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Xiaomi Multimode Gateway 2 #1

Open AlexxIT opened 2 years ago

AlexxIT commented 2 years ago

The new Xiaomi Multimode Gateway is on sale now.


There are many names for the old and new versions on the Internet:

  1. Xiaomi Hub, Xiaomi Mijia Smart Multi-Mode Gateway, Xiaomi Smart Home Hub, Xiaomi Gateway 3, ZNDMWG03LM, ZNDMWG02LM, mgl03
  2. Xiaomi Hub 2, Xiaomi Mijia Smart Multi-Mode Gateway 2, Xiaomi Smart Home Hub 2, DMWG03LM, ZNDMWG04LM

The main pros compared to the previous version are:

It has telnet access, so theoretically could be supported in the Xiaomi Gateway 3 integration.

Comparsion table

Param Xiaomi Multimode Gateway Aqara Hub E1 Xiaomi Multimode Gateway 2 Aqara Camera G3
Euro model ZNDMWG02LM HE1-G01 ZNDMWG04LM CH-H03
SoC RTL8197F SSD212 SSD222D SSC339G
CPU MIPS-EL 660MHz 2 x ARM Cortex-A7 800MHz 2 x ARM Cortex-A7 1GHz 2 x ARM Cortex-A7 1.2GHz
RAM 64MB 64MB DDR2 128MB DDR3 128MB ??
Zigbee EFR32MG1B EFR32MG21 EFR32MG21 EFR21MG??
Bluetooth MHCB03P --- TLSR8236 ---
Wi-Fi 2.4GHz 2.4GHz SSW105 Dual-band Dual-band
Power Micro USB USB USB Type-C USB Type-C
Other BLE/Mesh no BLE/Mesh, Ethernet IR, Hardware gestures and face recognition

Useful links

vladeha commented 2 years ago

So basically, as soon as new hub will be available at aliepress, we can buy it and upgrade current GW3 without issues?

AlexxIT commented 2 years ago

It's already on ali. I have to wait for it, anyway. And integration needs to be updated.

Sergey-SRG commented 2 years ago

Меня очень прут последние посты афтара 🥳

alxnovo commented 2 years ago

I did not find on the Internet a mention of an Ethernet connection for a new Xiaomi Hub 2. I'm waiting for information from AlexxIT, how he will get it from Ali

vladeha commented 2 years ago

I did not find on the Internet a mention of an Ethernet connection for a new Xiaomi Hub 2. I'm waiting for information from AlexxIT, how he will get it from Ali

terenceng81 commented 1 year ago

any new development for this so far?

tufeikafei commented 1 year ago

Have you got the xiaomi hub2? And I found it auto update to 1.0.6_0004.

AlexxIT commented 1 year ago

Yes, I got. Didn't open it yet.

tufeikafei commented 1 year ago

Yes, I got. Didn't open it yet.

The hub2 can use rj45,and 5ghz, it is more stable than before. Hope you can work with this.

AlexxIT commented 1 year ago

In my experience, Xiaomi Hub (Gateway 3) is very stable on WiFi 2.4 GHz. No any problems in two years of use.

tufeikafei commented 1 year ago

In my experience, Xiaomi Hub (Gateway 3) is very stable on WiFi 2.4 GHz. No any problems in two years of use.

OK,It seems to buy a Xiaomi Hub (Gateway 3). At first I use the M1S,and my m1s version is newer ,it can't connet to xiaomigateway(Niceboy supported). And then I bought the hub2,and it can connect wiht xiaomigateway3, But 4 days ago,this one auto update to 1.0.6_0004.T T I found it can't normal connet to xiaomigateway3. = =. Is there any way to transfer zigbee devices in batches. I have 40 Sub equipments.It' a heavy work.

vladeha commented 1 year ago

In my experience, Xiaomi Hub (Gateway 3) is very stable on WiFi 2.4 GHz. No any problems in two years of use.

It's not just about "WIFI stability". WIFI can be very stable, but in my opinion IP gateway (doesn't matter -bt/ble/zwave/zb etc) should not depend on WIFI hotspot. The best practice is layer 2 infrastructure and servers, gateways, cameras, and Wi-Fi access points connected to a layer 2 switch. So you can update fm/upgrade/buy another WIFI hotspot, this is completely transparent to non-IP devices connected via gateways.

sumsethan commented 1 year ago

In my experience, Xiaomi Hub (Gateway 3) is very stable on WiFi 2.4 GHz. No any problems in two years of use.

Gateway3 wireless is not that stable in my house (with Unifi APs) , periodly showing offline in mijia app and automations showing failed sometime.Hub2 with wired link responsed fast and good in every way (except hass integration for ble&mesh not working for now) . Even other wifi based devices (bath heater ,light strips ,plugs ,etc.) responsed faster than before, but dont know if its related, cause i've got a Hub Gateway(xiaomi.gateway.hub1) too

terenceng81 commented 1 year ago

@AlexxIT pls start the project for this hub2, i can’t wait for it, lol.

tufeikafei commented 1 year ago


tufeikafei commented 1 year ago

Dear AlexxIT, Would you work with this hub?= = Hope the hub2 can use with xiaomi gateway.

klzsysy commented 1 year ago

Gateway3 In my wifi here is not very stable,I have already bought Hub2 replace it,I here seems to be cheaper, only 229¥

AlexxIT commented 1 year ago

@klzsysy have you followed all the recommendations for setting up the network? First Multimode Gateway is very stable if you configure the network correctly.

tufeikafei commented 1 year ago

Maybe I need buy a multimode gateway 1- -.

tufeikafei commented 1 year ago

Hi AlexxIT, I use gateway1 to add switch of aqara D1 single version,it show : Data Send network key (legacy),and it can't paring.How to deal this,and found 2 devices have this problem.= =

AlexxIT commented 1 year ago


AlexxIT commented 1 year ago

New Multimode Gateway supported in latest master version (beta).

tufeikafei commented 1 year ago

Hi AlexxiIT,thank you very much,And I found the new version is coming,not sure it works. I am not update it.

terenceng81 commented 1 year ago

I have hub2 also, but I will stick with old firmware (1.0.3_0028)

The latest version is 1.0.5_0008, can I update it?

terenceng81 commented 1 year ago

Although I have successfully added Mijia_Hub_V2-ACED with the Xiaomi Gateway 3, I am not able to see any child devices.

I tried telnet, but the Username (admin) and Password (123123) are not successful to authenticate, does anyone know the username and password? thanks.


ElPelocho commented 1 year ago

Although I have successfully added Mijia_Hub_V2-ACED with the Xiaomi Gateway 3, I am not able to see any child devices.

I tried telnet, but the Username (admin) and Password (123123) are not successful to authenticate, does anyone know the username and password? thanks.


Did you find out what it is? I am not able to connect to admin blank , or admin 123123

sulliwane commented 1 year ago

Hi, is the integration for Xiaomi Multimode Gateway 2 ( LOCAL ? Or going through mijia cloud to control the devices ?

Thanks a lot @AlexxIT for your help 🙏

xiaomi-2 xiaomi-smart-multi-mode-gateway-2

poolcode commented 1 year ago

Although I have successfully added Mijia_Hub_V2-ACED with the Xiaomi Gateway 3, I am not able to see any child devices.

I tried telnet, but the Username (admin) and Password (123123) are not successful to authenticate, does anyone know the username and password? thanks.

The default Mijia_Hub_V2 user is root

But you may add new user with empty password and view correct initial username in /etc/passwd file (This method can be applied in other models). For example: '{"id":15024,"method":"set_ip_info","params":{"ssid":"\"\"","pswd":"123123 ; adduser admin2 ; passwd -d admin2"}}'

Then login via telnet with user admin2 and empty password. Type command: cat /etc/passwd and you will see something like this:

root::0:0:Linux User,,,:/home/root:/bin/sh
admin2::1000:1000:Linux User,,,:/home/admin2:/bin/sh

Now you can reset password for user root. Don't forget to delete temporary user admin2 with the command: deluser admin2