Alfred-Skyblue / vue-draggable-plus

Universal Drag-and-Drop Component Supporting both Vue 3 and Vue 2
MIT License
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Drag animation between lists doesn't match drag/drop behavior #85

Closed 9mm closed 6 months ago

9mm commented 6 months ago

To put it simply, lets say you have 2 lists, A and B.

If you drag an item from A to B, and JUST past the drop bounds of B, and let go...

The item will properly DROP in the B list (probably because even though the mouse passed the drop zone, it still knows it was the last valid list so thats where the item goes)

However, the animation zooms back to list A, when it should go to list B.

The only time the animation + drop sync properly is if you let go of the item exactly within the drop zone.

9mm commented 6 months ago

solved here