AlexxIT / SonoffLAN

Control Sonoff Devices with eWeLink (original) firmware over LAN and/or Cloud from Home Assistant
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SONOFF devices all missing after HA 2024.3.1 upgrade #1365

Open Babe-n opened 3 months ago

Babe-n commented 3 months ago

Hi there

Since I upgrade to HA Core 2024.3.1 two days ago, about 2 of my 58 SONOFF devices are available. The rest are all offline, yet still visible and usable in eWeLink app. Please help. I have rolled back to 2024.3.0 and now every device is offline.

Why do things break even when I don't do an update. I like how things are running and then suddenly after a CORE or other HA update is available, some devices start going on and off line sporadically. This is before I even do the update. I want to just keep running a stable version that works, and don't touch it.

Please help. Nothing now works and I have reloaded and reconfigured and restarted all many times. Thx

hanneslf commented 3 months ago

Same here when I upgraded to HA Core 2024.3.2. Fixed it by updating SonoffLAN to 3.6.0 by going to HACS and updating from there.

tiagonmas commented 3 months ago

Same problem

tiagonmas commented 3 months ago

I'm using Sonoff Lan Version | 3.6.0 (8dd8af9) but still have the same issue: "0 devices loaded from Cloud"

SonoffLan debug:

2024-03-22 22:57:43 [D] SysInfo: {'installation_type': 'Home Assistant OS', 'version': '2024.3.3', 'dev': False, 'hassio': True, 'virtualenv': False, 'python_version': '3.12.2', 'docker': True, 'arch': 'aarch64', 'timezone': 'Europe/Lisbon', 'os_name': 'Linux', 'os_version': '6.1.73-haos-raspi', 'user': 'xxxxx', 'supervisor': '2024.03.0', 'host_os': 'Home Assistant OS 12.1', 'docker_version': '24.0.7', 'chassis': 'embedded', 'sonoff_version': '3.6.0 (8dd8af9)'}
2024-03-22 22:57:47 [D] 0 devices loaded from Cloud
2024-03-22 22:57:47 [D] AUTO mode start

System About: Core 2024.3.3 Supervisor 2024.03.1 Operating System 12.1 Frontend 20240307.0

Any idea how to solve this ?

tiagonmas commented 3 months ago

My issue was related to authentication issues ... now solved.

AlexxIT commented 2 months ago