Alfred-Skyblue / vue-draggable-plus

Universal Drag-and-Drop Component Supporting both Vue 3 and Vue 2
MIT License
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Draggable disables editing features of TinyMCE #136

Open derwaldgeist opened 1 month ago

derwaldgeist commented 1 month ago

Hi, we want to use vue-draggable-plus in combination with the TinyMCE richtext editor. For this, we place one TinyMCE instance in every draggable div:


We noticed that once you drop such a draggable in a new position, TinyMCE won't be initialized correctly. It does not show its content anymore, and there is also no caret to enter new text. All other TinyMCE instances still work fine, until you drag and drop them (i.e. the surrounding draggable div) as well. The "regular" input fields shown in the screenshot always work, i.e. they are not affected by drag and drop.

So I am wondering how the dropped element is actually re-constructed? Is it a copy of the original element or is it the actual original element itself? And if it is the original element, just moved in the DOM, what might be the reason that the editor stops working?

pkc918 commented 1 month ago

Please provide an online case about the bug, thx