Alfresco / alfresco-docker-installer

Generator to build Docker Compose templates to deploy Alfresco Community
142 stars 57 forks source link External Volume Mapping #117

Closed marcogianini closed 2 years ago

marcogianini commented 2 years ago


I did an installation using the Angel project through Yeoman and as it is not updated to version 7.1, so I changed the values ​​of the .env file as follows:

Docker Image versions


Also in Alfresco's Dockerfile manually include a copy of api-explorer-7.1.0.war into the webapps folder of the Alfresco container using:

Install api-explorer webapp for REST API

COPY api-explorer-7.1.0.war $TOMCAT_DIR/webapps/api-explorer.war

But when trying to map the contents of the shared/classes folder of the Alfresco container to an external volume, it generates a keystroke error (informing that folders after this one are empty).

Procedures to map container content on external volume:

And this way it generates the error. Can anyone help me with this?

Or is there any update of the Angel project to version 7.1?


aborroy commented 2 years ago

Why don't use this project? It includes support for 7.1

marcogianini commented 2 years ago

Hi Angel.

I tried more when running generator-alfresco-docker-installer without root and then running yo alfresco-docker-installer it doesn't download the project.

Version: Node - 12.20.1 Npm - 6.14.10 Yo - 4.3.0

With root it does not run yo and generates the following error: Cannot find module '/root/.npm-packages/lib/node_modules/yo/node_modules/spawn-sync/postinstall'

How could you help me?

aborroy commented 2 years ago

I made a quick test with Ubuntu.

Starting a default Ubuntu container:

$ docker run -it ubuntu /bin/bash

Creating user alfresco inside the Ubuntu container.

$ useradd -m alfresco
$ passwd alfresco

Installing sudo and adding alfresco as sudoer

$ apt update
$ apt-get install sudo

$ usermod -aG sudo alfresco

Installing required software from alfresco account.

$ su alfresco
$ cd /home/alfresco

$ sudo apt-get install nodejs
$ node -v

$ sudo apt-get install npm
$ npm -v

$ sudo npm install -g yo
$ yo --version

$ sudo npm install -g generator-alfresco-docker-installer

The first test is failing due to incorrect Node version...

$ yo alfresco-docker-installer
? ==========================================================================
We're constantly looking for ways to make yo better!
May we anonymously report usage statistics to improve the tool over time?
More info: &
========================================================================== Yes
TypeError: lookups.flatMap is not a function
    at Environment.resolver.lookup (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/yo/node_modules/yeoman-environment/lib/resolver.js:69:27)
    at init (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/yo/lib/cli.js:130:7)
    at pre (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/yo/lib/cli.js:89:3)
    at prompt.then.result (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/yo/node_modules/insight/lib/index.js:176:4)
    at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:68:7)

Upgrading to node 12

$ sudo apt-get install curl
$ curl -sL | sudo -E bash -
$ sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install nodejs
$ node -v

And finally the generator is working fine:

$ yo alfresco-docker-installer

        ,.**. `*****  <-_
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    **********,' -=#####',@@@
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     * /@@@@@',@ @\ '@@@@@@@
      '@@@@/ @@@ @@@\ ':#'
      !@@@@ @@@@ @@@@@@@@@^
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        `"$ '@@@@@. '##'


? Which ACS version do you want to use? 7.1
? How may GB RAM are available for Alfresco (16 is minimum required)? 16
? Do you want to use HTTPs for Web Proxy? No
? What is the name of your server? localhost
? Choose the password for your admin user admin
? What HTTP port do you want to use (all the services are using the same port)? 8
? Do you want to use FTP (port 2121)? No
? Do you want to use MariaDB instead of PostgreSQL? No
? Are you using different languages (this is the most common scenario)? Yes
? Would you like to use HTTP, HTTPs or Shared Secret for Alfresco-SOLR communicat
ion? http
? Do you want to use credentials for Events service (ActiveMQ)? No
? Do you want to create an internal SMTP server? No
? Do you want to create an internal LDAP server? No
? Select the addons to be installed:
? Are you using a Windows host to run Docker? No
? Do you want to use a start script? No
   create .env
   create docker-compose.yml
   create alfresco/Dockerfile
   create alfresco/modules/amps/empty
   create alfresco/modules/jars/empty
   create share/Dockerfile
   create share/web-extension/share-config-custom-dev.xml
   create share/modules/amps/empty
   create share/modules/jars/empty
   create search/Dockerfile
   create config/nginx.conf
   create config/nginx.htpasswd

Hope this helps.

marcogianini commented 2 years ago


Marco Gianini