Alfred-Skyblue / vue-draggable-plus

Universal Drag-and-Drop Component Supporting both Vue 3 and Vue 2
MIT License
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API documentation? #8

Closed bhaviljain68 closed 1 year ago

bhaviljain68 commented 1 year ago

Hi, I was looking at your documentation and I couldn't find a guide to the API (Props the components accepts, Emitted events) Could you please guide me?

I want to increase the area that triggers the scroll and dont want to show the ghost ... are these things possible?

Alfred-Skyblue commented 1 year ago

Hello, the document is fully inherited from Sortablejs. I have added the API module to the document. You can check it out. Thank you for your suggestion.

bhaviljain68 commented 1 year ago

Hey... Thanks for the response and updating the readme... It is a big help.