in MAS / KSP, there is fc.LogMessage(message) that will let you write strings to the KSP.log. It does not support C# formatting (not yet, anyway), but you can use Lua's string library.
fourth script
This script converts the latitude and longitude entered by the user in a user-friendly format, in to degrees, for further processing in the game. I believe that sooner or later we will be able to freely enter any text, using props. even now it is possible to enter numbers. So this script can be useful for the implementation of a control terminal, such as CDU
-- string to number
function aset_CoordStringToDecNumber(CoordInput)
local dir = 1
local ValLen = string.len(CoordInput)
if ValLen >= 6 and ValLen <= 8 then
local DirSym = (string.sub(CoordInput, ValLen, ValLen)) -- extract the last symbol of given string
if DirSym == "N" or DirSym == "S" or DirSym == "W" or DirSym == "E" then
local Result = tonumber((string.sub(CoordInput, 1, ValLen-5))) + (tonumber((string.sub(CoordInput, ValLen-4, ValLen-3))))/60 + (tonumber((string.sub(CoordInput, ValLen-2, ValLen-1))))/3600
if DirSym == "N" and Result <= 90 or DirSym == "S" and Result <= 90 or (DirSym == "W" and Result <= 180) or (DirSym == "E" and Result <= 180) then
if DirSym == "S" or DirSym == "W" then dir = -1 end
return Result*dir
print ("Invalid input.\nLatitude should be less than 90°\nLongitude should be less than 180°")
return 0
print ("Invalid Direction! expected 'N','S','W' or 'E'")
return 0
print ("Invalid input. expected at lest 6 chars")
return 0
-- coordinates to number
function aset_UserInputCoord(InputString)
local slashPos = string.find(InputString,"/")
if slashPos ~= nil then
-- print ("found slash at "..slashPos.." pos")
local InputStringLen = string.len(InputString)
local InputLat = string.sub(InputString, 1, slashPos-1)
local InputLon = string.sub(InputString, slashPos+1,InputStringLen)
-- print ("Lat:"..InputLat,"Lon:"..InputLon)
-- print (aset_CoordStringToDecNumber(InputLat), aset_CoordStringToDecNumber(InputLon))
return aset_CoordStringToDecNumber(InputLat), aset_CoordStringToDecNumber(InputLon)
else print ("Invalid input.Use format lat/lon")
-- tests
print (aset_UserInputCoord("51921N/1233545W"))
-> 5.3225 -123.59583333333
print (aset_UserInputCoord("11945S/32200W"))
->-1.3291666666667 -3.3666666666667
user (pilot) enters the desired position eg 52345N/761520E
and script converts this string to the two numbers 5.3958333333333
and 76.255555555556
I believe that sooner or later we will be able to freely enter any text,
MAS supports free text entry. Look at the number buttons I used for the MechJeb control panel - AvionicsSystems/ASET_Props/swButton/MAS_swButton_MJ0.cfg and the rest. The buttons are adding text to a text value, which is then converted to a number for feeding to MJ.
Actually, I guess I hide what's happening because I also wanted the 'on' LED to toggle when I press the button. Here's the actual function:
fc.AppendPersistent(persistent, newstring, maximumLength)
= name of the persistent
= the string to add (could be "0", or "1", or "Kerbin", or whatever)
= the maximum length of the persistent, so you can limit how long the string will grow.
For the MJ number keys, I used fc.AppendPersistent("MAS_MechJebBuffer", "0", 6)
The fifth script
2D rotation of geo-point with given coordinates rendered on a MFD screen
function aset_RotatedPoint(OriginX,OriginY,TGTposX,TGTposY,RetAxis,RotVariable,scale)
if TGTposX == nil then TGTposX = OriginX end
if TGTposY == nil then TGTposY = OriginY end
local DeltaX = (tonumber(TGTposX) - tonumber(OriginX)) * scale
local DeltaY = (tonumber(TGTposY) - tonumber(OriginY)) * scale
local InvHeading = math.rad(RotVariable)
local RotatedX = DeltaX * math.cos(InvHeading) - DeltaY * math.sin(InvHeading)
local RotatedY = DeltaY * math.cos(InvHeading) + DeltaX * math.sin(InvHeading)
if RetAxis == "X" then return RotatedX end
if RetAxis == "Y" then return RotatedY end
script in action (video)
- coordinates of the point around which the rotation takes place. generall, longitude and latitude of vessel, but could be used any pair of coordinate
- coordinates of the point which must be rotated
- the value of which axis should return function. can be "X" or "Y"
- rotation angle. in generall - fc.Heading(), but could be used any variable or value
- multiplier
application in practice
Very cool.
I'd love to use this but I don't have any text on screen. :(
full page definition:
^ IN-
---------------[#FF8800FF][@x{0}][@y{1}]+[@x0][@y0][#FFFFFFFF]---------------- $&$aset_RotatedPoint(fc.Longitude(),fc.Latitude(),fc.TargetLongitude(),fc.TargetLatitude(),"X",fc.Heading(),fc.GetPersistentAsNumber("zoom%PROPID%")); aset_RotatedPoint(fc.Longitude(),fc.Latitude(),fc.TargetLongitude(),fc.TargetLatitude(),"Y",fc.Heading(),fc.GetPersistentAsNumber("zoom%PROPID%"))*-1
|[#FF8800FF][@x{0}][@y{1}]{2:##0.0} $&$aset_RotatedPoint(fc.Longitude(),fc.Latitude(),fc.TargetLongitude(),fc.TargetLatitude(),"X",fc.Heading(),fc.GetPersistentAsNumber("zoom%PROPID%")); aset_RotatedPoint(fc.Longitude(),fc.Latitude(),fc.TargetLongitude(),fc.TargetLatitude(),"Y",fc.Heading(),fc.GetPersistentAsNumber("zoom%PROPID%"))*-1-16;fc.TargetDistance()
I'll post here some of my learning scripts, which may be useful in the future
the very first script
this script returns a specified digit of a given number
you need to move from right to left from ".", if you want to get digit ofthe left (integer) part of the variable and use a positive number. for the fractional part, you have to use negative numbers and move from left to right from "." So if you need to get the third digit of the "13867" then you need to use '
' and function returns "8". For second digit in the fractional part of the "149.247" you need to use'aset_getNumber(myVariable,-2)
' and function returns "4". I plan to use this function for the "mechanical odometer-style indicators" using 'ROTATION' module with "speed" option