Alfred-Skyblue / vue-draggable-plus

Universal Drag-and-Drop Component Supporting both Vue 3 and Vue 2
MIT License
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can this be used with v-data-table to move between tables in the same group? #38

Closed Ben-Avrahami closed 7 months ago

Ben-Avrahami commented 11 months ago

Hello, im trying to move between multiple v-data-tables in the same group, is it possible to do it with vue-draggable-plus? is there any example code of it? i tried to do it with Vue.Draggable but didnt work with sortable i was able to move only the HTML part, and not the actual data. thats why im hoping vue-draggable-plus might be the solution im searching for. thanks.

Alfred-Skyblue commented 10 months ago

The reason why vue.draggable cannot be realized is that tbody or thead cannot be obtained. Using vue-draggable-plus, you can use the target attribute to use the selector to obtain it. The rest of the usage methods are consistent with vue.draggable.