Alfred-Skyblue / vue-draggable-plus

Universal Drag-and-Drop Component Supporting both Vue 3 and Vue 2
MIT License
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Weird Display issue and scrollSensitivity Now Working #9

Open bhaviljain68 opened 1 year ago

bhaviljain68 commented 1 year ago

I checked the API and tried To use the scrollsensitivity, but it didn't work

    @choose="sorting = true"
    @unchoose="sorting = false"

I also tried


But neither seemed to have an effect

Another Issue I'm having is...

if I drag the last item and place it anywhere above, and then add a new item to the list, then the new item will be displayed at the second last position even though in the array, it's at the last position.

Example :, you'll need to login, user : pass : Pa$$w0rd!

on the side drawer, click survey builder

Alfred-Skyblue commented 1 year ago

These credentials do not match our records. Is it possible to provide an online demo stackblitz or codesandbox?

bhaviljain68 commented 1 year ago

These credentials do not match our records. Is it possible to provide an online demo stackblitz or codesandbox?

Actually it's quiet a big component and many small components ... I'll try a stackblitz... If not, will a video demo do?

I'll check the credentials and get back to you... Also... You can simply register.. It'll hardly take 10 seconds

bhaviljain68 commented 1 year ago

@Alfred-Skyblue I tried creating a stackblitz, but it has even more problems than my actual app. here is the link : The code is mostly the same in my app, just changed a few icons and trimmed down repeated components

Here is a video link :!An1e_Ji2qG1RmkdvQwc9xAp-m854?e=jVEx8i

Please help... I tried other DnD plugins... but your's is the only one that is really working for my use case.... It just has this one problem

Edit : the stackblitz is somewhat working ... you can see the issue there as well.... but sometimes the dragged elements disappears altogether, that doesn't happen in my app

bhaviljain68 commented 1 year ago

Hey @Alfred-Skyblue ... could really use your help with this

Alfred-Skyblue commented 1 year ago

Can you provide the smallest replication case, too complex to understand your internal logic.