AlexxIT / SonoffLAN

Control Sonoff Devices with eWeLink (original) firmware over LAN and/or Cloud from Home Assistant
MIT License
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Sonoff M5 switch sometimes out of control #1368

Closed litecross91 closed 2 months ago

litecross91 commented 3 months ago

Sometimes switching via Sonoff LAN does not work (e.g. for Sonoff m5 switches), but the status is well displayed. In this case only Sonoff integration reload helps. Does this about every 4-5 days. I am trying to find out what might be the reason.

Today before 6:31 pm was not working, then I reloaded it, then the control worked. Attached the full log. log.txt

This is often the fault of the log. In such cases, the switch either works or not. I don't know if there is a relation.

2024-03-24 18:30:37 [D] 10015c2235 => Local4 | | None <= {'sequence': '1711301437774', 'seq': 762, 'error': 400, 'encrypt': True}
2024-03-24 18:30:37 [D] 10015c0641 => Local4 | | None <= {'sequence': '1711301437775', 'seq': 4330, 'error': 400, 'encrypt': True}
2024-03-24 18:31:07 [D] 10015c13c6 => Local4 | | None <= {'sequence': '1711301467775', 'seq': 3954, 'error': 400, 'encrypt': True}
2024-03-24 18:31:07 [D] 10018eec10 => Local4 | | None <= {'sequence': '1711301467776', 'seq': 2, 'error': 400, 'encrypt': True}
2024-03-24 18:31:19 [D] CLOUD True => None
2024-03-24 18:31:20 [D] 25 devices loaded from Cloud
2024-03-24 18:31:20 [D] a48006aedb UIID 1770 | {'subDevId': 'b9052029004b12001770', 'parentid': '10013dbb11', 'battery': 100, 'supportPowConfig': 1, 'trigTime': '1705220114933', 'temperature': '2287', 'humidity': '4899', 'timeZone': 1, 'switch': 'off'}
2024-03-24 18:31:20 [D] a48006aeee UIID 3026 | {'subDevId': 'c9cf682a004b12003026', 'parentid': '10018eec10', 'battery': 100, 'trigTime': '1711299928000', 'supportPowConfig': 1, 'lock': 0}
2024-03-24 18:31:20 [D] a48006aee4 UIID 1770 | {'subDevId': '95052029004b12001770', 'parentid': '10018eec10', 'battery': 100, 'trigTime': '1711300996000', 'supportPowConfig': 1, 'temperature': '2681', 'humidity': '5634', 'timeZone': 2}
2024-03-24 18:31:20 [D] a48006aee0 UIID 7014 | {'subDevId': '46fbdefeff20ba847014', 'parentid': '10018eec10', 'fwVersion': '1.0.9', 'battery': 100, 'trigTime': '1711301315000', 'supportPowConfig': 1, 'tempUnit': 0, 'tempComfortLower': '1900', 'tempComfortUpper': '2700', 'humiComfortLower': '4000', 'humiComfortUpper': '6000', 'key': 0, 'temperature': '2270', 'tempComfortStatus': 0, 'humidity': '4870', 'humiComfortStatus': 0, 'timeZone': 2}
2024-03-24 18:31:20 [D] 100156af97 UIID 0133 | {'version': 8, 'pulses': [{'pulse': 'off', 'width': 1000, 'outlet': 0}, {'pulse': 'off', 'width': 1000, 'outlet': 1}], 'switches': [{'switch': 'on', 'outlet': 0}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 1}], 'configure': [{'startup': 'off', 'outlet': 0}, {'startup': 'off', 'outlet': 1}], 'lock': 0, 'fwVersion': '1.4.0', 'HMI_outdoorTemp': {'current': 10, 'range': '6,13'}, 'HMI_weather': 33, 'cityId': 'WA@46.27,20.15', 'dst': 0, 'dstChange': '2024-03-31T01:00:00.000Z', 'geo': '1,1', 'timeZone': 1, 'temperature': 23, 'humidity': 49, 'tempUnit': 0, 'cityStr': 'Secret', 'HMI_resources': [{'ctype': 'device', 'id': 'a48004a607', 'uiid': 1256, 'hmi_uiid': 1}, {'ctype': 'group', 'id': '637a3247ae51d90008cf97a8', 'uiid': 137}, {'ctype': 'device', 'id': '10015c13c6', 'uiid': 161, 'hmi_uiid': 2}, {'ctype': 'device', 'id': '10015c2235', 'uiid': 162, 'hmi_uiid': 3}, {'ctype': 'idle'}, {'ctype': 'idle'}, {'ctype': 'idle'}, {'ctype': 'device', 'id': '10013f5e43', 'uiid': 137, 'hmi_uiid': 59}], 'HMI_ATCDevice': {'ctype': 'device', 'id': '100156af97', 'outlet': 0, 'etype': 'hot'}, 'ctype': 'device', 'id': '100156af97', 'resourcetype': 'ATC', 'only_device': {'ota': 'success', 'ota_fail_reason': 0}, 'reset_reason': 'ESP_RST_POWERON', 'value': 1, 'ATCEnable': 0, 'ATCMode': 0, 'ATCExpect0': 26, 'tempCorrection': 2, 'HMI_dimEnable': 0, 'HMI_model': 86, 'HMI_direction': 'horizontal', 'wallpaperId': 1, 'error': 3, 'tempsource': 1, 'sDeviceid': 'a48006aedb'}
2024-03-24 18:31:20 [D] a48004a607 UIID 1256 | {'subDevId': 'ecb9c724004b12001256', 'parentid': '10013dbb11', 'fwVersion': '2.0.0', 'switch': 'on', 'switches': [{'switch': 'on', 'outlet': 0}], 'uiActive': 120}
2024-03-24 18:31:20 [D] 10015c2235 UIID 0162 | {'version': 7, 'remoteCtrlList': [{'outlet': 0, 'addr': []}, {'outlet': 1, 'addr': []}, {'outlet': 2, 'addr': []}, {'outlet': 3, 'addr': []}], 'switches': [{'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 0}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 1}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 2}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 3}], 'configure': [{'startup': 'off', 'outlet': 0}, {'startup': 'off', 'outlet': 1}, {'startup': 'off', 'outlet': 2}, {'startup': 'off', 'outlet': 3}], 'pulses': [{'pulse': 'off', 'switch': 'off', 'width': 500, 'outlet': 0}, {'pulse': 'off', 'switch': 'off', 'width': 500, 'outlet': 1}, {'pulse': 'off', 'switch': 'off', 'width': 500, 'outlet': 2}, {'pulse': 'off', 'switch': 'off', 'width': 0, 'outlet': 3}], 'sledOnline': 'off', 'rssi': -57, 'offBrightness': 25, 'fwVersion': '1.2.3', 'only_device': {'ota': 'success', 'ota_fail_reason': 0}, 'addSubDevState': 'off', 'addTimeOut': 10, 'subDevices': [{'subDevId': '700df80e', 'deviceid': 'abd800045e', 'online': True, 'uiid': '174', 'index': 0}, {'subDevId': '700e02ed', 'deviceid': 'abd8000462', 'online': True, 'uiid': '174', 'index': 0}], 'bleScene_0': {'bleAddr': '700df80e', 'do': [{'switches': [{'outlet': 2, 'switch': 'flip'}]}], 'outlet': 0, 'key': 0}, 'bleScene_1': {'bleAddr': '700df80e', 'do': [{'switches': [{'outlet': 1, 'switch': 'flip'}]}], 'outlet': 1, 'key': 0}, 'bleScene_2': {'bleAddr': '700df80e', 'do': [{'switches': [{'outlet': 0, 'switch': 'flip'}]}], 'outlet': 2, 'key': 0}, 'bleScene_3': {'bleAddr': '700e02ed', 'do': [{'switches': [{'outlet': 2, 'switch': 'flip'}]}], 'outlet': 0, 'key': 0}, 'bleScene_4': {'bleAddr': '700e02ed', 'do': [{'switches': [{'outlet': 1, 'switch': 'flip'}]}], 'outlet': 1, 'key': 0}, 'bleScene_5': {'bleAddr': '700e02ed', 'do': [{'switches': [{'outlet': 0, 'switch': 'flip'}]}], 'outlet': 2, 'key': 0}, 'bleScene_6': {}, 'bleScene_7': {}}
2024-03-24 18:31:20 [D] 10015c18e5 UIID 0161 | {'version': 7, 'remoteCtrlList': [{'outlet': 0, 'addr': []}, {'outlet': 1, 'addr': []}, {'outlet': 2, 'addr': []}, {'outlet': 3, 'addr': []}], 'switches': [{'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 0}, {'switch': 'on', 'outlet': 1}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 2}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 3}], 'configure': [{'startup': 'off', 'outlet': 0}, {'startup': 'off', 'outlet': 1}, {'startup': 'off', 'outlet': 2}, {'startup': 'off', 'outlet': 3}], 'pulses': [{'pulse': 'off', 'switch': 'off', 'width': 500, 'outlet': 0}, {'pulse': 'off', 'switch': 'off', 'width': 500, 'outlet': 1}, {'pulse': 'off', 'switch': 'off', 'width': 0, 'outlet': 2}, {'pulse': 'off', 'switch': 'off', 'width': 0, 'outlet': 3}], 'sledOnline': 'off', 'rssi': -39, 'offBrightness': 25, 'fwVersion': '1.2.3', 'only_device': {'ota': 'success', 'ota_fail_reason': 0}, 'addSubDevState': 'off', 'addTimeOut': 10, 'bleScene_0': {'bleAddr': '700df80e', 'do': [{'switches': [{'outlet': 0, 'switch': 'flip'}]}], 'outlet': 4, 'key': 0}, 'bleScene_1': {'bleAddr': '700e02ed', 'do': [{'switches': [{'outlet': 0, 'switch': 'flip'}]}], 'outlet': 4, 'key': 0}, 'bleScene_2': {}}
2024-03-24 18:31:20 [D] 10015c0659 UIID 0160 | {'version': 7, 'switches': [{'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 0}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 1}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 2}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 3}], 'configure': [{'startup': 'off', 'outlet': 0}, {'startup': 'off', 'outlet': 1}, {'startup': 'off', 'outlet': 2}, {'startup': 'off', 'outlet': 3}], 'pulses': [{'pulse': 'off', 'switch': 'off', 'width': 500, 'outlet': 0}, {'pulse': 'off', 'switch': 'off', 'width': 0, 'outlet': 1}, {'pulse': 'off', 'switch': 'off', 'width': 0, 'outlet': 2}, {'pulse': 'off', 'switch': 'off', 'width': 0, 'outlet': 3}], 'sledOnline': 'off', 'rssi': -52, 'offBrightness': 10, 'fwVersion': '1.2.3'}
2024-03-24 18:31:20 [D] 10013f5e43 UIID 0137 | {'version': 8, 'init': 1, 'fwVersion': '1000.2.1050', 'switch': 'off', 'colorR': 255, 'colorG': 11, 'colorB': 183, 'mode': 2, 'bright': 100, 'light_type': 1, 'speed16': 50, 'bright16': 100, 'lineSequence': {'1': 'b', '2': 'g', '3': 'r'}, 'timeZone': 1, 'NO_SEND_TO_APP': 0, 'speed25': 50, 'bright25': 55, 'speed13': 95, 'bright13': 100, 'speed20': 83, 'bright20': 61, 'speed19': 50, 'bright19': 38, 'speed07': 30, 'bright07': 100, 'speed14': 40, 'bright14': 50, 'speed27': 50, 'bright27': 50, 'speed28': 50, 'bright28': 50, 'speed18': 50, 'bright18': 100, 'speed06': 20, 'bright06': 60, 'speed08': 70, 'bright08': 50, 'speed09': 40, 'bright09': 100, 'speed10': 40, 'bright10': 60, 'speed11': 30, 'bright11': 30, 'speed12': 30, 'bright12': 50, 'speed15': 40, 'bright15': 40, 'speed17': 70, 'bright17': 60, 'speed21': 60, 'bright21': 70, 'colorTemp': 87, 'speed26': 40, 'bright26': 50}
2024-03-24 18:31:20 [D] 10015c13c6 UIID 0161 | {'version': 7, 'remoteCtrlList': [{'outlet': 0, 'addr': []}, {'outlet': 1, 'addr': []}, {'outlet': 2, 'addr': []}, {'outlet': 3, 'addr': []}], 'switches': [{'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 0}, {'switch': 'on', 'outlet': 1}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 2}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 3}], 'configure': [{'startup': 'off', 'outlet': 0}, {'startup': 'off', 'outlet': 1}, {'startup': 'off', 'outlet': 2}, {'startup': 'off', 'outlet': 3}], 'pulses': [{'pulse': 'off', 'switch': 'off', 'width': 500, 'outlet': 0}, {'pulse': 'off', 'switch': 'off', 'width': 500, 'outlet': 1}, {'pulse': 'off', 'switch': 'off', 'width': 0, 'outlet': 2}, {'pulse': 'off', 'switch': 'off', 'width': 0, 'outlet': 3}], 'sledOnline': 'off', 'rssi': -39, 'offBrightness': 32, 'fwVersion': '1.2.3', 'only_device': {'ota': 'success', 'ota_fail_reason': 0}, 'bleScene_0': {'bleAddr': '700df80e', 'do': [{'switches': [{'outlet': 0, 'switch': 'flip'}]}], 'outlet': 3, 'key': 0}, 'bleScene_1': {'bleAddr': '700df80e', 'do': [{'switches': [{'outlet': 1, 'switch': 'flip'}]}], 'outlet': 3, 'key': 1}, 'bleScene_2': {'bleAddr': '700e02ed', 'do': [{'switches': [{'outlet': 0, 'switch': 'flip'}]}], 'outlet': 3, 'key': 0}, 'bleScene_3': {'bleAddr': '700e02ed', 'do': [{'switches': [{'outlet': 1, 'switch': 'flip'}]}], 'outlet': 3, 'key': 1}, 'bleScene_4': {}, 'bleScene_5': {}}
2024-03-24 18:31:20 [D] 10015c0641 UIID 0160 | {'version': 7, 'switches': [{'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 0}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 1}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 2}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 3}], 'configure': [{'startup': 'off', 'outlet': 0}, {'startup': 'off', 'outlet': 1}, {'startup': 'off', 'outlet': 2}, {'startup': 'off', 'outlet': 3}], 'pulses': [{'pulse': 'off', 'switch': 'off', 'width': 500, 'outlet': 0}, {'pulse': 'off', 'switch': 'off', 'width': 0, 'outlet': 1}, {'pulse': 'off', 'switch': 'off', 'width': 0, 'outlet': 2}, {'pulse': 'off', 'switch': 'off', 'width': 0, 'outlet': 3}], 'sledOnline': 'off', 'rssi': -43, 'offBrightness': 10, 'fwVersion': '1.2.3'}
2024-03-24 18:31:20 [D] 10015c0620 UIID 0160 | {'version': 7, 'switches': [{'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 0}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 1}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 2}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 3}], 'configure': [{'startup': 'off', 'outlet': 0}, {'startup': 'off', 'outlet': 1}, {'startup': 'off', 'outlet': 2}, {'startup': 'off', 'outlet': 3}], 'pulses': [{'pulse': 'off', 'switch': 'off', 'width': 500, 'outlet': 0}, {'pulse': 'off', 'switch': 'off', 'width': 0, 'outlet': 1}, {'pulse': 'off', 'switch': 'off', 'width': 0, 'outlet': 2}, {'pulse': 'off', 'switch': 'off', 'width': 0, 'outlet': 3}], 'sledOnline': 'off', 'rssi': -38, 'offBrightness': 10, 'fwVersion': '1.2.3'}
2024-03-24 18:31:20 [D] 10013f67a9 UIID 0137 | {'version': 8, 'init': 1, 'fwVersion': '1000.2.1050', 'switch': 'on', 'lineSequence': {'1': 'b', '2': 'g', '3': 'r'}, 'colorR': 174, 'colorG': 255, 'colorB': 0, 'mode': 2, 'bright': 100, 'light_type': 1, 'timeZone': 2, 'NO_SEND_TO_APP': 0, 'diySpeed': 1, 'diyBright': 100, 'diyMode': 3, 'diyRGB': [[0, 48, 255], [0, 48, 255], [88, 255, 222], [88, 255, 222], [255, 115, 249], [255, 115, 249], [240, 255, 0]], 'speed07': 30, 'bright07': 70, 'speed18': 50, 'bright18': 100, 'speed06': 20, 'bright06': 100, 'speed14': 40, 'bright14': 50, 'speed08': 70, 'bright08': 100, 'speed15': 40, 'bright15': 40, 'speed12': 3, 'bright12': 100, 'speed10': 40, 'bright10': 100, 'speed09': 40, 'bright09': 63, 'speed22': 30, 'bright22': 60, 'speed23': 50, 'bright23': 60, 'speed24': 1, 'bright24': 60, 'speed26': 40, 'bright26': 50, 'speed13': 50, 'bright13': 70, 'speed28': 50, 'bright28': 50, 'speed27': 50, 'bright27': 50, 'speed29': 50, 'bright29': 50, 'speed30': 50, 'bright30': 50, 'speed11': 2, 'bright11': 34, 'speed21': 60, 'bright21': 70, 'speed17': 70, 'bright17': 60, 'speed16': 23, 'bright16': 100, 'rhythmMode': 3, 'rhythmSensitive': 100, 'speed20': 60, 'bright20': 60, 'speed19': 50, 'bright19': 70, 'colorTemp': 68}
2024-03-24 18:31:20 [D] 10013f6140 UIID 0137 | {'version': 8, 'init': 1, 'fwVersion': '1000.2.1050', 'switch': 'on', 'lineSequence': {'1': 'b', '2': 'g', '3': 'r'}, 'mode': 2, 'speed14': 40, 'bright14': 50, 'light_type': 1, 'colorR': 174, 'colorG': 255, 'colorB': 0, 'bright': 100, 'timeZone': 2, 'NO_SEND_TO_APP': 0, 'speed06': 20, 'bright06': 100, 'speed11': 30, 'bright11': 30, 'speed12': 3, 'bright12': 100, 'speed15': 40, 'bright15': 40, 'speed21': 60, 'bright21': 70, 'speed22': 30, 'bright22': 60, 'speed24': 1, 'bright24': 60, 'speed26': 40, 'bright26': 50, 'speed17': 70, 'bright17': 60, 'speed16': 23, 'bright16': 100, 'speed07': 30, 'bright07': 70, 'speed18': 50, 'bright18': 100, 'speed08': 70, 'bright08': 100, 'rhythmMode': 3, 'rhythmSensitive': 100, 'speed23': 50, 'bright23': 60, 'speed09': 40, 'bright09': 63, 'speed20': 60, 'bright20': 60, 'speed19': 50, 'bright19': 70, 'speed13': 50, 'bright13': 70, 'colorTemp': 68}
2024-03-24 18:31:20 [D] 10013f72ce UIID 0137 | {'version': 8, 'init': 1, 'fwVersion': '1000.2.1050', 'switch': 'on', 'lineSequence': {'1': 'b', '2': 'g', '3': 'r'}, 'colorR': 174, 'colorG': 255, 'colorB': 0, 'mode': 2, 'bright': 100, 'light_type': 1, 'speed11': 2, 'bright11': 34, 'speed12': 3, 'bright12': 100, 'speed15': 40, 'bright15': 40, 'speed21': 60, 'bright21': 70, 'speed22': 30, 'bright22': 60, 'speed24': 1, 'bright24': 60, 'speed26': 40, 'bright26': 50, 'speed17': 70, 'bright17': 60, 'speed16': 23, 'bright16': 100, 'speed07': 30, 'bright07': 70, 'speed18': 50, 'bright18': 100, 'timeZone': 2, 'speed06': 20, 'bright06': 100, 'speed08': 70, 'bright08': 100, 'speed09': 40, 'bright09': 63, 'rhythmMode': 3, 'rhythmSensitive': 100, 'speed23': 50, 'bright23': 60, 'NO_SEND_TO_APP': 0, 'speed20': 60, 'bright20': 60, 'speed19': 50, 'bright19': 70, 'speed13': 50, 'bright13': 70, 'colorTemp': 68}
2024-03-24 18:31:20 [D] ac18000ba8 UIID 0198 | {'brightness': 100, 'color': {'spectrumRGB': 16711680, 'temperature': 4000}, 'on': False, 'online': True, '_THIRDPARTY_CONFIG': {'id': 'M1GAxtaW9A0LXNwZWMtdjIVgoAFGA55ZWVsaW5rLWNvbG9AyNRUUGAkyMzkzMDM5MDUVxpQIAA', 'customData': {'model': 'yeelink.light.color5', 'region': 'DE', 'type': 'urn:miot-spec-v2:device:light:0000A001:yeelink-color5:1', 'real_did': '239303905'}, 'uniqueId': 'M1GAxtaW9A0LXNwZWMtdjIVgoAFGA55ZWVsaW5rLWNvbG9AyNRUUGAkyMzkzMDM5MDUVxpQIAA', 'needReport': False}, 'execParams': {'on': False}, 'capability': 'action.devices.commands.OnOff'}
2024-03-24 18:31:20 [D] ac18000ba9 UIID 0198 | {'brightness': 100, 'color': {'spectrumRGB': 16711680, 'temperature': 4000}, 'on': False, 'online': True, '_THIRDPARTY_CONFIG': {'id': 'M1GAxtaW9A0LXNwZWMtdjIVgoAFGA55ZWVsaW5rLWNvbG9AyMhUUGAkzMTI4OTc4OTkV6AYA', 'customData': {'model': 'yeelink.light.color2', 'region': 'DE', 'type': 'urn:miot-spec-v2:device:light:0000A001:yeelink-color2:1', 'real_did': '312897899'}, 'uniqueId': 'M1GAxtaW9A0LXNwZWMtdjIVgoAFGA55ZWVsaW5rLWNvbG9AyMhUUGAkzMTI4OTc4OTkV6AYA', 'needReport': False}, 'execParams': {'on': False}, 'capability': 'action.devices.commands.OnOff'}
2024-03-24 18:31:20 [D] abd8000462 UIID 0174 | {'subDevId': '700e02ed', 'parentid': '10015c2235', 'bleAddr': '700E02ED', 'outlet': 2, 'key': 0, 'count': 444, 'actionTime': '2024-03-24T12:10:13.905Z'}
2024-03-24 18:31:20 [D] abd800045e UIID 0174 | {'subDevId': '700df80e', 'parentid': '10015c2235', 'bleAddr': '700DF80E', 'outlet': 5, 'key': 2, 'count': 1631, 'actionTime': '2024-03-23T23:31:49.973Z'}
2024-03-24 18:31:20 [D] a48005b0a3 UIID 2026 | {'subDevId': '6a983125004b12002026', 'parentid': '10018eec10', 'battery': 100, 'trigTime': '1711301347000', 'supportPowConfig': 1, 'motion': 0}
2024-03-24 18:31:20 [D] 10013dbb11 UIID 0066 | {'version': 8, 'subDevNum': 2, 'subDevMaxNum': 32, 'sledOnline': 'on', 'zled': 'off', 'fwVersion': '1.7.0', 'subDevices': [{'subDevId': 'ecb9c724004b12001256', 'deviceid': 'a48004a607', 'uiid': '1256', 'index': 0}, {'subDevId': 'b9052029004b12001770', 'deviceid': 'a48006aedb', 'uiid': '1770', 'index': 0}], 'rssi': -65, 'addSubDevState': 'off', 'addDevTime': 180, 'only_device': {'ota': 'success'}, 'timeZone': 1}
2024-03-24 18:31:20 [D] 10018eec10 UIID 0168 | {'version': 8, 'sledOnline': 'on', 'rssi': -57, 'zled': 'on', 'buzzerAlarm': {'mode': 'stop'}, 'hostVersion': '1.8.0', 'coordinatorVersion': '2.7.19', 'subDevMaxNum': 128, 'fwVersion': '1.8.0', 'subDevices': [{'subDevId': '6a983125004b12002026', 'deviceid': 'a48005b0a3', 'uiid': '2026', 'index': 0}, {'subDevId': '46fbdefeff20ba847014', 'deviceid': 'a48006aee0', 'uiid': '7014', 'index': 0}, {'subDevId': '95052029004b12001770', 'deviceid': 'a48006aee4', 'uiid': '1770', 'index': 0}, {'subDevId': 'c9cf682a004b12003026', 'deviceid': 'a48006aeee', 'uiid': '3026', 'index': 0}], 'only_device': {'ota': 'success', 'ota_fail_reason': 0}, 'currentChannel': 11, 'timeZone': 2, 'addSubDevState': 'off', 'addDevTime': 180, 'cmd': 'getChannelInfo', 'localScenesLists': [], 'localScenesTimeStamp': 1697483795894}
2024-03-24 18:31:20 [D] ac18000ba7 UIID 0198 | {'brightness': 14, 'color': {'spectrumRGB': 16711680, 'temperature': 2814}, 'on': False, 'online': True, '_THIRDPARTY_CONFIG': {'id': 'M1GAxtaW9A0LXNwZWMtdjIVgoAFGA55ZWVsaW5rLWNvbG9AyMRUUGAg3NzM1NTAwMxVoAA', 'customData': {'model': 'yeelink.light.color1', 'region': 'DE', 'type': 'urn:miot-spec-v2:device:light:0000A001:yeelink-color1:1', 'real_did': '77355003'}, 'uniqueId': 'M1GAxtaW9A0LXNwZWMtdjIVgoAFGA55ZWVsaW5rLWNvbG9AyMRUUGAg3NzM1NTAwMxVoAA', 'needReport': False}}
2024-03-24 18:31:20 [D] a63001c472 UIID 0065 | {'record': 0, 'direction': 1, 'microphone': 1, 'sharpness': 1, 'playType': 0, 'fwVersion': '1.3.8', 'motion_detect': 2, 'battery': 79, 'health': 3}
2024-03-24 18:31:20 [D] AUTO mode start
2024-03-24 18:31:20 [D] 10018eec10 <= Local3 | | {'sledOnline': 'on', 'rssi': -49} | 1
2024-03-24 18:31:20 [D] 10015c0659 <= Local3 | | {'switches': [{'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 0}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 1}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 2}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 3}]} | 7903
2024-03-24 18:31:20 [D] 10015c18e5 <= Local3 | | {'switches': [{'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 0}, {'switch': 'on', 'outlet': 1}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 2}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 3}]} | 11403
2024-03-24 18:31:20 [D] 10015c0620 <= Local3 | | {'switches': [{'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 0}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 1}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 2}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 3}]} | 6355
2024-03-24 18:31:20 [D] 10015c13c6 <= Local3 | | {'switches': [{'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 0}, {'switch': 'on', 'outlet': 1}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 2}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 3}]} | 3953
2024-03-24 18:31:20 [D] 10015c2235 <= Local3 | | {'switches': [{'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 0}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 1}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 2}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 3}]} | 761
2024-03-24 18:31:20 [D] 100156af97 <= Local3 | | {'switches': [{'switch': 'on', 'outlet': 0}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 1}]} | 44066
2024-03-24 18:31:20 [D] 10015c0641 <= Local3 | | {'switches': [{'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 0}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 1}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 2}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 3}]} | 4329
2024-03-24 18:31:20 [D] CLOUD None => True
2024-03-24 18:31:20 [D] Add 72 entities
2024-03-24 18:31:20 [D] 10015c0659 => Local4 | | {'switches': [{'outlet': 0, 'switch': 'off'}]} <= {'sequence': '1711301480898', 'seq': 7904, 'error': 0, 'encrypt': True}
2024-03-24 18:31:21 [D] 10015c0659 <= Local3 | | {'switches': [{'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 0}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 1}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 2}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 3}]} | 7904

Core 2024.3.1 Supervisor 2024.03.0 Operating System 12.1 Frontend 20240307.0

litecross91 commented 3 months ago

Sorry but why don't give you any answer? This problem is real. I restarted the whole HA on tuesday and today (sunday) I get the "no reaction" problem again. Reload the Sonoff LAN integration and works like a charm.

Core 2024.3.3 Supervisor 2024.03.1 Operating System 12.1 Frontend 20240307.0

litecross91 commented 3 months ago

The switch can be pinged, and the control is also available from the ewelink application. In Home Assistant it won't have an unavailable status, so I can't even write automation to restart it to reload the SonoffLAN integration.

AlexxIT commented 2 months ago

I can't see any control messages to before 2024-03-24 18:31:21. This is first control message:

2024-03-24 18:31:21 [D] 10015c13c6 => Local4 | | {'switches': [{'outlet': 0, 'switch': 'off'}]} <= {'sequence': '1711301481158', 'seq': 3954, 'error': 0, 'encrypt': True}

This was previous control message at 2024-03-24 09:19:05:

2024-03-24 09:19:05 [D] 10015c13c6 => Local4 | | {'switches': [{'outlet': 1, 'switch': 'off'}]} <= {'sequence': '1711268345665', 'seq': 3948, 'error': 0, 'encrypt': True}

All of them works fine.

litecross91 commented 2 months ago

The problem is that the log does not show the error. I have switched the switch from the ewelink app and physically. It is not in the log. Since then I have had the error several times. Nothing shows up in the log, even though the device is up on wifi and working from the ewelink app. However, it does not respond to anything in HA, no trace in log. I noticed that only M5-2C switches are affected. I have two, and they alternately do this error every 3-4 days. I have tried using daily auto-reloading SonoffLAN. It had no effect, in the afternoon the error reappeared.

AlexxIT commented 2 months ago

Your device return new state:

2024-03-24 18:25:27 [D] 10015c13c6 <= Local3 | | {'switches': [{'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 0}, {'switch': 'on', 'outlet': 1}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 2}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 3}]} | 3953
2024-03-24 18:25:27 [D] 10015c13c6 <= Cloud3 | {'switches': [{'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 0}, {'switch': 'on', 'outlet': 1}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 2}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 3}]} | None
petebanham commented 2 months ago

I have the same issue with my just 2 channel switches, Ts and NSpanel, see issue #1364

litecross91 commented 2 months ago

Interesting I also have NSpanel but it never fails. Only the two m5-2c do.

petebanham commented 2 months ago

I only noticed that one once so maybe it was something else, I will re confirm next time it happens but the all my 2 channel Ts definitely have the issue

petebanham commented 2 months ago

Interesting I also have NSpanel but it never fails. Only the two m5-2c do.

I have confirmed that it definitely affects my NSpanel . I have the original (not Pro) and have physical lights wired to both relay switches. Does yours have lights wired to switches/relays?

litecross91 commented 2 months ago

Interesting I also have NSpanel but it never fails. Only the two m5-2c do.

I have confirmed that it definitely affects my NSpanel . I have the original (not Pro) and have physical lights wired to both relay switches. Does yours have lights wired to switches/relays?

Yes, it switches two wired ceiling lights. And yes normal first gen NSPanel with 1.4.0 fw.

litecross91 commented 2 months ago

@AlexxIT I experienced the error again. On 04/16 at 21:50 some devices became unavailable (router log says they were not dropped from wifi), then when everything came back online (this took a few seconds) became unmanageable from HA. Again, only the two toggle switches became unmanageable. Then at 21:55 I reloaded the integration and it worked again. I attach the logs. sonoff_log_04_16.txt

AlexxIT commented 2 months ago

You definitely have a problem with your local network. The router's WiFi may have failed. Because all of your devices go offline at the same time. Via cloud and via local. But the connection from Hass to the ewelink cloud didn't fail. So the Internet was fine.

2024-04-16 21:49:58 [W] Cloud ERROR: {'error': 504, 'reason': 'Request Timeout', 'deviceid': '10015c0641', 'apikey': 'XXXXXXX', 'sequence': '1713296992636'}
2024-04-16 21:49:59 [D] 10015c0620 <= Cloud3 | {'online': False} | None
2024-04-16 21:50:01 [D] 10015c0620 => Local4 | | None !! Timeout 5
2024-04-16 21:50:02 [D] 10018eec10 <= Cloud3 | {'online': False} | None
2024-04-16 21:50:02 [D] a48005b0a3 <= Cloud3 | {'online': False} | None
2024-04-16 21:50:02 [D] a48006aee0 <= Cloud3 | {'online': False} | None
2024-04-16 21:50:02 [D] a48006aee4 <= Cloud3 | {'online': False} | None
2024-04-16 21:50:02 [D] a48006aeee <= Cloud3 | {'online': False} | None
2024-04-16 21:50:02 [D] a48004a607 <= Cloud3 | {'online': False} | None
2024-04-16 21:50:03 [D] 10015c0641 <= Cloud3 | {'online': False} | None
2024-04-16 21:50:04 [D] 10015c0641 => Local4 | | None !! Timeout 5
2024-04-16 21:50:05 [D] 10015c0620 => Local4 | | None !! Timeout 5
2024-04-16 21:50:07 [D] 10015c0620 => Local4 | | None !! Can't connect: Cannot connect to host ssl:default [Connect call failed ('', 8081)]
2024-04-16 21:50:08 [D] 10018eec10 => Local4 | | None !! Timeout 5
2024-04-16 21:50:09 [D] 10015c0641 => Local4 | | None !! Timeout 5
2024-04-16 21:50:10 [D] 10015c0620 => Local4 | | None !! Can't connect: Cannot connect to host ssl:default [Connect call failed ('', 8081)]
2024-04-16 21:50:11 [D] 10015c0641 => Local4 | | None !! Can't connect: Cannot connect to host ssl:default [Connect call failed ('', 8081)]
2024-04-16 21:50:18 [D] 10015c0620 => Local4 | | None !! Timeout 5
2024-04-16 21:50:18 [D] 10015c0620 !! Local4 | Device offline
2024-04-16 21:50:19 [D] 10018eec10 => Local4 | | None !! Timeout 5
2024-04-16 21:50:19 [D] 10015c2235 <= Cloud3 | {'online': False} | None
2024-04-16 21:50:20 [D] 10015c0641 => Local4 | | None !! Timeout 5
2024-04-16 21:50:21 [D] 10015c0620 => Local4 | | None !! Timeout 5
2024-04-16 21:50:21 [D] 10015c0620 !! Local4 | Device offline
2024-04-16 21:50:21 [D] 10015c18e5 <= Cloud3 | {'online': False} | None
2024-04-16 21:50:21 [D] 10015c0659 <= Cloud3 | {'online': False} | None
2024-04-16 21:50:22 [D] 10015c0641 => Local4 | | None !! Timeout 5
2024-04-16 21:50:22 [D] 10015c0641 !! Local4 | Device offline
2024-04-16 21:50:25 [D] 10015c2235 => Local4 | | None !! Timeout 5
2024-04-16 21:50:27 [D] 10015c0659 => Local4 | | None !! Timeout 5
2024-04-16 21:50:27 [D] 10015c18e5 => Local4 | | None !! Timeout 5
2024-04-16 21:50:30 [D] 10018eec10 => Local4 | | None !! Timeout 5
2024-04-16 21:50:30 [D] 10018eec10 !! Local4 | Device offline
2024-04-16 21:50:31 [D] 10015c0620 => Local4 | | None !! Timeout 5
2024-04-16 21:50:31 [D] 10015c0620 !! Local4 | Device offline
2024-04-16 21:50:31 [D] 10015c0641 => Local4 | | None !! Timeout 5
2024-04-16 21:50:31 [D] 10015c0641 !! Local4 | Device offline
2024-04-16 21:50:31 [D] 10018eec10 => Local4 | | None !! Timeout 5
2024-04-16 21:50:33 [D] 10015c2235 => Local4 | | None !! Can't connect: Cannot connect to host ssl:default [Connect call failed ('', 8081)]
2024-04-16 21:50:35 [D] 10015c18e5 => Local4 | | None !! Can't connect: Cannot connect to host ssl:default [Connect call failed ('', 8081)]
2024-04-16 21:50:35 [D] 10015c0659 => Local4 | | None !! Can't connect: Cannot connect to host ssl:default [Connect call failed ('', 8081)]
2024-04-16 21:50:37 [D] 100156af97 <= Cloud3 | {'online': False} | None
2024-04-16 21:50:40 [D] 10015c13c6 <= Cloud3 | {'online': False} | None
2024-04-16 21:50:42 [D] 10018eec10 => Local4 | | None !! Timeout 5
2024-04-16 21:50:43 [D] 100156af97 => Local4 | | None !! Timeout 5
2024-04-16 21:50:43 [D] 10015c0659 => Local4 | | None !! Can't connect: Cannot connect to host ssl:default [Connect call failed ('', 8081)]
2024-04-16 21:50:43 [D] 10015c0659 !! Local4 | Device offline
2024-04-16 21:50:43 [D] 10015c18e5 => Local4 | | None !! Can't connect: Cannot connect to host ssl:default [Connect call failed ('', 8081)]
2024-04-16 21:50:43 [D] 10015c18e5 !! Local4 | Device offline
2024-04-16 21:50:44 [D] 10015c2235 => Local4 | | None !! Timeout 5
2024-04-16 21:50:44 [D] 10015c2235 !! Local4 | Device offline
2024-04-16 21:50:44 [D] 10013f5e43 <= Cloud3 | {'online': False} | None
2024-04-16 21:50:46 [D] 10015c13c6 => Local4 | | None !! Timeout 5
2024-04-16 21:50:47 [D] 10013f67a9 <= Cloud3 | {'online': False} | None
2024-04-16 21:50:50 [D] 100156af97 => Local4 | | None <= {'sequence': '1713297048402', 'seq': 10310, 'error': 400, 'encrypt': True}
2024-04-16 21:50:51 [D] 10013f67a9 <= Cloud3 | {'online': True} | None
2024-04-16 21:50:51 [D] 10013f67a9 <= Cloud3 | {'init': 1, 'fwVersion': '1000.2.1050', 'switch': 'on', 'lineSequence': {'3': 'r', '2': 'g', '1': 'b'}, 'colorR': 255, 'colorG': 0, 'colorB': 95, 'mode': 1, 'bright': 100, 'light_type': 1} | None
2024-04-16 21:50:51 [D] 10013f5e43 <= Cloud3 | {'online': True} | None
2024-04-16 21:50:51 [D] 10013f5e43 <= Cloud3 | {'init': 1, 'fwVersion': '1000.2.1050', 'switch': 'off'} | None
2024-04-16 21:50:51 [D] 10018eec10 => Local4 | | None !! ConnectionResetError
2024-04-16 21:50:51 [D] 10015c13c6 => Local4 | | None <= {'sequence': '1713297051402', 'seq': 752, 'error': 400, 'encrypt': True}
2024-04-16 21:50:51 [D] 10018eec10 => Local4 | | None <= {'sequence': '1713297051532', 'seq': 2, 'error': 400, 'encrypt': True}
2024-04-16 21:50:54 [D] 10015c2235 <= Cloud3 | {'online': True} | None
2024-04-16 21:50:54 [D] 10015c2235 <= Cloud3 | {'switches': [{'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 0}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 1}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 2}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 3}], 'configure': [{'startup': 'off', 'outlet': 0}, {'startup': 'off', 'outlet': 1}, {'startup': 'off', 'outlet': 2}, {'startup': 'off', 'outlet': 3}], 'pulses': [{'pulse': 'off', 'switch': 'off', 'width': 500, 'outlet': 0}, {'pulse': 'off', 'switch': 'off', 'width': 500, 'outlet': 1}, {'pulse': 'off', 'switch': 'off', 'width': 500, 'outlet': 2}, {'pulse': 'off', 'switch': 'off', 'width': 0, 'outlet': 3}], 'sledOnline': 'off', 'rssi': -49, 'offBrightness': 25} | None
2024-04-16 21:50:54 [D] 10015c2235 <= Local3 | | {'switches': [{'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 0}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 1}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 2}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 3}], 'configure': [{'startup': 'off', 'outlet': 0}, {'startup': 'off', 'outlet': 1}, {'startup': 'off', 'outlet': 2}, {'startup': 'off', 'outlet': 3}], 'pulses': [{'pulse': 'off', 'switch': 'off', 'width': 500, 'outlet': 0}, {'pulse': 'off', 'switch': 'off', 'width': 500, 'outlet': 1}, {'pulse': 'off', 'switch': 'off', 'width': 500, 'outlet': 2}, {'pulse': 'off', 'switch': 'off', 'width': 0, 'outlet': 3}], 'sledOnline': 'off'} | 152
2024-04-16 21:50:55 [D] 10015c18e5 => Local4 | | None <= {'sequence': '1713297055448', 'seq': 1398, 'error': 400, 'encrypt': True}
2024-04-16 21:50:55 [D] 10015c0659 => Local4 | | None <= {'sequence': '1713297055449', 'seq': 601, 'error': 400, 'encrypt': True}
2024-04-16 21:50:55 [D] 10015c0641 => Local4 | | None <= {'sequence': '1713297055450', 'seq': 824, 'error': 400, 'encrypt': True}
2024-04-16 21:50:55 [D] 10015c0620 => Local4 | | None <= {'sequence': '1713297055451', 'seq': 1365, 'error': 400, 'encrypt': True}
2024-04-16 21:50:56 [D] 10015c13c6 <= Cloud3 | {'online': True} | None
2024-04-16 21:50:56 [D] 10015c13c6 => Local4 | | None <= {'sequence': '1713297056209', 'seq': 752, 'error': 400, 'encrypt': True}
2024-04-16 21:50:56 [D] 100156af97 <= Cloud3 | {'online': True} | None
2024-04-16 21:50:56 [D] 10015c13c6 <= Local3 | | {'switches': [{'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 0}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 1}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 2}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 3}], 'configure': [{'startup': 'off', 'outlet': 0}, {'startup': 'off', 'outlet': 1}, {'startup': 'off', 'outlet': 2}, {'startup': 'off', 'outlet': 3}], 'pulses': [{'pulse': 'off', 'switch': 'off', 'width': 500, 'outlet': 0}, {'pulse': 'off', 'switch': 'off', 'width': 500, 'outlet': 1}, {'pulse': 'off', 'switch': 'off', 'width': 0, 'outlet': 2}, {'pulse': 'off', 'switch': 'off', 'width': 0, 'outlet': 3}], 'sledOnline': 'off'} | 752
2024-04-16 21:50:56 [D] 10015c13c6 <= Cloud3 | {'switches': [{'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 0}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 1}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 2}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 3}], 'configure': [{'startup': 'off', 'outlet': 0}, {'startup': 'off', 'outlet': 1}, {'startup': 'off', 'outlet': 2}, {'startup': 'off', 'outlet': 3}], 'pulses': [{'pulse': 'off', 'switch': 'off', 'width': 500, 'outlet': 0}, {'pulse': 'off', 'switch': 'off', 'width': 500, 'outlet': 1}, {'pulse': 'off', 'switch': 'off', 'width': 0, 'outlet': 2}, {'pulse': 'off', 'switch': 'off', 'width': 0, 'outlet': 3}], 'sledOnline': 'off', 'rssi': -42, 'offBrightness': 10} | None
2024-04-16 21:50:56 [D] 100156af97 => Local4 | | None <= {'sequence': '1713297056394', 'seq': 10311, 'error': 400, 'encrypt': True}
2024-04-16 21:50:56 [D] 100156af97 <= Local3 | | {'switches': [{'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 0}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 1}], 'pulses': [{'pulse': 'off', 'width': 1000, 'outlet': 0}, {'pulse': 'off', 'width': 1000, 'outlet': 1}], 'configure': [{'startup': 'off', 'outlet': 0}, {'startup': 'off', 'outlet': 1}], 'lock': 0} | 10312
2024-04-16 21:50:57 [D] 100156af97 <= Cloud3 | {'pulses': [{'pulse': 'off', 'width': 1000, 'outlet': 0}, {'pulse': 'off', 'width': 1000, 'outlet': 1}], 'switches': [{'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 0}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 1}], 'configure': [{'startup': 'off', 'outlet': 0}, {'startup': 'off', 'outlet': 1}], 'lock': 0} | None
2024-04-16 21:50:58 [D] 10015c2235 => Local4 | | None <= {'sequence': '1713297054295', 'seq': 153, 'error': 400, 'encrypt': True}
2024-04-16 21:50:58 [D] 100156af97 <= Cloud3 | {'ctype': 'device', 'id': '100156af97', 'resourcetype': 'ATC'} | None
2024-04-16 21:51:03 [D] 10015c0659 <= Cloud3 | {'online': True} | None
2024-04-16 21:51:03 [D] 10015c0659 => Local4 | | None <= {'sequence': '1713297063694', 'seq': 601, 'error': 400, 'encrypt': True}
2024-04-16 21:51:03 [D] 10015c0659 <= Cloud3 | {'switches': [{'switch': 'on', 'outlet': 0}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 1}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 2}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 3}], 'configure': [{'startup': 'off', 'outlet': 0}, {'startup': 'off', 'outlet': 1}, {'startup': 'off', 'outlet': 2}, {'startup': 'off', 'outlet': 3}], 'pulses': [{'pulse': 'off', 'switch': 'off', 'width': 500, 'outlet': 0}, {'pulse': 'off', 'switch': 'off', 'width': 0, 'outlet': 1}, {'pulse': 'off', 'switch': 'off', 'width': 0, 'outlet': 2}, {'pulse': 'off', 'switch': 'off', 'width': 0, 'outlet': 3}], 'sledOnline': 'off', 'rssi': -42, 'offBrightness': 10} | None
2024-04-16 21:51:03 [D] 10015c0659 <= Local3 | | {'switches': [{'switch': 'on', 'outlet': 0}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 1}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 2}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 3}], 'configure': [{'startup': 'off', 'outlet': 0}, {'startup': 'off', 'outlet': 1}, {'startup': 'off', 'outlet': 2}, {'startup': 'off', 'outlet': 3}], 'pulses': [{'pulse': 'off', 'switch': 'off', 'width': 500, 'outlet': 0}, {'pulse': 'off', 'switch': 'off', 'width': 0, 'outlet': 1}, {'pulse': 'off', 'switch': 'off', 'width': 0, 'outlet': 2}, {'pulse': 'off', 'switch': 'off', 'width': 0, 'outlet': 3}], 'sledOnline': 'off'} | 601
2024-04-16 21:51:04 [D] 10015c18e5 <= Cloud3 | {'online': True} | None
2024-04-16 21:51:04 [D] 10015c18e5 => Local4 | | None <= {'sequence': '1713297064218', 'seq': 1398, 'error': 400, 'encrypt': True}
2024-04-16 21:51:04 [D] 10015c18e5 <= Cloud3 | {'switches': [{'switch': 'on', 'outlet': 0}, {'switch': 'on', 'outlet': 1}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 2}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 3}], 'configure': [{'startup': 'off', 'outlet': 0}, {'startup': 'off', 'outlet': 1}, {'startup': 'off', 'outlet': 2}, {'startup': 'off', 'outlet': 3}], 'pulses': [{'pulse': 'off', 'switch': 'off', 'width': 500, 'outlet': 0}, {'pulse': 'off', 'switch': 'off', 'width': 500, 'outlet': 1}, {'pulse': 'off', 'switch': 'off', 'width': 0, 'outlet': 2}, {'pulse': 'off', 'switch': 'off', 'width': 0, 'outlet': 3}], 'sledOnline': 'off', 'rssi': -42, 'offBrightness': 25} | None
2024-04-16 21:51:04 [D] 10015c18e5 <= Local3 | | {'switches': [{'switch': 'on', 'outlet': 0}, {'switch': 'on', 'outlet': 1}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 2}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 3}], 'configure': [{'startup': 'off', 'outlet': 0}, {'startup': 'off', 'outlet': 1}, {'startup': 'off', 'outlet': 2}, {'startup': 'off', 'outlet': 3}], 'pulses': [{'pulse': 'off', 'switch': 'off', 'width': 500, 'outlet': 0}, {'pulse': 'off', 'switch': 'off', 'width': 500, 'outlet': 1}, {'pulse': 'off', 'switch': 'off', 'width': 0, 'outlet': 2}, {'pulse': 'off', 'switch': 'off', 'width': 0, 'outlet': 3}], 'sledOnline': 'off'} | 1398
2024-04-16 21:51:05 [D] 10015c0641 <= Cloud3 | {'online': True} | None
2024-04-16 21:51:05 [D] 10015c0641 => Local4 | | None <= {'sequence': '1713297065777', 'seq': 824, 'error': 400, 'encrypt': True}
2024-04-16 21:51:06 [D] 10015c0641 <= Cloud3 | {'switches': [{'switch': 'on', 'outlet': 0}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 1}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 2}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 3}], 'configure': [{'startup': 'off', 'outlet': 0}, {'startup': 'off', 'outlet': 1}, {'startup': 'off', 'outlet': 2}, {'startup': 'off', 'outlet': 3}], 'pulses': [{'pulse': 'off', 'switch': 'off', 'width': 500, 'outlet': 0}, {'pulse': 'off', 'switch': 'off', 'width': 0, 'outlet': 1}, {'pulse': 'off', 'switch': 'off', 'width': 0, 'outlet': 2}, {'pulse': 'off', 'switch': 'off', 'width': 0, 'outlet': 3}], 'sledOnline': 'off', 'rssi': -24, 'offBrightness': 10} | None
2024-04-16 21:51:06 [D] 10015c0641 <= Local3 | | {'switches': [{'switch': 'on', 'outlet': 0}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 1}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 2}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 3}], 'configure': [{'startup': 'off', 'outlet': 0}, {'startup': 'off', 'outlet': 1}, {'startup': 'off', 'outlet': 2}, {'startup': 'off', 'outlet': 3}], 'pulses': [{'pulse': 'off', 'switch': 'off', 'width': 500, 'outlet': 0}, {'pulse': 'off', 'switch': 'off', 'width': 0, 'outlet': 1}, {'pulse': 'off', 'switch': 'off', 'width': 0, 'outlet': 2}, {'pulse': 'off', 'switch': 'off', 'width': 0, 'outlet': 3}], 'sledOnline': 'off'} | 824
2024-04-16 21:51:31 [D] 10018eec10 <= Cloud3 | {'online': True} | None
2024-04-16 21:51:31 [D] 10018eec10 => Local4 | | None <= {'sequence': '1713297091091', 'seq': 2, 'error': 400, 'encrypt': True}
2024-04-16 21:51:31 [D] 10018eec10 <= Cloud3 | {'sledOnline': 'on', 'rssi': -51, 'zled': 'on', 'hostVersion': '1.8.0', 'coordinatorVersion': '2.7.19', 'subDevMaxNum': 128, 'currentChannel': 11} | None
2024-04-16 21:51:31 [D] a48004a607 <= Cloud3 | {'online': True} | None
2024-04-16 21:51:31 [D] a48005b0a3 <= Cloud3 | {'online': True} | None
2024-04-16 21:51:31 [D] a48006aee0 <= Cloud3 | {'online': True} | None
2024-04-16 21:51:31 [D] a48006aee4 <= Cloud3 | {'online': True} | None
2024-04-16 21:51:31 [D] a48006aeee <= Cloud3 | {'online': True} | None
2024-04-16 21:51:31 [D] a48004a607 <= Cloud3 | {'fwVersion': '2.0.0'} | None
2024-04-16 21:51:31 [D] a48004a607 <= Cloud3 | {'switch': 'on'} | None
2024-04-16 21:51:33 [D] a48006aee0 <= Cloud3 | {'fwVersion': '1.0.9'} | None
2024-04-16 21:51:43 [D] 10015c0620 <= Cloud3 | {'online': True} | None
litecross91 commented 2 months ago

I made a video to better understand the problem. In this video, you can see that even if I turn it on in HA, no log entry is made. Video 1

And in the next video I'm flipping the switch from the ewelink app. You can clearly see that HA is tracking the change and logging it. Video 2

024-04-21 20:36:05 [D] 10018eec10 => Local4 | | None <= {'sequence': '1713724565504', 'seq': 2, 'error': 400, 'encrypt': True}
2024-04-21 20:36:35 [D] 10015c0620 => Local4 | | None <= {'sequence': '1713724595504', 'seq': 1874, 'error': 400, 'encrypt': True}
2024-04-21 20:36:35 [D] 100156af97 => Local4 | | None <= {'sequence': '1713724595503', 'seq': 14664, 'error': 400, 'encrypt': True}
2024-04-21 20:37:05 [D] 10015c13c6 => Local4 | | None <= {'sequence': '1713724625505', 'seq': 272, 'error': 400, 'encrypt': True}
2024-04-21 20:37:05 [D] 10015c2235 => Local4 | | None <= {'sequence': '1713724625506', 'seq': 44, 'error': 400, 'encrypt': True}
2024-04-21 20:37:05 [D] 10015c0641 => Local4 | | None <= {'sequence': '1713724625507', 'seq': 1186, 'error': 400, 'encrypt': True}
2024-04-21 20:37:35 [D] 10015c18e5 => Local4 | | None <= {'sequence': '1713724655507', 'seq': 1998, 'error': 400, 'encrypt': True}
2024-04-21 20:37:35 [D] 10015c0659 => Local4 | | None <= {'sequence': '1713724655508', 'seq': 880, 'error': 400, 'encrypt': True}
2024-04-21 20:37:35 [D] 10018eec10 => Local4 | | None <= {'sequence': '1713724655509', 'seq': 2, 'error': 400, 'encrypt': True}
2024-04-21 20:37:59 [D] 10015c13c6 <= Local3 | | {'switches': [{'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 0}, {'switch': 'on', 'outlet': 1}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 2}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 3}]} | 272
2024-04-21 20:37:59 [D] 10015c13c6 <= Cloud3 | {'switches': [{'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 0}, {'switch': 'on', 'outlet': 1}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 2}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 3}]} | 1713724679189
2024-04-21 20:38:05 [D] 100156af97 => Local4 | | None <= {'sequence': '1713724685507', 'seq': 14665, 'error': 400, 'encrypt': True}
2024-04-21 20:38:05 [D] 10015c0620 => Local4 | | None <= {'sequence': '1713724685508', 'seq': 1874, 'error': 400, 'encrypt': True}
2024-04-21 20:38:14 [D] 10015c13c6 <= Cloud3 | {'switches': [{'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 0}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 1}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 2}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 3}]} | 1713724694203
2024-04-21 20:38:14 [D] 10015c13c6 <= Local3 | | {'switches': [{'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 0}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 1}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 2}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 3}]} | 273
2024-04-21 20:38:16 [D] 10015c13c6 <= Local3 | | {'switches': [{'switch': 'on', 'outlet': 0}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 1}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 2}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 3}]} | 274
2024-04-21 20:38:16 [D] 10015c13c6 <= Cloud3 | {'switches': [{'switch': 'on', 'outlet': 0}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 1}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 2}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 3}]} | 1713724695823
2024-04-21 20:38:19 [D] 10015c13c6 <= Cloud3 | {'switches': [{'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 0}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 1}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 2}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 3}]} | 1713724698885
2024-04-21 20:38:19 [D] 10015c13c6 <= Local3 | | {'switches': [{'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 0}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 1}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 2}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 3}]} | 275
2024-04-21 20:38:20 [D] 10015c13c6 <= Local3 | | {'switches': [{'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 0}, {'switch': 'on', 'outlet': 1}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 2}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 3}]} | 276
2024-04-21 20:38:20 [D] 10015c13c6 <= Cloud3 | {'switches': [{'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 0}, {'switch': 'on', 'outlet': 1}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 2}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 3}]} | 1713724700235
2024-04-21 20:38:35 [D] 10015c0641 => Local4 | | None <= {'sequence': '1713724715509', 'seq': 1186, 'error': 400, 'encrypt': True}
2024-04-21 20:38:35 [D] 10015c2235 => Local4 | | None <= {'sequence': '1713724715508', 'seq': 44, 'error': 400, 'encrypt': True}
2024-04-21 20:38:53 [D] 10015c13c6 <= Cloud3 | {'switches': [{'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 0}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 1}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 2}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 3}]} | 1713724733389
2024-04-21 20:38:53 [D] 10015c13c6 <= Local3 | | {'switches': [{'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 0}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 1}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 2}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 3}]} | 277
AlexxIT commented 2 months ago

Just noticed you have a lot of unknown devices. 160 - is it single switch? 161 - looks like it's your problem 2 channel switch 198 - some lamp? 065 - ?

I don't think this is source of problem. But anyway I can set right specs for this devices

AlexxIT commented 2 months ago

You can add additional log messages: _LOGGER.debug(device)

  1. Here
  2. Here
litecross91 commented 2 months ago

Just noticed you have a lot of unknown devices. 160 - is it single switch? 161 - looks like it's your problem 2 channel switch 198 - some lamp? 065 - ?

I don't think this is source of problem. But anyway I can set right specs for this devices

UIID 065 : my Xiaomi mobile, registered in ewelink app and can be used as a camera, but I don't use it anymore UIID 160: yes, three Sonoff M5-1C smart switch UIID 161: yes, two Sonoff M5-2C smart switch (problems) UIID 198: two Xiaomi smart light bulbs, I don't use here but ewelink app pulled them in

For some reason, all M5 switches have extra entities that cannot be used. I attach the pictures. This is more of an OFF topic.

M5-1C_1 M5-1C_2 M5-1C_3 M5-2C_1 M5-2C_2

litecross91 commented 2 months ago

You can add additional log messages: _LOGGER.debug(device)

  1. Here
  2. Here

I tried inserting "_LOGGER.debug(device)" in the "" file, lines 105 and 151, but then the Sonoff integration failed to start due to an error. Can you help me what exactly I should insert and where? I don't have much experience in this.

AlexxIT commented 2 months ago

You just need to insert those lines with the correct indentation. Just like the lines I'm referring to.

litecross91 commented 2 months ago

I tried this: image image Unfortunately, it doesn't work that way.

AlexxIT commented 2 months ago

Can't see any reason why this may not work. Maybe different indentation symbol (spaces/tabs).

litecross91 commented 2 months ago

I tried with HA Studio Code Server. It was okay after reboot. What should I see new in the logs? image

Today the other switch became uncontrollable.

litecross91 commented 2 months ago

There are new lines. This is one line:

2024-04-22 20:20:38 [D] {'name': 'Hallway-1', 'deviceid': '10015c18e5', 'apikey': '**********', 'extra': {'uiid': 161, 'description': '20211130007', 'brandId': '**********', 'apmac': 'd0:27:02:b8:2f:1b', 'mac': 'd0:27:02:b8:2f:1a', 'ui': '双通道开关_支持2.4G轻智能', 'modelInfo': '60d3dfdcf2b4aa90e56c5bdd', 'model': 'ESP32D0-MSW-T5', 'manufacturer': '深圳松诺技术有限公司', 'staMac': '78E36DC841F4'}, 'brandName': 'SONOFF', 'brandLogo': '', 'showBrand': True, 'productModel': 'M5-2C', 'tags': {'m_8ce3_laza': 'on', 'm_b3c5_kote': 'on', 'm_f721_davi': 'on'}, 'devConfig': {}, 'settings': {'opsNotify': 0, 'opsHistory': 1, 'alarmNotify': 1, 'wxAlarmNotify': 0, 'wxOpsNotify': 0, 'wxDoorbellNotify': 0, 'appDoorbellNotify': 1}, 'devGroups': [], 'family': {'familyid': '**********', 'index': 7, 'members': ['**********', '**********'], 'roomid': '**********'}, 'shareTo': [], 'devicekey': '**********', 'online': True, 'params': {'bindInfos': {'gaction': ['**********_ewelinkGoogleHome'], 'scene': 24, 'ifttt': ['**********'], 'iftttTriggerCnt': 0}, 'version': 7, 'remoteCtrlList': [{'outlet': 0, 'addr': []}, {'outlet': 1, 'addr': []}, {'outlet': 2, 'addr': []}, {'outlet': 3, 'addr': []}], 'switches': [{'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 0}, {'switch': 'on', 'outlet': 1}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 2}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 3}], 'configure': [{'startup': 'off', 'outlet': 0}, {'startup': 'off', 'outlet': 1}, {'startup': 'off', 'outlet': 2}, {'startup': 'off', 'outlet': 3}], 'pulses': [{'pulse': 'off', 'switch': 'off', 'width': 500, 'outlet': 0}, {'pulse': 'off', 'switch': 'off', 'width': 500, 'outlet': 1}, {'pulse': 'off', 'switch': 'off', 'width': 0, 'outlet': 2}, {'pulse': 'off', 'switch': 'off', 'width': 0, 'outlet': 3}], 'sledOnline': 'off', 'staMac': '78E36DC841F4', 'rssi': -41, 'offBrightness': 25, 'fwVersion': '1.2.3', 'only_device': {'ota': 'success', 'ota_fail_reason': 0}, 'addSubDevState': 'off', 'addTimeOut': 10, 'bleScene_0': {'bleAddr': '700df80e', 'do': [{'switches': [{'outlet': 0, 'switch': 'flip'}]}], 'outlet': 4, 'key': 0}, 'bleScene_1': {'bleAddr': '700e02ed', 'do': [{'switches': [{'outlet': 0, 'switch': 'flip'}]}], 'outlet': 4, 'key': 0}, 'bleScene_2': {}}, 'denyFeatures': ['switchWifi', 'remoteControl', 'lightScene', 'remoteSupport', 'upgradeFirmwareReminder', 'startupWithDelay', 'pluse_with_hour', 'offline_alert', 'autoUpdateOta', 'matter_pair_mode', 'timer_support_DST', 'startupWithFlip', 'tzInfo'], 'isSupportGroup': True, 'isSupportedOnMP': True, 'isSupportChannelSplit': True, 'deviceFeature': {}, 'host': '', 'localtype': 'plug', 'local_ts': 1713810086.8501081, 'local': True}

AlexxIT commented 2 months ago

It's important to see whole log in the problem moment of time

litecross91 commented 2 months ago

If the error occurs again, I will bring the logs.

litecross91 commented 2 months ago

The problem returned after 3 days, as before.

Video: (A tried switch from HA but nothing happened, as before.)


2024-04-25 19:52:25 [D] 10015c18e5 => Local4 | | None <= {'sequence': '1714067544933', 'seq': 2334, 'error': 400, 'encrypt': True}
2024-04-25 19:52:39 [D] a48006aee4 <= Cloud3 | {'temperature': '2378', 'trigTime': '1714067559000'} | None
2024-04-25 19:52:40 [D] {'name': 'Kitchen_M5-2C', 'deviceid': '10015c13c6', 'apikey': '1966febb-c422-4d4f-99c9-45c9a2448ce3', 'extra': {'uiid': 161, 'description': '20211130007', 'brandId': '5c4c1aee3a7d24c7100be054', 'apmac': 'd0:27:02:b8:24:dd', 'mac': 'd0:27:02:b8:24:dc', 'ui': '双通道开关_支持2.4G轻智能', 'modelInfo': '60d3dfdcf2b4aa90e56c5bdd', 'model': 'ESP32D0-MSW-T5', 'manufacturer': '深圳松诺技术有限公司', 'staMac': '78E36DC86CEC'}, 'brandName': 'SONOFF', 'brandLogo': '', 'showBrand': True, 'productModel': 'M5-2C', 'tags': {'m_8ce3_laza': 'on'}, 'devConfig': {}, 'settings': {'opsNotify': 0, 'opsHistory': 1, 'alarmNotify': 1, 'wxAlarmNotify': 0, 'wxOpsNotify': 0, 'wxDoorbellNotify': 0, 'appDoorbellNotify': 1}, 'devGroups': [], 'family': {'familyid': '6286a3428f4cb400095f26d5', 'index': 5, 'members': ['3f214964-b6b0-4a24-b89b-5230b7ecb3c5', 'c314f3b8-4795-4bda-b77d-9077a368f721']}, 'shareTo': [], 'devicekey': 'f3c0f54d-7190-480b-8569-dfc1063322f9', 'online': True, 'params': {'bindInfos': {'gaction': ['1966febb-c422-4d4f-99c9-45c9a2448ce3_ewelinkGoogleHome'], 'ifttt': ['1966febb-c422-4d4f-99c9-45c9a2448ce3_c7a1fe14a59d4ae58493540d644fbe6f']}, 'version': 7, 'switches': [{'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 0}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 1}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 2}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 3}], 'configure': [{'startup': 'off', 'outlet': 0}, {'startup': 'off', 'outlet': 1}, {'startup': 'off', 'outlet': 2}, {'startup': 'off', 'outlet': 3}], 'pulses': [{'pulse': 'off', 'switch': 'off', 'width': 500, 'outlet': 0}, {'pulse': 'off', 'switch': 'off', 'width': 500, 'outlet': 1}, {'pulse': 'off', 'switch': 'off', 'width': 0, 'outlet': 2}, {'pulse': 'off', 'switch': 'off', 'width': 0, 'outlet': 3}], 'sledOnline': 'off', 'staMac': '78E36DC86CEC', 'rssi': -41, 'offBrightness': 10, 'fwVersion': '1.2.3'}, 'denyFeatures': ['switchWifi', 'remoteControl', 'lightScene', 'remoteSupport', 'upgradeFirmwareReminder', 'startupWithDelay', 'pluse_with_hour', 'offline_alert', 'autoUpdateOta', 'matter_pair_mode', 'timer_support_DST', 'startupWithFlip', 'tzInfo'], 'isSupportGroup': True, 'isSupportedOnMP': True, 'isSupportChannelSplit': True, 'deviceFeature': {}, 'host': '', 'localtype': 'plug', 'local_ts': 1714067545.0155845, 'local': True, 'params_bulk': {'switches': [{'outlet': 1, 'switch': 'on'}, {'outlet': 0, 'switch': 'off'}]}}
2024-04-25 19:52:47 [D] {'name': 'Kitchen_M5-2C', 'deviceid': '10015c13c6', 'apikey': '1966febb-c422-4d4f-99c9-45c9a2448ce3', 'extra': {'uiid': 161, 'description': '20211130007', 'brandId': '5c4c1aee3a7d24c7100be054', 'apmac': 'd0:27:02:b8:24:dd', 'mac': 'd0:27:02:b8:24:dc', 'ui': '双通道开关_支持2.4G轻智能', 'modelInfo': '60d3dfdcf2b4aa90e56c5bdd', 'model': 'ESP32D0-MSW-T5', 'manufacturer': '深圳松诺技术有限公司', 'staMac': '78E36DC86CEC'}, 'brandName': 'SONOFF', 'brandLogo': '', 'showBrand': True, 'productModel': 'M5-2C', 'tags': {'m_8ce3_laza': 'on'}, 'devConfig': {}, 'settings': {'opsNotify': 0, 'opsHistory': 1, 'alarmNotify': 1, 'wxAlarmNotify': 0, 'wxOpsNotify': 0, 'wxDoorbellNotify': 0, 'appDoorbellNotify': 1}, 'devGroups': [], 'family': {'familyid': '6286a3428f4cb400095f26d5', 'index': 5, 'members': ['3f214964-b6b0-4a24-b89b-5230b7ecb3c5', 'c314f3b8-4795-4bda-b77d-9077a368f721']}, 'shareTo': [], 'devicekey': 'f3c0f54d-7190-480b-8569-dfc1063322f9', 'online': True, 'params': {'bindInfos': {'gaction': ['1966febb-c422-4d4f-99c9-45c9a2448ce3_ewelinkGoogleHome'], 'ifttt': ['1966febb-c422-4d4f-99c9-45c9a2448ce3_c7a1fe14a59d4ae58493540d644fbe6f']}, 'version': 7, 'switches': [{'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 0}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 1}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 2}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 3}], 'configure': [{'startup': 'off', 'outlet': 0}, {'startup': 'off', 'outlet': 1}, {'startup': 'off', 'outlet': 2}, {'startup': 'off', 'outlet': 3}], 'pulses': [{'pulse': 'off', 'switch': 'off', 'width': 500, 'outlet': 0}, {'pulse': 'off', 'switch': 'off', 'width': 500, 'outlet': 1}, {'pulse': 'off', 'switch': 'off', 'width': 0, 'outlet': 2}, {'pulse': 'off', 'switch': 'off', 'width': 0, 'outlet': 3}], 'sledOnline': 'off', 'staMac': '78E36DC86CEC', 'rssi': -41, 'offBrightness': 10, 'fwVersion': '1.2.3'}, 'denyFeatures': ['switchWifi', 'remoteControl', 'lightScene', 'remoteSupport', 'upgradeFirmwareReminder', 'startupWithDelay', 'pluse_with_hour', 'offline_alert', 'autoUpdateOta', 'matter_pair_mode', 'timer_support_DST', 'startupWithFlip', 'tzInfo'], 'isSupportGroup': True, 'isSupportedOnMP': True, 'isSupportChannelSplit': True, 'deviceFeature': {}, 'host': '', 'localtype': 'plug', 'local_ts': 1714067545.0155845, 'local': True, 'params_bulk': {'switches': [{'outlet': 1, 'switch': 'on'}, {'outlet': 0, 'switch': 'on'}]}}
2024-04-25 19:52:52 [D] {'name': 'Kitchen_M5-2C', 'deviceid': '10015c13c6', 'apikey': '1966febb-c422-4d4f-99c9-45c9a2448ce3', 'extra': {'uiid': 161, 'description': '20211130007', 'brandId': '5c4c1aee3a7d24c7100be054', 'apmac': 'd0:27:02:b8:24:dd', 'mac': 'd0:27:02:b8:24:dc', 'ui': '双通道开关_支持2.4G轻智能', 'modelInfo': '60d3dfdcf2b4aa90e56c5bdd', 'model': 'ESP32D0-MSW-T5', 'manufacturer': '深圳松诺技术有限公司', 'staMac': '78E36DC86CEC'}, 'brandName': 'SONOFF', 'brandLogo': '', 'showBrand': True, 'productModel': 'M5-2C', 'tags': {'m_8ce3_laza': 'on'}, 'devConfig': {}, 'settings': {'opsNotify': 0, 'opsHistory': 1, 'alarmNotify': 1, 'wxAlarmNotify': 0, 'wxOpsNotify': 0, 'wxDoorbellNotify': 0, 'appDoorbellNotify': 1}, 'devGroups': [], 'family': {'familyid': '6286a3428f4cb400095f26d5', 'index': 5, 'members': ['3f214964-b6b0-4a24-b89b-5230b7ecb3c5', 'c314f3b8-4795-4bda-b77d-9077a368f721']}, 'shareTo': [], 'devicekey': 'f3c0f54d-7190-480b-8569-dfc1063322f9', 'online': True, 'params': {'bindInfos': {'gaction': ['1966febb-c422-4d4f-99c9-45c9a2448ce3_ewelinkGoogleHome'], 'ifttt': ['1966febb-c422-4d4f-99c9-45c9a2448ce3_c7a1fe14a59d4ae58493540d644fbe6f']}, 'version': 7, 'switches': [{'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 0}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 1}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 2}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 3}], 'configure': [{'startup': 'off', 'outlet': 0}, {'startup': 'off', 'outlet': 1}, {'startup': 'off', 'outlet': 2}, {'startup': 'off', 'outlet': 3}], 'pulses': [{'pulse': 'off', 'switch': 'off', 'width': 500, 'outlet': 0}, {'pulse': 'off', 'switch': 'off', 'width': 500, 'outlet': 1}, {'pulse': 'off', 'switch': 'off', 'width': 0, 'outlet': 2}, {'pulse': 'off', 'switch': 'off', 'width': 0, 'outlet': 3}], 'sledOnline': 'off', 'staMac': '78E36DC86CEC', 'rssi': -41, 'offBrightness': 10, 'fwVersion': '1.2.3'}, 'denyFeatures': ['switchWifi', 'remoteControl', 'lightScene', 'remoteSupport', 'upgradeFirmwareReminder', 'startupWithDelay', 'pluse_with_hour', 'offline_alert', 'autoUpdateOta', 'matter_pair_mode', 'timer_support_DST', 'startupWithFlip', 'tzInfo'], 'isSupportGroup': True, 'isSupportedOnMP': True, 'isSupportChannelSplit': True, 'deviceFeature': {}, 'host': '', 'localtype': 'plug', 'local_ts': 1714067545.0155845, 'local': True, 'params_bulk': {'switches': [{'outlet': 1, 'switch': 'on'}, {'outlet': 0, 'switch': 'on'}]}}
2024-04-25 19:52:55 [D] 10015c0641 => Local4 | | None <= {'sequence': '1714067574935', 'seq': 1376, 'error': 400, 'encrypt': True}
2024-04-25 19:52:55 [D] 10015c13c6 => Local4 | | None <= {'sequence': '1714067574934', 'seq': 431, 'error': 400, 'encrypt': True}
2024-04-25 19:52:55 [D] {'name': 'Kitchen_M5-2C', 'deviceid': '10015c13c6', 'apikey': '1966febb-c422-4d4f-99c9-45c9a2448ce3', 'extra': {'uiid': 161, 'description': '20211130007', 'brandId': '5c4c1aee3a7d24c7100be054', 'apmac': 'd0:27:02:b8:24:dd', 'mac': 'd0:27:02:b8:24:dc', 'ui': '双通道开关_支持2.4G轻智能', 'modelInfo': '60d3dfdcf2b4aa90e56c5bdd', 'model': 'ESP32D0-MSW-T5', 'manufacturer': '深圳松诺技术有限公司', 'staMac': '78E36DC86CEC'}, 'brandName': 'SONOFF', 'brandLogo': '', 'showBrand': True, 'productModel': 'M5-2C', 'tags': {'m_8ce3_laza': 'on'}, 'devConfig': {}, 'settings': {'opsNotify': 0, 'opsHistory': 1, 'alarmNotify': 1, 'wxAlarmNotify': 0, 'wxOpsNotify': 0, 'wxDoorbellNotify': 0, 'appDoorbellNotify': 1}, 'devGroups': [], 'family': {'familyid': '6286a3428f4cb400095f26d5', 'index': 5, 'members': ['3f214964-b6b0-4a24-b89b-5230b7ecb3c5', 'c314f3b8-4795-4bda-b77d-9077a368f721']}, 'shareTo': [], 'devicekey': 'f3c0f54d-7190-480b-8569-dfc1063322f9', 'online': True, 'params': {'bindInfos': {'gaction': ['1966febb-c422-4d4f-99c9-45c9a2448ce3_ewelinkGoogleHome'], 'ifttt': ['1966febb-c422-4d4f-99c9-45c9a2448ce3_c7a1fe14a59d4ae58493540d644fbe6f']}, 'version': 7, 'switches': [{'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 0}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 1}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 2}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 3}], 'configure': [{'startup': 'off', 'outlet': 0}, {'startup': 'off', 'outlet': 1}, {'startup': 'off', 'outlet': 2}, {'startup': 'off', 'outlet': 3}], 'pulses': [{'pulse': 'off', 'switch': 'off', 'width': 500, 'outlet': 0}, {'pulse': 'off', 'switch': 'off', 'width': 500, 'outlet': 1}, {'pulse': 'off', 'switch': 'off', 'width': 0, 'outlet': 2}, {'pulse': 'off', 'switch': 'off', 'width': 0, 'outlet': 3}], 'sledOnline': 'off', 'staMac': '78E36DC86CEC', 'rssi': -41, 'offBrightness': 10, 'fwVersion': '1.2.3'}, 'denyFeatures': ['switchWifi', 'remoteControl', 'lightScene', 'remoteSupport', 'upgradeFirmwareReminder', 'startupWithDelay', 'pluse_with_hour', 'offline_alert', 'autoUpdateOta', 'matter_pair_mode', 'timer_support_DST', 'startupWithFlip', 'tzInfo'], 'isSupportGroup': True, 'isSupportedOnMP': True, 'isSupportChannelSplit': True, 'deviceFeature': {}, 'host': '', 'localtype': 'plug', 'local_ts': 1714067635.0295267, 'local': True, 'params_bulk': {'switches': [{'outlet': 1, 'switch': 'on'}, {'outlet': 0, 'switch': 'on'}]}}
2024-04-25 19:53:25 [D] 10015c0659 => Local4 | | None <= {'sequence': '1714067604938', 'seq': 1047, 'error': 400, 'encrypt': True}
2024-04-25 19:53:25 [D] 10015c2235 => Local4 | | None <= {'sequence': '1714067604937', 'seq': 85, 'error': 400, 'encrypt': True}
2024-04-25 19:53:25 [D] 100156af97 => Local4 | | None <= {'sequence': '1714067604936', 'seq': 18107, 'error': 400, 'encrypt': True}
2024-04-25 19:53:25 [D] 10018eec10 => Local4 | | None <= {'sequence': '1714067604940', 'seq': 2, 'error': 400, 'encrypt': True}
2024-04-25 19:53:25 [D] 10015c0620 => Local4 | | None <= {'sequence': '1714067604939', 'seq': 2261, 'error': 400, 'encrypt': True}
2024-04-25 19:53:55 [D] 10015c18e5 => Local4 | | None <= {'sequence': '1714067634937', 'seq': 2334, 'error': 400, 'encrypt': True}

(Do you think I should delete the api-key from the log? )

Log after integration reload and the switch work normally:

2024-04-25 20:05:57 [D] {'name': 'Kitchen_M5-2C', 'deviceid': '10015c13c6', 'apikey': '1966febb-c422-4d4f-99c9-45c9a2448ce3', 'extra': {'uiid': 161, 'description': '20211130007', 'brandId': '5c4c1aee3a7d24c7100be054', 'apmac': 'd0:27:02:b8:24:dd', 'mac': 'd0:27:02:b8:24:dc', 'ui': '双通道开关_支持2.4G轻智能', 'modelInfo': '60d3dfdcf2b4aa90e56c5bdd', 'model': 'ESP32D0-MSW-T5', 'manufacturer': '深圳松诺技术有限公司', 'staMac': '78E36DC86CEC'}, 'brandName': 'SONOFF', 'brandLogo': '', 'showBrand': True, 'productModel': 'M5-2C', 'tags': {'m_8ce3_laza': 'on'}, 'devConfig': {}, 'settings': {'opsNotify': 0, 'opsHistory': 1, 'alarmNotify': 1, 'wxAlarmNotify': 0, 'wxOpsNotify': 0, 'wxDoorbellNotify': 0, 'appDoorbellNotify': 1}, 'devGroups': [], 'family': {'familyid': '6286a3428f4cb400095f26d5', 'index': 5, 'members': ['3f214964-b6b0-4a24-b89b-5230b7ecb3c5', 'c314f3b8-4795-4bda-b77d-9077a368f721']}, 'shareTo': [], 'devicekey': 'f3c0f54d-7190-480b-8569-dfc1063322f9', 'online': True, 'params': {'bindInfos': {'gaction': ['1966febb-c422-4d4f-99c9-45c9a2448ce3_ewelinkGoogleHome'], 'ifttt': ['1966febb-c422-4d4f-99c9-45c9a2448ce3_c7a1fe14a59d4ae58493540d644fbe6f']}, 'version': 7, 'switches': [{'switch': 'on', 'outlet': 0}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 1}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 2}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 3}], 'configure': [{'startup': 'off', 'outlet': 0}, {'startup': 'off', 'outlet': 1}, {'startup': 'off', 'outlet': 2}, {'startup': 'off', 'outlet': 3}], 'pulses': [{'pulse': 'off', 'switch': 'off', 'width': 500, 'outlet': 0}, {'pulse': 'off', 'switch': 'off', 'width': 500, 'outlet': 1}, {'pulse': 'off', 'switch': 'off', 'width': 0, 'outlet': 2}, {'pulse': 'off', 'switch': 'off', 'width': 0, 'outlet': 3}], 'sledOnline': 'off', 'staMac': '78E36DC86CEC', 'rssi': -41, 'offBrightness': 10, 'fwVersion': '1.2.3'}, 'denyFeatures': ['switchWifi', 'remoteControl', 'lightScene', 'remoteSupport', 'upgradeFirmwareReminder', 'startupWithDelay', 'pluse_with_hour', 'offline_alert', 'autoUpdateOta', 'matter_pair_mode', 'timer_support_DST', 'startupWithFlip', 'tzInfo'], 'isSupportGroup': True, 'isSupportedOnMP': True, 'isSupportChannelSplit': True, 'deviceFeature': {}, 'host': '', 'localtype': 'plug', 'local_ts': 1714068402.2887385, 'local': True}
2024-04-25 20:05:57 [D] {'name': 'Kitchen_M5-2C', 'deviceid': '10015c13c6', 'apikey': '1966febb-c422-4d4f-99c9-45c9a2448ce3', 'extra': {'uiid': 161, 'description': '20211130007', 'brandId': '5c4c1aee3a7d24c7100be054', 'apmac': 'd0:27:02:b8:24:dd', 'mac': 'd0:27:02:b8:24:dc', 'ui': '双通道开关_支持2.4G轻智能', 'modelInfo': '60d3dfdcf2b4aa90e56c5bdd', 'model': 'ESP32D0-MSW-T5', 'manufacturer': '深圳松诺技术有限公司', 'staMac': '78E36DC86CEC'}, 'brandName': 'SONOFF', 'brandLogo': '', 'showBrand': True, 'productModel': 'M5-2C', 'tags': {'m_8ce3_laza': 'on'}, 'devConfig': {}, 'settings': {'opsNotify': 0, 'opsHistory': 1, 'alarmNotify': 1, 'wxAlarmNotify': 0, 'wxOpsNotify': 0, 'wxDoorbellNotify': 0, 'appDoorbellNotify': 1}, 'devGroups': [], 'family': {'familyid': '6286a3428f4cb400095f26d5', 'index': 5, 'members': ['3f214964-b6b0-4a24-b89b-5230b7ecb3c5', 'c314f3b8-4795-4bda-b77d-9077a368f721']}, 'shareTo': [], 'devicekey': 'f3c0f54d-7190-480b-8569-dfc1063322f9', 'online': True, 'params': {'bindInfos': {'gaction': ['1966febb-c422-4d4f-99c9-45c9a2448ce3_ewelinkGoogleHome'], 'ifttt': ['1966febb-c422-4d4f-99c9-45c9a2448ce3_c7a1fe14a59d4ae58493540d644fbe6f']}, 'version': 7, 'switches': [{'switch': 'on', 'outlet': 0}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 1}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 2}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 3}], 'configure': [{'startup': 'off', 'outlet': 0}, {'startup': 'off', 'outlet': 1}, {'startup': 'off', 'outlet': 2}, {'startup': 'off', 'outlet': 3}], 'pulses': [{'pulse': 'off', 'switch': 'off', 'width': 500, 'outlet': 0}, {'pulse': 'off', 'switch': 'off', 'width': 500, 'outlet': 1}, {'pulse': 'off', 'switch': 'off', 'width': 0, 'outlet': 2}, {'pulse': 'off', 'switch': 'off', 'width': 0, 'outlet': 3}], 'sledOnline': 'off', 'staMac': '78E36DC86CEC', 'rssi': -41, 'offBrightness': 10, 'fwVersion': '1.2.3'}, 'denyFeatures': ['switchWifi', 'remoteControl', 'lightScene', 'remoteSupport', 'upgradeFirmwareReminder', 'startupWithDelay', 'pluse_with_hour', 'offline_alert', 'autoUpdateOta', 'matter_pair_mode', 'timer_support_DST', 'startupWithFlip', 'tzInfo'], 'isSupportGroup': True, 'isSupportedOnMP': True, 'isSupportChannelSplit': True, 'deviceFeature': {}, 'host': '', 'localtype': 'plug', 'local_ts': 1714068402.2887385, 'local': True}
2024-04-25 20:05:57 [D] 10015c13c6 => Local4 | | {'switches': [{'outlet': 0, 'switch': 'on'}]} <= {'sequence': '1714068357154', 'seq': 433, 'error': 0, 'encrypt': True}
2024-04-25 20:05:57 [D] 10015c13c6 <= Cloud3 | {'switches': [{'switch': 'on', 'outlet': 0}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 1}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 2}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 3}]} | 1714068357154
2024-04-25 20:05:57 [D] 10015c13c6 <= Local3 | | {'switches': [{'switch': 'on', 'outlet': 0}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 1}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 2}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 3}]} | 433
2024-04-25 20:05:58 [D] {'name': 'Kitchen_M5-2C', 'deviceid': '10015c13c6', 'apikey': '1966febb-c422-4d4f-99c9-45c9a2448ce3', 'extra': {'uiid': 161, 'description': '20211130007', 'brandId': '5c4c1aee3a7d24c7100be054', 'apmac': 'd0:27:02:b8:24:dd', 'mac': 'd0:27:02:b8:24:dc', 'ui': '双通道开关_支持2.4G轻智能', 'modelInfo': '60d3dfdcf2b4aa90e56c5bdd', 'model': 'ESP32D0-MSW-T5', 'manufacturer': '深圳松诺技术有限公司', 'staMac': '78E36DC86CEC'}, 'brandName': 'SONOFF', 'brandLogo': '', 'showBrand': True, 'productModel': 'M5-2C', 'tags': {'m_8ce3_laza': 'on'}, 'devConfig': {}, 'settings': {'opsNotify': 0, 'opsHistory': 1, 'alarmNotify': 1, 'wxAlarmNotify': 0, 'wxOpsNotify': 0, 'wxDoorbellNotify': 0, 'appDoorbellNotify': 1}, 'devGroups': [], 'family': {'familyid': '6286a3428f4cb400095f26d5', 'index': 5, 'members': ['3f214964-b6b0-4a24-b89b-5230b7ecb3c5', 'c314f3b8-4795-4bda-b77d-9077a368f721']}, 'shareTo': [], 'devicekey': 'f3c0f54d-7190-480b-8569-dfc1063322f9', 'online': True, 'params': {'bindInfos': {'gaction': ['1966febb-c422-4d4f-99c9-45c9a2448ce3_ewelinkGoogleHome'], 'ifttt': ['1966febb-c422-4d4f-99c9-45c9a2448ce3_c7a1fe14a59d4ae58493540d644fbe6f']}, 'version': 7, 'switches': [{'switch': 'on', 'outlet': 0}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 1}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 2}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 3}], 'configure': [{'startup': 'off', 'outlet': 0}, {'startup': 'off', 'outlet': 1}, {'startup': 'off', 'outlet': 2}, {'startup': 'off', 'outlet': 3}], 'pulses': [{'pulse': 'off', 'switch': 'off', 'width': 500, 'outlet': 0}, {'pulse': 'off', 'switch': 'off', 'width': 500, 'outlet': 1}, {'pulse': 'off', 'switch': 'off', 'width': 0, 'outlet': 2}, {'pulse': 'off', 'switch': 'off', 'width': 0, 'outlet': 3}], 'sledOnline': 'off', 'staMac': '78E36DC86CEC', 'rssi': -41, 'offBrightness': 10, 'fwVersion': '1.2.3'}, 'denyFeatures': ['switchWifi', 'remoteControl', 'lightScene', 'remoteSupport', 'upgradeFirmwareReminder', 'startupWithDelay', 'pluse_with_hour', 'offline_alert', 'autoUpdateOta', 'matter_pair_mode', 'timer_support_DST', 'startupWithFlip', 'tzInfo'], 'isSupportGroup': True, 'isSupportedOnMP': True, 'isSupportChannelSplit': True, 'deviceFeature': {}, 'host': '', 'localtype': 'plug', 'local_ts': 1714068417.4257224, 'local': True}
2024-04-25 20:05:58 [D] {'name': 'Kitchen_M5-2C', 'deviceid': '10015c13c6', 'apikey': '1966febb-c422-4d4f-99c9-45c9a2448ce3', 'extra': {'uiid': 161, 'description': '20211130007', 'brandId': '5c4c1aee3a7d24c7100be054', 'apmac': 'd0:27:02:b8:24:dd', 'mac': 'd0:27:02:b8:24:dc', 'ui': '双通道开关_支持2.4G轻智能', 'modelInfo': '60d3dfdcf2b4aa90e56c5bdd', 'model': 'ESP32D0-MSW-T5', 'manufacturer': '深圳松诺技术有限公司', 'staMac': '78E36DC86CEC'}, 'brandName': 'SONOFF', 'brandLogo': '', 'showBrand': True, 'productModel': 'M5-2C', 'tags': {'m_8ce3_laza': 'on'}, 'devConfig': {}, 'settings': {'opsNotify': 0, 'opsHistory': 1, 'alarmNotify': 1, 'wxAlarmNotify': 0, 'wxOpsNotify': 0, 'wxDoorbellNotify': 0, 'appDoorbellNotify': 1}, 'devGroups': [], 'family': {'familyid': '6286a3428f4cb400095f26d5', 'index': 5, 'members': ['3f214964-b6b0-4a24-b89b-5230b7ecb3c5', 'c314f3b8-4795-4bda-b77d-9077a368f721']}, 'shareTo': [], 'devicekey': 'f3c0f54d-7190-480b-8569-dfc1063322f9', 'online': True, 'params': {'bindInfos': {'gaction': ['1966febb-c422-4d4f-99c9-45c9a2448ce3_ewelinkGoogleHome'], 'ifttt': ['1966febb-c422-4d4f-99c9-45c9a2448ce3_c7a1fe14a59d4ae58493540d644fbe6f']}, 'version': 7, 'switches': [{'switch': 'on', 'outlet': 0}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 1}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 2}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 3}], 'configure': [{'startup': 'off', 'outlet': 0}, {'startup': 'off', 'outlet': 1}, {'startup': 'off', 'outlet': 2}, {'startup': 'off', 'outlet': 3}], 'pulses': [{'pulse': 'off', 'switch': 'off', 'width': 500, 'outlet': 0}, {'pulse': 'off', 'switch': 'off', 'width': 500, 'outlet': 1}, {'pulse': 'off', 'switch': 'off', 'width': 0, 'outlet': 2}, {'pulse': 'off', 'switch': 'off', 'width': 0, 'outlet': 3}], 'sledOnline': 'off', 'staMac': '78E36DC86CEC', 'rssi': -41, 'offBrightness': 10, 'fwVersion': '1.2.3'}, 'denyFeatures': ['switchWifi', 'remoteControl', 'lightScene', 'remoteSupport', 'upgradeFirmwareReminder', 'startupWithDelay', 'pluse_with_hour', 'offline_alert', 'autoUpdateOta', 'matter_pair_mode', 'timer_support_DST', 'startupWithFlip', 'tzInfo'], 'isSupportGroup': True, 'isSupportedOnMP': True, 'isSupportChannelSplit': True, 'deviceFeature': {}, 'host': '', 'localtype': 'plug', 'local_ts': 1714068417.4257224, 'local': True}
2024-04-25 20:05:58 [D] 10015c13c6 => Local4 | | {'switches': [{'outlet': 0, 'switch': 'off'}]} <= {'sequence': '1714068358704', 'seq': 434, 'error': 0, 'encrypt': True}
2024-04-25 20:05:58 [D] 10015c13c6 <= Cloud3 | {'switches': [{'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 0}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 1}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 2}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 3}]} | 1714068358704
2024-04-25 20:05:58 [D] 10015c13c6 <= Local3 | | {'switches': [{'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 0}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 1}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 2}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 3}]} | 434
2024-04-25 20:06:00 [D] {'name': 'Kitchen_M5-2C', 'deviceid': '10015c13c6', 'apikey': '1966febb-c422-4d4f-99c9-45c9a2448ce3', 'extra': {'uiid': 161, 'description': '20211130007', 'brandId': '5c4c1aee3a7d24c7100be054', 'apmac': 'd0:27:02:b8:24:dd', 'mac': 'd0:27:02:b8:24:dc', 'ui': '双通道开关_支持2.4G轻智能', 'modelInfo': '60d3dfdcf2b4aa90e56c5bdd', 'model': 'ESP32D0-MSW-T5', 'manufacturer': '深圳松诺技术有限公司', 'staMac': '78E36DC86CEC'}, 'brandName': 'SONOFF', 'brandLogo': '', 'showBrand': True, 'productModel': 'M5-2C', 'tags': {'m_8ce3_laza': 'on'}, 'devConfig': {}, 'settings': {'opsNotify': 0, 'opsHistory': 1, 'alarmNotify': 1, 'wxAlarmNotify': 0, 'wxOpsNotify': 0, 'wxDoorbellNotify': 0, 'appDoorbellNotify': 1}, 'devGroups': [], 'family': {'familyid': '6286a3428f4cb400095f26d5', 'index': 5, 'members': ['3f214964-b6b0-4a24-b89b-5230b7ecb3c5', 'c314f3b8-4795-4bda-b77d-9077a368f721']}, 'shareTo': [], 'devicekey': 'f3c0f54d-7190-480b-8569-dfc1063322f9', 'online': True, 'params': {'bindInfos': {'gaction': ['1966febb-c422-4d4f-99c9-45c9a2448ce3_ewelinkGoogleHome'], 'ifttt': ['1966febb-c422-4d4f-99c9-45c9a2448ce3_c7a1fe14a59d4ae58493540d644fbe6f']}, 'version': 7, 'switches': [{'switch': 'on', 'outlet': 0}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 1}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 2}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 3}], 'configure': [{'startup': 'off', 'outlet': 0}, {'startup': 'off', 'outlet': 1}, {'startup': 'off', 'outlet': 2}, {'startup': 'off', 'outlet': 3}], 'pulses': [{'pulse': 'off', 'switch': 'off', 'width': 500, 'outlet': 0}, {'pulse': 'off', 'switch': 'off', 'width': 500, 'outlet': 1}, {'pulse': 'off', 'switch': 'off', 'width': 0, 'outlet': 2}, {'pulse': 'off', 'switch': 'off', 'width': 0, 'outlet': 3}], 'sledOnline': 'off', 'staMac': '78E36DC86CEC', 'rssi': -41, 'offBrightness': 10, 'fwVersion': '1.2.3'}, 'denyFeatures': ['switchWifi', 'remoteControl', 'lightScene', 'remoteSupport', 'upgradeFirmwareReminder', 'startupWithDelay', 'pluse_with_hour', 'offline_alert', 'autoUpdateOta', 'matter_pair_mode', 'timer_support_DST', 'startupWithFlip', 'tzInfo'], 'isSupportGroup': True, 'isSupportedOnMP': True, 'isSupportChannelSplit': True, 'deviceFeature': {}, 'host': '', 'localtype': 'plug', 'local_ts': 1714068418.8875053, 'local': True}
2024-04-25 20:06:00 [D] {'name': 'Kitchen_M5-2C', 'deviceid': '10015c13c6', 'apikey': '1966febb-c422-4d4f-99c9-45c9a2448ce3', 'extra': {'uiid': 161, 'description': '20211130007', 'brandId': '5c4c1aee3a7d24c7100be054', 'apmac': 'd0:27:02:b8:24:dd', 'mac': 'd0:27:02:b8:24:dc', 'ui': '双通道开关_支持2.4G轻智能', 'modelInfo': '60d3dfdcf2b4aa90e56c5bdd', 'model': 'ESP32D0-MSW-T5', 'manufacturer': '深圳松诺技术有限公司', 'staMac': '78E36DC86CEC'}, 'brandName': 'SONOFF', 'brandLogo': '', 'showBrand': True, 'productModel': 'M5-2C', 'tags': {'m_8ce3_laza': 'on'}, 'devConfig': {}, 'settings': {'opsNotify': 0, 'opsHistory': 1, 'alarmNotify': 1, 'wxAlarmNotify': 0, 'wxOpsNotify': 0, 'wxDoorbellNotify': 0, 'appDoorbellNotify': 1}, 'devGroups': [], 'family': {'familyid': '6286a3428f4cb400095f26d5', 'index': 5, 'members': ['3f214964-b6b0-4a24-b89b-5230b7ecb3c5', 'c314f3b8-4795-4bda-b77d-9077a368f721']}, 'shareTo': [], 'devicekey': 'f3c0f54d-7190-480b-8569-dfc1063322f9', 'online': True, 'params': {'bindInfos': {'gaction': ['1966febb-c422-4d4f-99c9-45c9a2448ce3_ewelinkGoogleHome'], 'ifttt': ['1966febb-c422-4d4f-99c9-45c9a2448ce3_c7a1fe14a59d4ae58493540d644fbe6f']}, 'version': 7, 'switches': [{'switch': 'on', 'outlet': 0}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 1}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 2}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 3}], 'configure': [{'startup': 'off', 'outlet': 0}, {'startup': 'off', 'outlet': 1}, {'startup': 'off', 'outlet': 2}, {'startup': 'off', 'outlet': 3}], 'pulses': [{'pulse': 'off', 'switch': 'off', 'width': 500, 'outlet': 0}, {'pulse': 'off', 'switch': 'off', 'width': 500, 'outlet': 1}, {'pulse': 'off', 'switch': 'off', 'width': 0, 'outlet': 2}, {'pulse': 'off', 'switch': 'off', 'width': 0, 'outlet': 3}], 'sledOnline': 'off', 'staMac': '78E36DC86CEC', 'rssi': -41, 'offBrightness': 10, 'fwVersion': '1.2.3'}, 'denyFeatures': ['switchWifi', 'remoteControl', 'lightScene', 'remoteSupport', 'upgradeFirmwareReminder', 'startupWithDelay', 'pluse_with_hour', 'offline_alert', 'autoUpdateOta', 'matter_pair_mode', 'timer_support_DST', 'startupWithFlip', 'tzInfo'], 'isSupportGroup': True, 'isSupportedOnMP': True, 'isSupportChannelSplit': True, 'deviceFeature': {}, 'host': '', 'localtype': 'plug', 'local_ts': 1714068418.8875053, 'local': True}
2024-04-25 20:06:00 [D] 10015c13c6 => Local4 | | {'switches': [{'outlet': 0, 'switch': 'on'}]} <= {'sequence': '1714068360200', 'seq': 435, 'error': 0, 'encrypt': True}
2024-04-25 20:06:00 [D] 10015c13c6 <= Local3 | | {'switches': [{'switch': 'on', 'outlet': 0}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 1}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 2}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 3}]} | 435
2024-04-25 20:06:00 [D] 10015c13c6 <= Cloud3 | {'switches': [{'switch': 'on', 'outlet': 0}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 1}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 2}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 3}]} | 1714068360200
2024-04-25 20:06:01 [D] {'name': 'Kitchen_M5-2C', 'deviceid': '10015c13c6', 'apikey': '1966febb-c422-4d4f-99c9-45c9a2448ce3', 'extra': {'uiid': 161, 'description': '20211130007', 'brandId': '5c4c1aee3a7d24c7100be054', 'apmac': 'd0:27:02:b8:24:dd', 'mac': 'd0:27:02:b8:24:dc', 'ui': '双通道开关_支持2.4G轻智能', 'modelInfo': '60d3dfdcf2b4aa90e56c5bdd', 'model': 'ESP32D0-MSW-T5', 'manufacturer': '深圳松诺技术有限公司', 'staMac': '78E36DC86CEC'}, 'brandName': 'SONOFF', 'brandLogo': '', 'showBrand': True, 'productModel': 'M5-2C', 'tags': {'m_8ce3_laza': 'on'}, 'devConfig': {}, 'settings': {'opsNotify': 0, 'opsHistory': 1, 'alarmNotify': 1, 'wxAlarmNotify': 0, 'wxOpsNotify': 0, 'wxDoorbellNotify': 0, 'appDoorbellNotify': 1}, 'devGroups': [], 'family': {'familyid': '6286a3428f4cb400095f26d5', 'index': 5, 'members': ['3f214964-b6b0-4a24-b89b-5230b7ecb3c5', 'c314f3b8-4795-4bda-b77d-9077a368f721']}, 'shareTo': [], 'devicekey': 'f3c0f54d-7190-480b-8569-dfc1063322f9', 'online': True, 'params': {'bindInfos': {'gaction': ['1966febb-c422-4d4f-99c9-45c9a2448ce3_ewelinkGoogleHome'], 'ifttt': ['1966febb-c422-4d4f-99c9-45c9a2448ce3_c7a1fe14a59d4ae58493540d644fbe6f']}, 'version': 7, 'switches': [{'switch': 'on', 'outlet': 0}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 1}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 2}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 3}], 'configure': [{'startup': 'off', 'outlet': 0}, {'startup': 'off', 'outlet': 1}, {'startup': 'off', 'outlet': 2}, {'startup': 'off', 'outlet': 3}], 'pulses': [{'pulse': 'off', 'switch': 'off', 'width': 500, 'outlet': 0}, {'pulse': 'off', 'switch': 'off', 'width': 500, 'outlet': 1}, {'pulse': 'off', 'switch': 'off', 'width': 0, 'outlet': 2}, {'pulse': 'off', 'switch': 'off', 'width': 0, 'outlet': 3}], 'sledOnline': 'off', 'staMac': '78E36DC86CEC', 'rssi': -41, 'offBrightness': 10, 'fwVersion': '1.2.3'}, 'denyFeatures': ['switchWifi', 'remoteControl', 'lightScene', 'remoteSupport', 'upgradeFirmwareReminder', 'startupWithDelay', 'pluse_with_hour', 'offline_alert', 'autoUpdateOta', 'matter_pair_mode', 'timer_support_DST', 'startupWithFlip', 'tzInfo'], 'isSupportGroup': True, 'isSupportedOnMP': True, 'isSupportChannelSplit': True, 'deviceFeature': {}, 'host': '', 'localtype': 'plug', 'local_ts': 1714068420.2958539, 'local': True}
2024-04-25 20:06:01 [D] {'name': 'Kitchen_M5-2C', 'deviceid': '10015c13c6', 'apikey': '1966febb-c422-4d4f-99c9-45c9a2448ce3', 'extra': {'uiid': 161, 'description': '20211130007', 'brandId': '5c4c1aee3a7d24c7100be054', 'apmac': 'd0:27:02:b8:24:dd', 'mac': 'd0:27:02:b8:24:dc', 'ui': '双通道开关_支持2.4G轻智能', 'modelInfo': '60d3dfdcf2b4aa90e56c5bdd', 'model': 'ESP32D0-MSW-T5', 'manufacturer': '深圳松诺技术有限公司', 'staMac': '78E36DC86CEC'}, 'brandName': 'SONOFF', 'brandLogo': '', 'showBrand': True, 'productModel': 'M5-2C', 'tags': {'m_8ce3_laza': 'on'}, 'devConfig': {}, 'settings': {'opsNotify': 0, 'opsHistory': 1, 'alarmNotify': 1, 'wxAlarmNotify': 0, 'wxOpsNotify': 0, 'wxDoorbellNotify': 0, 'appDoorbellNotify': 1}, 'devGroups': [], 'family': {'familyid': '6286a3428f4cb400095f26d5', 'index': 5, 'members': ['3f214964-b6b0-4a24-b89b-5230b7ecb3c5', 'c314f3b8-4795-4bda-b77d-9077a368f721']}, 'shareTo': [], 'devicekey': 'f3c0f54d-7190-480b-8569-dfc1063322f9', 'online': True, 'params': {'bindInfos': {'gaction': ['1966febb-c422-4d4f-99c9-45c9a2448ce3_ewelinkGoogleHome'], 'ifttt': ['1966febb-c422-4d4f-99c9-45c9a2448ce3_c7a1fe14a59d4ae58493540d644fbe6f']}, 'version': 7, 'switches': [{'switch': 'on', 'outlet': 0}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 1}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 2}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 3}], 'configure': [{'startup': 'off', 'outlet': 0}, {'startup': 'off', 'outlet': 1}, {'startup': 'off', 'outlet': 2}, {'startup': 'off', 'outlet': 3}], 'pulses': [{'pulse': 'off', 'switch': 'off', 'width': 500, 'outlet': 0}, {'pulse': 'off', 'switch': 'off', 'width': 500, 'outlet': 1}, {'pulse': 'off', 'switch': 'off', 'width': 0, 'outlet': 2}, {'pulse': 'off', 'switch': 'off', 'width': 0, 'outlet': 3}], 'sledOnline': 'off', 'staMac': '78E36DC86CEC', 'rssi': -41, 'offBrightness': 10, 'fwVersion': '1.2.3'}, 'denyFeatures': ['switchWifi', 'remoteControl', 'lightScene', 'remoteSupport', 'upgradeFirmwareReminder', 'startupWithDelay', 'pluse_with_hour', 'offline_alert', 'autoUpdateOta', 'matter_pair_mode', 'timer_support_DST', 'startupWithFlip', 'tzInfo'], 'isSupportGroup': True, 'isSupportedOnMP': True, 'isSupportChannelSplit': True, 'deviceFeature': {}, 'host': '', 'localtype': 'plug', 'local_ts': 1714068420.2958539, 'local': True}
2024-04-25 20:06:01 [D] 10015c13c6 => Local4 | | {'switches': [{'outlet': 0, 'switch': 'off'}]} <= {'sequence': '1714068361564', 'seq': 436, 'error': 0, 'encrypt': True}
2024-04-25 20:06:01 [D] 10015c13c6 <= Local3 | | {'switches': [{'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 0}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 1}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 2}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 3}]} | 436
2024-04-25 20:06:01 [D] 10015c13c6 <= Cloud3 | {'switches': [{'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 0}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 1}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 2}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 3}]} | 1714068361564
2024-04-25 20:06:02 [D] {'name': 'Kitchen_M5-2C', 'deviceid': '10015c13c6', 'apikey': '1966febb-c422-4d4f-99c9-45c9a2448ce3', 'extra': {'uiid': 161, 'description': '20211130007', 'brandId': '5c4c1aee3a7d24c7100be054', 'apmac': 'd0:27:02:b8:24:dd', 'mac': 'd0:27:02:b8:24:dc', 'ui': '双通道开关_支持2.4G轻智能', 'modelInfo': '60d3dfdcf2b4aa90e56c5bdd', 'model': 'ESP32D0-MSW-T5', 'manufacturer': '深圳松诺技术有限公司', 'staMac': '78E36DC86CEC'}, 'brandName': 'SONOFF', 'brandLogo': '', 'showBrand': True, 'productModel': 'M5-2C', 'tags': {'m_8ce3_laza': 'on'}, 'devConfig': {}, 'settings': {'opsNotify': 0, 'opsHistory': 1, 'alarmNotify': 1, 'wxAlarmNotify': 0, 'wxOpsNotify': 0, 'wxDoorbellNotify': 0, 'appDoorbellNotify': 1}, 'devGroups': [], 'family': {'familyid': '6286a3428f4cb400095f26d5', 'index': 5, 'members': ['3f214964-b6b0-4a24-b89b-5230b7ecb3c5', 'c314f3b8-4795-4bda-b77d-9077a368f721']}, 'shareTo': [], 'devicekey': 'f3c0f54d-7190-480b-8569-dfc1063322f9', 'online': True, 'params': {'bindInfos': {'gaction': ['1966febb-c422-4d4f-99c9-45c9a2448ce3_ewelinkGoogleHome'], 'ifttt': ['1966febb-c422-4d4f-99c9-45c9a2448ce3_c7a1fe14a59d4ae58493540d644fbe6f']}, 'version': 7, 'switches': [{'switch': 'on', 'outlet': 0}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 1}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 2}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 3}], 'configure': [{'startup': 'off', 'outlet': 0}, {'startup': 'off', 'outlet': 1}, {'startup': 'off', 'outlet': 2}, {'startup': 'off', 'outlet': 3}], 'pulses': [{'pulse': 'off', 'switch': 'off', 'width': 500, 'outlet': 0}, {'pulse': 'off', 'switch': 'off', 'width': 500, 'outlet': 1}, {'pulse': 'off', 'switch': 'off', 'width': 0, 'outlet': 2}, {'pulse': 'off', 'switch': 'off', 'width': 0, 'outlet': 3}], 'sledOnline': 'off', 'staMac': '78E36DC86CEC', 'rssi': -41, 'offBrightness': 10, 'fwVersion': '1.2.3'}, 'denyFeatures': ['switchWifi', 'remoteControl', 'lightScene', 'remoteSupport', 'upgradeFirmwareReminder', 'startupWithDelay', 'pluse_with_hour', 'offline_alert', 'autoUpdateOta', 'matter_pair_mode', 'timer_support_DST', 'startupWithFlip', 'tzInfo'], 'isSupportGroup': True, 'isSupportedOnMP': True, 'isSupportChannelSplit': True, 'deviceFeature': {}, 'host': '', 'localtype': 'plug', 'local_ts': 1714068421.7255554, 'local': True}
2024-04-25 20:06:02 [D] {'name': 'Kitchen_M5-2C', 'deviceid': '10015c13c6', 'apikey': '1966febb-c422-4d4f-99c9-45c9a2448ce3', 'extra': {'uiid': 161, 'description': '20211130007', 'brandId': '5c4c1aee3a7d24c7100be054', 'apmac': 'd0:27:02:b8:24:dd', 'mac': 'd0:27:02:b8:24:dc', 'ui': '双通道开关_支持2.4G轻智能', 'modelInfo': '60d3dfdcf2b4aa90e56c5bdd', 'model': 'ESP32D0-MSW-T5', 'manufacturer': '深圳松诺技术有限公司', 'staMac': '78E36DC86CEC'}, 'brandName': 'SONOFF', 'brandLogo': '', 'showBrand': True, 'productModel': 'M5-2C', 'tags': {'m_8ce3_laza': 'on'}, 'devConfig': {}, 'settings': {'opsNotify': 0, 'opsHistory': 1, 'alarmNotify': 1, 'wxAlarmNotify': 0, 'wxOpsNotify': 0, 'wxDoorbellNotify': 0, 'appDoorbellNotify': 1}, 'devGroups': [], 'family': {'familyid': '6286a3428f4cb400095f26d5', 'index': 5, 'members': ['3f214964-b6b0-4a24-b89b-5230b7ecb3c5', 'c314f3b8-4795-4bda-b77d-9077a368f721']}, 'shareTo': [], 'devicekey': 'f3c0f54d-7190-480b-8569-dfc1063322f9', 'online': True, 'params': {'bindInfos': {'gaction': ['1966febb-c422-4d4f-99c9-45c9a2448ce3_ewelinkGoogleHome'], 'ifttt': ['1966febb-c422-4d4f-99c9-45c9a2448ce3_c7a1fe14a59d4ae58493540d644fbe6f']}, 'version': 7, 'switches': [{'switch': 'on', 'outlet': 0}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 1}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 2}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 3}], 'configure': [{'startup': 'off', 'outlet': 0}, {'startup': 'off', 'outlet': 1}, {'startup': 'off', 'outlet': 2}, {'startup': 'off', 'outlet': 3}], 'pulses': [{'pulse': 'off', 'switch': 'off', 'width': 500, 'outlet': 0}, {'pulse': 'off', 'switch': 'off', 'width': 500, 'outlet': 1}, {'pulse': 'off', 'switch': 'off', 'width': 0, 'outlet': 2}, {'pulse': 'off', 'switch': 'off', 'width': 0, 'outlet': 3}], 'sledOnline': 'off', 'staMac': '78E36DC86CEC', 'rssi': -41, 'offBrightness': 10, 'fwVersion': '1.2.3'}, 'denyFeatures': ['switchWifi', 'remoteControl', 'lightScene', 'remoteSupport', 'upgradeFirmwareReminder', 'startupWithDelay', 'pluse_with_hour', 'offline_alert', 'autoUpdateOta', 'matter_pair_mode', 'timer_support_DST', 'startupWithFlip', 'tzInfo'], 'isSupportGroup': True, 'isSupportedOnMP': True, 'isSupportChannelSplit': True, 'deviceFeature': {}, 'host': '', 'localtype': 'plug', 'local_ts': 1714068421.7255554, 'local': True}
2024-04-25 20:06:02 [D] 10015c13c6 => Local4 | | {'switches': [{'outlet': 0, 'switch': 'on'}]} <= {'sequence': '1714068362833', 'seq': 437, 'error': 0, 'encrypt': True}
2024-04-25 20:06:02 [D] 10015c13c6 <= Cloud3 | {'switches': [{'switch': 'on', 'outlet': 0}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 1}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 2}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 3}]} | 1714068362833
2024-04-25 20:06:02 [D] 10015c13c6 <= Local3 | | {'switches': [{'switch': 'on', 'outlet': 0}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 1}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 2}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 3}]} | 437
2024-04-25 20:06:04 [D] {'name': 'Kitchen_M5-2C', 'deviceid': '10015c13c6', 'apikey': '1966febb-c422-4d4f-99c9-45c9a2448ce3', 'extra': {'uiid': 161, 'description': '20211130007', 'brandId': '5c4c1aee3a7d24c7100be054', 'apmac': 'd0:27:02:b8:24:dd', 'mac': 'd0:27:02:b8:24:dc', 'ui': '双通道开关_支持2.4G轻智能', 'modelInfo': '60d3dfdcf2b4aa90e56c5bdd', 'model': 'ESP32D0-MSW-T5', 'manufacturer': '深圳松诺技术有限公司', 'staMac': '78E36DC86CEC'}, 'brandName': 'SONOFF', 'brandLogo': '', 'showBrand': True, 'productModel': 'M5-2C', 'tags': {'m_8ce3_laza': 'on'}, 'devConfig': {}, 'settings': {'opsNotify': 0, 'opsHistory': 1, 'alarmNotify': 1, 'wxAlarmNotify': 0, 'wxOpsNotify': 0, 'wxDoorbellNotify': 0, 'appDoorbellNotify': 1}, 'devGroups': [], 'family': {'familyid': '6286a3428f4cb400095f26d5', 'index': 5, 'members': ['3f214964-b6b0-4a24-b89b-5230b7ecb3c5', 'c314f3b8-4795-4bda-b77d-9077a368f721']}, 'shareTo': [], 'devicekey': 'f3c0f54d-7190-480b-8569-dfc1063322f9', 'online': True, 'params': {'bindInfos': {'gaction': ['1966febb-c422-4d4f-99c9-45c9a2448ce3_ewelinkGoogleHome'], 'ifttt': ['1966febb-c422-4d4f-99c9-45c9a2448ce3_c7a1fe14a59d4ae58493540d644fbe6f']}, 'version': 7, 'switches': [{'switch': 'on', 'outlet': 0}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 1}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 2}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 3}], 'configure': [{'startup': 'off', 'outlet': 0}, {'startup': 'off', 'outlet': 1}, {'startup': 'off', 'outlet': 2}, {'startup': 'off', 'outlet': 3}], 'pulses': [{'pulse': 'off', 'switch': 'off', 'width': 500, 'outlet': 0}, {'pulse': 'off', 'switch': 'off', 'width': 500, 'outlet': 1}, {'pulse': 'off', 'switch': 'off', 'width': 0, 'outlet': 2}, {'pulse': 'off', 'switch': 'off', 'width': 0, 'outlet': 3}], 'sledOnline': 'off', 'staMac': '78E36DC86CEC', 'rssi': -41, 'offBrightness': 10, 'fwVersion': '1.2.3'}, 'denyFeatures': ['switchWifi', 'remoteControl', 'lightScene', 'remoteSupport', 'upgradeFirmwareReminder', 'startupWithDelay', 'pluse_with_hour', 'offline_alert', 'autoUpdateOta', 'matter_pair_mode', 'timer_support_DST', 'startupWithFlip', 'tzInfo'], 'isSupportGroup': True, 'isSupportedOnMP': True, 'isSupportChannelSplit': True, 'deviceFeature': {}, 'host': '', 'localtype': 'plug', 'local_ts': 1714068422.9910614, 'local': True}
2024-04-25 20:06:04 [D] {'name': 'Kitchen_M5-2C', 'deviceid': '10015c13c6', 'apikey': '1966febb-c422-4d4f-99c9-45c9a2448ce3', 'extra': {'uiid': 161, 'description': '20211130007', 'brandId': '5c4c1aee3a7d24c7100be054', 'apmac': 'd0:27:02:b8:24:dd', 'mac': 'd0:27:02:b8:24:dc', 'ui': '双通道开关_支持2.4G轻智能', 'modelInfo': '60d3dfdcf2b4aa90e56c5bdd', 'model': 'ESP32D0-MSW-T5', 'manufacturer': '深圳松诺技术有限公司', 'staMac': '78E36DC86CEC'}, 'brandName': 'SONOFF', 'brandLogo': '', 'showBrand': True, 'productModel': 'M5-2C', 'tags': {'m_8ce3_laza': 'on'}, 'devConfig': {}, 'settings': {'opsNotify': 0, 'opsHistory': 1, 'alarmNotify': 1, 'wxAlarmNotify': 0, 'wxOpsNotify': 0, 'wxDoorbellNotify': 0, 'appDoorbellNotify': 1}, 'devGroups': [], 'family': {'familyid': '6286a3428f4cb400095f26d5', 'index': 5, 'members': ['3f214964-b6b0-4a24-b89b-5230b7ecb3c5', 'c314f3b8-4795-4bda-b77d-9077a368f721']}, 'shareTo': [], 'devicekey': 'f3c0f54d-7190-480b-8569-dfc1063322f9', 'online': True, 'params': {'bindInfos': {'gaction': ['1966febb-c422-4d4f-99c9-45c9a2448ce3_ewelinkGoogleHome'], 'ifttt': ['1966febb-c422-4d4f-99c9-45c9a2448ce3_c7a1fe14a59d4ae58493540d644fbe6f']}, 'version': 7, 'switches': [{'switch': 'on', 'outlet': 0}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 1}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 2}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 3}], 'configure': [{'startup': 'off', 'outlet': 0}, {'startup': 'off', 'outlet': 1}, {'startup': 'off', 'outlet': 2}, {'startup': 'off', 'outlet': 3}], 'pulses': [{'pulse': 'off', 'switch': 'off', 'width': 500, 'outlet': 0}, {'pulse': 'off', 'switch': 'off', 'width': 500, 'outlet': 1}, {'pulse': 'off', 'switch': 'off', 'width': 0, 'outlet': 2}, {'pulse': 'off', 'switch': 'off', 'width': 0, 'outlet': 3}], 'sledOnline': 'off', 'staMac': '78E36DC86CEC', 'rssi': -41, 'offBrightness': 10, 'fwVersion': '1.2.3'}, 'denyFeatures': ['switchWifi', 'remoteControl', 'lightScene', 'remoteSupport', 'upgradeFirmwareReminder', 'startupWithDelay', 'pluse_with_hour', 'offline_alert', 'autoUpdateOta', 'matter_pair_mode', 'timer_support_DST', 'startupWithFlip', 'tzInfo'], 'isSupportGroup': True, 'isSupportedOnMP': True, 'isSupportChannelSplit': True, 'deviceFeature': {}, 'host': '', 'localtype': 'plug', 'local_ts': 1714068422.9910614, 'local': True}
2024-04-25 20:06:04 [D] 10015c13c6 => Local4 | | {'switches': [{'outlet': 0, 'switch': 'off'}]} <= {'sequence': '1714068364532', 'seq': 438, 'error': 0, 'encrypt': True}
2024-04-25 20:06:04 [D] 10015c13c6 <= Local3 | | {'switches': [{'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 0}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 1}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 2}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 3}]} | 438
2024-04-25 20:06:04 [D] 10015c13c6 <= Cloud3 | {'switches': [{'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 0}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 1}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 2}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 3}]} | 1714068364532

I found the following difference. This is the part at the end where it doesn't work: .... 'params_bulk': {'switches': [{'outlet': 1, 'switch': 'on'}, {'outlet': 0, 'switch': 'on'}]}}

but I don't know if that means anything

litecross91 commented 2 months ago

I found this "params_bulk" for three Sonoff switches for the first time today: Bedroom: M5_3C Living room: NS Panel Kitchen: M5_2C

but I experienced the unresponse problem only with M5_2C

2024-04-25 05:13:36 [D] {'name': 'Bedroom', 'deviceid': '10015c2235', 'apikey': '1966febb-c422-4d4f-99c9-45c9a2448ce3', 'extra': {'uiid': 162, 'description': '20211130008', 'brandId': '5c4c1aee3a7d24c7100be054', 'apmac': 'd0:27:02:b8:41:bb', 'mac': 'd0:27:02:b8:41:ba', 'ui': '三通道开关_支持2.4G轻智能', 'modelInfo': '60d3dfd9f2b4aa90e56c5bdc', 'model': 'ESP32D0-MSW-T5', 'manufacturer': '深圳松诺技术有限公司', 'staMac': '78E36DC9A494'}, 'brandName': 'SONOFF', 'brandLogo': '', 'showBrand': True, 'productModel': 'M5-3C', 'tags': {'m_8ce3_laza': 'on', 'ck_channel_name': {'0': 'Bedside light (right)', '1': 'Ceiling light', '2': 'Bedside light (left)'}, 'm_b3c5_kote': 'on', 'm_f721_davi': 'on'}, 'devConfig': {}, 'settings': {'opsNotify': 0, 'opsHistory': 1, 'alarmNotify': 1, 'wxAlarmNotify': 0, 'wxOpsNotify': 0, 'wxDoorbellNotify': 0, 'appDoorbellNotify': 1}, 'devGroups': [], 'family': {'familyid': '6286a3428f4cb400095f26d5', 'index': 6, 'members': ['3f214964-b6b0-4a24-b89b-5230b7ecb3c5', 'c314f3b8-4795-4bda-b77d-9077a368f721'], 'roomid': '6286a3428f4cb400095f26d3'}, 'shareTo': [], 'devicekey': '95a04567-78a1-469f-848d-96a70bb5db3b', 'online': True, 'params': {'bindInfos': {'gaction': ['1966febb-c422-4d4f-99c9-45c9a2448ce3_ewelinkGoogleHome'], 'scene': 12, 'ifttt': ['1966febb-c422-4d4f-99c9-45c9a2448ce3_c7a1fe14a59d4ae58493540d644fbe6f']}, 'version': 7, 'remoteCtrlList': [{'outlet': 0, 'addr': []}, {'outlet': 1, 'addr': []}, {'outlet': 2, 'addr': []}, {'outlet': 3, 'addr': []}], 'switches': [{'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 0}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 1}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 2}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 3}], 'configure': [{'startup': 'off', 'outlet': 0}, {'startup': 'off', 'outlet': 1}, {'startup': 'off', 'outlet': 2}, {'startup': 'off', 'outlet': 3}], 'pulses': [{'pulse': 'off', 'switch': 'off', 'width': 500, 'outlet': 0}, {'pulse': 'off', 'switch': 'off', 'width': 500, 'outlet': 1}, {'pulse': 'off', 'switch': 'off', 'width': 500, 'outlet': 2}, {'pulse': 'off', 'switch': 'off', 'width': 0, 'outlet': 3}], 'sledOnline': 'off', 'staMac': '78E36DC9A494', 'rssi': -46, 'offBrightness': 25, 'fwVersion': '1.2.3', 'only_device': {'ota': 'success', 'ota_fail_reason': 0}, 'addSubDevState': 'off', 'addTimeOut': 10, 'subDevices': [{'subDevId': '700df80e', 'deviceid': 'abd800045e', 'online': True, 'uiid': '174', 'index': 0}, {'subDevId': '700e02ed', 'deviceid': 'abd8000462', 'online': True, 'uiid': '174', 'index': 0}], 'bleScene_0': {'bleAddr': '700df80e', 'do': [{'switches': [{'outlet': 2, 'switch': 'flip'}]}], 'outlet': 0, 'key': 0}, 'bleScene_1': {'bleAddr': '700df80e', 'do': [{'switches': [{'outlet': 1, 'switch': 'flip'}]}], 'outlet': 1, 'key': 0}, 'bleScene_2': {'bleAddr': '700df80e', 'do': [{'switches': [{'outlet': 0, 'switch': 'flip'}]}], 'outlet': 2, 'key': 0}, 'bleScene_3': {'bleAddr': '700e02ed', 'do': [{'switches': [{'outlet': 2, 'switch': 'flip'}]}], 'outlet': 0, 'key': 0}, 'bleScene_4': {'bleAddr': '700e02ed', 'do': [{'switches': [{'outlet': 1, 'switch': 'flip'}]}], 'outlet': 1, 'key': 0}, 'bleScene_5': {'bleAddr': '700e02ed', 'do': [{'switches': [{'outlet': 0, 'switch': 'flip'}]}], 'outlet': 2, 'key': 0}, 'bleScene_6': {}, 'bleScene_7': {}}, 'denyFeatures': ['switchWifi', 'remoteControl', 'lightScene', 'remoteSupport', 'upgradeFirmwareReminder', 'startupWithDelay', 'pluse_with_hour', 'offline_alert', 'autoUpdateOta', 'matter_pair_mode', 'timer_support_DST', 'startupWithFlip', 'tzInfo'], 'isSupportGroup': True, 'isSupportedOnMP': True, 'isSupportChannelSplit': True, 'deviceFeature': {}, 'host': '', 'localtype': 'plug', 'local_ts': 1714014833.260103, 'local': True, 'params_bulk': {'switches': [{'outlet': 1, 'switch': 'off'}]}}
2024-04-25 05:13:36 [D] {'name': 'Living room', 'deviceid': '100156af97', 'apikey': '1966febb-c422-4d4f-99c9-45c9a2448ce3', 'extra': {'uiid': 133, 'description': '20211109002', 'brandId': '5c4c1aee3a7d24c7100be054', 'apmac': 'd0:27:02:ad:5c:7f', 'mac': 'd0:27:02:ad:5c:7e', 'ui': 'HMI墙面开关', 'modelInfo': '5f73390defe12b0b619e66d5', 'model': 'E32-MSW-NX', 'manufacturer': '深圳松诺技术有限公司'}, 'brandName': 'SONOFF', 'brandLogo': '', 'showBrand': True, 'productModel': 'NSPanel', 'tags': {'m_8ce3_laza': 'on', 'ck_channel_name': {'0': 'Table light', '1': 'Ceiling light'}, 'm_b3c5_kote': 'on', 'showOnDashboard': True, 'm_f721_davi': 'on'}, 'devConfig': {'timerCount': '16/16'}, 'settings': {'opsNotify': 0, 'opsHistory': 1, 'alarmNotify': 1, 'wxAlarmNotify': 0, 'wxOpsNotify': 0, 'wxDoorbellNotify': 0, 'appDoorbellNotify': 1, 'offlineNotify': 1}, 'devGroups': [], 'family': {'familyid': '6286a3428f4cb400095f26d5', 'index': 3, 'members': ['3f214964-b6b0-4a24-b89b-5230b7ecb3c5', 'c314f3b8-4795-4bda-b77d-9077a368f721'], 'roomid': '6286a3428f4cb400095f26d2'}, 'shareTo': [], 'devicekey': 'a6c65ff8-cc58-4926-bc9c-5852e76a0d1b', 'online': True, 'params': {'bindInfos': {'gaction': ['1966febb-c422-4d4f-99c9-45c9a2448ce3_ewelinkGoogleHome'], 'scene': 17, 'ifttt': ['1966febb-c422-4d4f-99c9-45c9a2448ce3_c7a1fe14a59d4ae58493540d644fbe6f'], 'iftttTriggerCnt': 6}, 'version': 8, 'pulses': [{'pulse': 'off', 'width': 1000, 'outlet': 0}, {'pulse': 'off', 'width': 1000, 'outlet': 1}], 'switches': [{'switch': 'on', 'outlet': 0}, {'switch': 'on', 'outlet': 1}], 'configure': [{'startup': 'off', 'outlet': 0}, {'startup': 'off', 'outlet': 1}], 'lock': 0, 'fwVersion': '1.4.0', 'HMI_outdoorTemp': {'current': 8, 'range': '6,12'}, 'HMI_weather': 8, 'cityId': 'WA@46.27,20.15', 'dst': 1, 'dstChange': '2024-10-27T01:00:00.000Z', 'geo': '1,1', 'timeZone': 1, 'temperature': 22, 'humidity': 'blank', 'tempUnit': 0, 'cityStr': 'Secret', 'HMI_resources': [{'ctype': 'idle'}, {'ctype': 'group', 'id': '637a3247ae51d90008cf97a8', 'uiid': 137}, {'ctype': 'idle'}, {'ctype': 'device', 'id': '10015c2235', 'uiid': 162, 'hmi_uiid': 3}, {'ctype': 'idle'}, {'ctype': 'idle'}, {'ctype': 'idle'}, {'ctype': 'device', 'id': '10013f5e43', 'uiid': 137, 'hmi_uiid': 59}], 'HMI_ATCDevice': {'ctype': 'device', 'id': '100156af97', 'outlet': 0, 'etype': 'hot'}, 'ctype': 'device', 'id': '100156af97', 'resourcetype': 'ATC', 'only_device': {'ota': 'success', 'ota_fail_reason': 0}, 'reset_reason': 'ESP_RST_POWERON', 'value': 1, 'ATCEnable': 0, 'ATCMode': 0, 'ATCExpect0': 26, 'tempCorrection': 2, 'HMI_dimEnable': 0, 'HMI_model': 86, 'HMI_direction': 'horizontal', 'wallpaperId': 1, 'error': 3, 'tempsource': 0, 'sDeviceid': 'a48006aedb'}, 'denyFeatures': ['remoteSubDevice', 'bleTempHumidySource'], 'isSupportGroup': True, 'isSupportedOnMP': False, 'isSupportChannelSplit': False, 'deviceFeature': {}, 'host': '', 'localtype': 'multifun_switch', 'local_ts': 1714014803.223724, 'local': True, 'params_bulk': {'switches': [{'outlet': 0, 'switch': 'off'}]}}
2024-04-25 05:13:36 [D] {'name': 'Kitchen_M5-2C', 'deviceid': '10015c13c6', 'apikey': '1966febb-c422-4d4f-99c9-45c9a2448ce3', 'extra': {'uiid': 161, 'description': '20211130007', 'brandId': '5c4c1aee3a7d24c7100be054', 'apmac': 'd0:27:02:b8:24:dd', 'mac': 'd0:27:02:b8:24:dc', 'ui': '双通道开关_支持2.4G轻智能', 'modelInfo': '60d3dfdcf2b4aa90e56c5bdd', 'model': 'ESP32D0-MSW-T5', 'manufacturer': '深圳松诺技术有限公司', 'staMac': '78E36DC86CEC'}, 'brandName': 'SONOFF', 'brandLogo': '', 'showBrand': True, 'productModel': 'M5-2C', 'tags': {'m_8ce3_laza': 'on'}, 'devConfig': {}, 'settings': {'opsNotify': 0, 'opsHistory': 1, 'alarmNotify': 1, 'wxAlarmNotify': 0, 'wxOpsNotify': 0, 'wxDoorbellNotify': 0, 'appDoorbellNotify': 1}, 'devGroups': [], 'family': {'familyid': '6286a3428f4cb400095f26d5', 'index': 5, 'members': ['3f214964-b6b0-4a24-b89b-5230b7ecb3c5', 'c314f3b8-4795-4bda-b77d-9077a368f721']}, 'shareTo': [], 'devicekey': 'f3c0f54d-7190-480b-8569-dfc1063322f9', 'online': True, 'params': {'bindInfos': {'gaction': ['1966febb-c422-4d4f-99c9-45c9a2448ce3_ewelinkGoogleHome'], 'ifttt': ['1966febb-c422-4d4f-99c9-45c9a2448ce3_c7a1fe14a59d4ae58493540d644fbe6f']}, 'version': 7, 'switches': [{'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 0}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 1}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 2}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 3}], 'configure': [{'startup': 'off', 'outlet': 0}, {'startup': 'off', 'outlet': 1}, {'startup': 'off', 'outlet': 2}, {'startup': 'off', 'outlet': 3}], 'pulses': [{'pulse': 'off', 'switch': 'off', 'width': 500, 'outlet': 0}, {'pulse': 'off', 'switch': 'off', 'width': 500, 'outlet': 1}, {'pulse': 'off', 'switch': 'off', 'width': 0, 'outlet': 2}, {'pulse': 'off', 'switch': 'off', 'width': 0, 'outlet': 3}], 'sledOnline': 'off', 'staMac': '78E36DC86CEC', 'rssi': -41, 'offBrightness': 10, 'fwVersion': '1.2.3'}, 'denyFeatures': ['switchWifi', 'remoteControl', 'lightScene', 'remoteSupport', 'upgradeFirmwareReminder', 'startupWithDelay', 'pluse_with_hour', 'offline_alert', 'autoUpdateOta', 'matter_pair_mode', 'timer_support_DST', 'startupWithFlip', 'tzInfo'], 'isSupportGroup': True, 'isSupportedOnMP': True, 'isSupportChannelSplit': True, 'deviceFeature': {}, 'host': '', 'localtype': 'plug', 'local_ts': 1714014833.2602592, 'local': True, 'params_bulk': {'switches': [{'outlet': 0, 'switch': 'off'}]}}

after Sonoff integration reload:

2024-04-25 20:50:18 [D] {'name': 'Bedroom', 'deviceid': '10015c2235', 'apikey': '1966febb-c422-4d4f-99c9-45c9a2448ce3', 'extra': {'uiid': 162, 'description': '20211130008', 'brandId': '5c4c1aee3a7d24c7100be054', 'apmac': 'd0:27:02:b8:41:bb', 'mac': 'd0:27:02:b8:41:ba', 'ui': '三通道开关_支持2.4G轻智能', 'modelInfo': '60d3dfd9f2b4aa90e56c5bdc', 'model': 'ESP32D0-MSW-T5', 'manufacturer': '深圳松诺技术有限公司', 'staMac': '78E36DC9A494'}, 'brandName': 'SONOFF', 'brandLogo': '', 'showBrand': True, 'productModel': 'M5-3C', 'tags': {'m_8ce3_laza': 'on', 'ck_channel_name': {'0': 'Bedside light (right)', '1': 'Ceiling light', '2': 'Bedside light (left)'}, 'm_b3c5_kote': 'on', 'm_f721_davi': 'on'}, 'devConfig': {}, 'settings': {'opsNotify': 0, 'opsHistory': 1, 'alarmNotify': 1, 'wxAlarmNotify': 0, 'wxOpsNotify': 0, 'wxDoorbellNotify': 0, 'appDoorbellNotify': 1}, 'devGroups': [], 'family': {'familyid': '6286a3428f4cb400095f26d5', 'index': 6, 'members': ['3f214964-b6b0-4a24-b89b-5230b7ecb3c5', 'c314f3b8-4795-4bda-b77d-9077a368f721'], 'roomid': '6286a3428f4cb400095f26d3'}, 'shareTo': [], 'devicekey': '95a04567-78a1-469f-848d-96a70bb5db3b', 'online': True, 'params': {'bindInfos': {'gaction': ['1966febb-c422-4d4f-99c9-45c9a2448ce3_ewelinkGoogleHome'], 'scene': 12, 'ifttt': ['1966febb-c422-4d4f-99c9-45c9a2448ce3_c7a1fe14a59d4ae58493540d644fbe6f']}, 'version': 7, 'remoteCtrlList': [{'outlet': 0, 'addr': []}, {'outlet': 1, 'addr': []}, {'outlet': 2, 'addr': []}, {'outlet': 3, 'addr': []}], 'switches': [{'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 0}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 1}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 2}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 3}], 'configure': [{'startup': 'off', 'outlet': 0}, {'startup': 'off', 'outlet': 1}, {'startup': 'off', 'outlet': 2}, {'startup': 'off', 'outlet': 3}], 'pulses': [{'pulse': 'off', 'switch': 'off', 'width': 500, 'outlet': 0}, {'pulse': 'off', 'switch': 'off', 'width': 500, 'outlet': 1}, {'pulse': 'off', 'switch': 'off', 'width': 500, 'outlet': 2}, {'pulse': 'off', 'switch': 'off', 'width': 0, 'outlet': 3}], 'sledOnline': 'off', 'staMac': '78E36DC9A494', 'rssi': -45, 'offBrightness': 25, 'fwVersion': '1.2.3', 'only_device': {'ota': 'success', 'ota_fail_reason': 0}, 'addSubDevState': 'off', 'addTimeOut': 10, 'subDevices': [{'subDevId': '700df80e', 'deviceid': 'abd800045e', 'online': True, 'uiid': '174', 'index': 0}, {'subDevId': '700e02ed', 'deviceid': 'abd8000462', 'online': True, 'uiid': '174', 'index': 0}], 'bleScene_0': {'bleAddr': '700df80e', 'do': [{'switches': [{'outlet': 2, 'switch': 'flip'}]}], 'outlet': 0, 'key': 0}, 'bleScene_1': {'bleAddr': '700df80e', 'do': [{'switches': [{'outlet': 1, 'switch': 'flip'}]}], 'outlet': 1, 'key': 0}, 'bleScene_2': {'bleAddr': '700df80e', 'do': [{'switches': [{'outlet': 0, 'switch': 'flip'}]}], 'outlet': 2, 'key': 0}, 'bleScene_3': {'bleAddr': '700e02ed', 'do': [{'switches': [{'outlet': 2, 'switch': 'flip'}]}], 'outlet': 0, 'key': 0}, 'bleScene_4': {'bleAddr': '700e02ed', 'do': [{'switches': [{'outlet': 1, 'switch': 'flip'}]}], 'outlet': 1, 'key': 0}, 'bleScene_5': {'bleAddr': '700e02ed', 'do': [{'switches': [{'outlet': 0, 'switch': 'flip'}]}], 'outlet': 2, 'key': 0}, 'bleScene_6': {}, 'bleScene_7': {}}, 'denyFeatures': ['switchWifi', 'remoteControl', 'lightScene', 'remoteSupport', 'upgradeFirmwareReminder', 'startupWithDelay', 'pluse_with_hour', 'offline_alert', 'autoUpdateOta', 'matter_pair_mode', 'timer_support_DST', 'startupWithFlip', 'tzInfo'], 'isSupportGroup': True, 'isSupportedOnMP': True, 'isSupportChannelSplit': True, 'deviceFeature': {}, 'host': '', 'localtype': 'plug', 'local_ts': 1714068387.07952, 'local': True}
2024-04-25 20:49:33 [D] {'name': 'Living room', 'deviceid': '100156af97', 'apikey': '1966febb-c422-4d4f-99c9-45c9a2448ce3', 'extra': {'uiid': 133, 'description': '20211109002', 'brandId': '5c4c1aee3a7d24c7100be054', 'apmac': 'd0:27:02:ad:5c:7f', 'mac': 'd0:27:02:ad:5c:7e', 'ui': 'HMI墙面开关', 'modelInfo': '5f73390defe12b0b619e66d5', 'model': 'E32-MSW-NX', 'manufacturer': '深圳松诺技术有限公司'}, 'brandName': 'SONOFF', 'brandLogo': '', 'showBrand': True, 'productModel': 'NSPanel', 'tags': {'m_8ce3_laza': 'on', 'ck_channel_name': {'0': 'Table light', '1': 'Ceiling light'}, 'm_b3c5_kote': 'on', 'showOnDashboard': True, 'm_f721_davi': 'on'}, 'devConfig': {'timerCount': '16/16'}, 'settings': {'opsNotify': 0, 'opsHistory': 1, 'alarmNotify': 1, 'wxAlarmNotify': 0, 'wxOpsNotify': 0, 'wxDoorbellNotify': 0, 'appDoorbellNotify': 1, 'offlineNotify': 1}, 'devGroups': [], 'family': {'familyid': '6286a3428f4cb400095f26d5', 'index': 3, 'members': ['3f214964-b6b0-4a24-b89b-5230b7ecb3c5', 'c314f3b8-4795-4bda-b77d-9077a368f721'], 'roomid': '6286a3428f4cb400095f26d2'}, 'shareTo': [], 'devicekey': 'a6c65ff8-cc58-4926-bc9c-5852e76a0d1b', 'online': True, 'params': {'bindInfos': {'gaction': ['1966febb-c422-4d4f-99c9-45c9a2448ce3_ewelinkGoogleHome'], 'scene': 17, 'ifttt': ['1966febb-c422-4d4f-99c9-45c9a2448ce3_c7a1fe14a59d4ae58493540d644fbe6f'], 'iftttTriggerCnt': 6}, 'version': 8, 'pulses': [{'pulse': 'off', 'width': 1000, 'outlet': 0}, {'pulse': 'off', 'width': 1000, 'outlet': 1}], 'switches': [{'switch': 'on', 'outlet': 0}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 1}], 'configure': [{'startup': 'off', 'outlet': 0}, {'startup': 'off', 'outlet': 1}], 'lock': 0, 'fwVersion': '1.4.0', 'HMI_outdoorTemp': {'current': 8, 'range': '4,14'}, 'HMI_weather': 33, 'cityId': 'WA@46.27,20.15', 'dst': 1, 'dstChange': '2024-10-27T01:00:00.000Z', 'geo': '1,1', 'timeZone': 1, 'temperature': 22, 'humidity': 'blank', 'tempUnit': 0, 'cityStr': 'Secret', 'HMI_resources': [{'ctype': 'idle'}, {'ctype': 'group', 'id': '637a3247ae51d90008cf97a8', 'uiid': 137}, {'ctype': 'idle'}, {'ctype': 'device', 'id': '10015c2235', 'uiid': 162, 'hmi_uiid': 3}, {'ctype': 'idle'}, {'ctype': 'idle'}, {'ctype': 'idle'}, {'ctype': 'device', 'id': '10013f5e43', 'uiid': 137, 'hmi_uiid': 59}], 'HMI_ATCDevice': {'ctype': 'device', 'id': '100156af97', 'outlet': 0, 'etype': 'hot'}, 'ctype': 'device', 'id': '100156af97', 'resourcetype': 'ATC', 'only_device': {'ota': 'success', 'ota_fail_reason': 0}, 'reset_reason': 'ESP_RST_POWERON', 'value': 1, 'ATCEnable': 0, 'ATCMode': 0, 'ATCExpect0': 26, 'tempCorrection': 2, 'HMI_dimEnable': 0, 'HMI_model': 86, 'HMI_direction': 'horizontal', 'wallpaperId': 1, 'error': 3, 'tempsource': 0, 'sDeviceid': 'a48006aedb'}, 'denyFeatures': ['remoteSubDevice', 'bleTempHumidySource', 'newNSPanelTempController', 'newNSPanelWallpaper'], 'isSupportGroup': True, 'isSupportedOnMP': False, 'isSupportChannelSplit': False, 'deviceFeature': {}, 'host': '', 'localtype': 'multifun_switch', 'local_ts': 1714071032.5948393, 'local': True}
2024-04-25 20:33:55 [D] {'name': 'Kitchen_M5-2C', 'deviceid': '10015c13c6', 'apikey': '1966febb-c422-4d4f-99c9-45c9a2448ce3', 'extra': {'uiid': 161, 'description': '20211130007', 'brandId': '5c4c1aee3a7d24c7100be054', 'apmac': 'd0:27:02:b8:24:dd', 'mac': 'd0:27:02:b8:24:dc', 'ui': '双通道开关_支持2.4G轻智能', 'modelInfo': '60d3dfdcf2b4aa90e56c5bdd', 'model': 'ESP32D0-MSW-T5', 'manufacturer': '深圳松诺技术有限公司', 'staMac': '78E36DC86CEC'}, 'brandName': 'SONOFF', 'brandLogo': '', 'showBrand': True, 'productModel': 'M5-2C', 'tags': {'m_8ce3_laza': 'on'}, 'devConfig': {}, 'settings': {'opsNotify': 0, 'opsHistory': 1, 'alarmNotify': 1, 'wxAlarmNotify': 0, 'wxOpsNotify': 0, 'wxDoorbellNotify': 0, 'appDoorbellNotify': 1}, 'devGroups': [], 'family': {'familyid': '6286a3428f4cb400095f26d5', 'index': 5, 'members': ['3f214964-b6b0-4a24-b89b-5230b7ecb3c5', 'c314f3b8-4795-4bda-b77d-9077a368f721']}, 'shareTo': [], 'devicekey': 'f3c0f54d-7190-480b-8569-dfc1063322f9', 'online': True, 'params': {'bindInfos': {'gaction': ['1966febb-c422-4d4f-99c9-45c9a2448ce3_ewelinkGoogleHome'], 'ifttt': ['1966febb-c422-4d4f-99c9-45c9a2448ce3_c7a1fe14a59d4ae58493540d644fbe6f']}, 'version': 7, 'switches': [{'switch': 'on', 'outlet': 0}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 1}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 2}, {'switch': 'off', 'outlet': 3}], 'configure': [{'startup': 'off', 'outlet': 0}, {'startup': 'off', 'outlet': 1}, {'startup': 'off', 'outlet': 2}, {'startup': 'off', 'outlet': 3}], 'pulses': [{'pulse': 'off', 'switch': 'off', 'width': 500, 'outlet': 0}, {'pulse': 'off', 'switch': 'off', 'width': 500, 'outlet': 1}, {'pulse': 'off', 'switch': 'off', 'width': 0, 'outlet': 2}, {'pulse': 'off', 'switch': 'off', 'width': 0, 'outlet': 3}], 'sledOnline': 'off', 'staMac': '78E36DC86CEC', 'rssi': -41, 'offBrightness': 10, 'fwVersion': '1.2.3'}, 'denyFeatures': ['switchWifi', 'remoteControl', 'lightScene', 'remoteSupport', 'upgradeFirmwareReminder', 'startupWithDelay', 'pluse_with_hour', 'offline_alert', 'autoUpdateOta', 'matter_pair_mode', 'timer_support_DST', 'startupWithFlip', 'tzInfo'], 'isSupportGroup': True, 'isSupportedOnMP': True, 'isSupportChannelSplit': True, 'deviceFeature': {}, 'host': '', 'localtype': 'plug', 'local_ts': 1714069816.0263999, 'local': True}
AlexxIT commented 2 months ago

Yes. This is protection for multiple commands for single multichannel device. I need to think, why it breaks sometimes.

AlexxIT commented 2 months ago

Check latest master version. I hope problem fixed. Looks like this is new problem with new Hass or python version. Because bulk commands worked fine for years.

litecross91 commented 2 months ago

I upgraded to version 3.7.2. If the bug occurs again, I will post the logs.

petebanham commented 2 months ago

I'm not seeing the update yet, guess it may take a bit of time.

AlexxIT commented 2 months ago

3.7.2 is not a master version

litecross91 commented 2 months ago

Okay, I see this: image

If not this then how can I find the latest?

petebanham commented 2 months ago

3.7.2 is not a master version

Arh so I need to download manually. Will try when I get home a bit later. Thanks

AlexxIT commented 2 months ago

HACS > redownload > master

litecross91 commented 2 months ago

Aaand it's done. Thank you!

petebanham commented 2 months ago

Mine has been fine since installing this version yesterday so looking good. Thanks

AlexxIT commented 2 months ago