Alfresco / alfresco-docker-installer

Generator to build Docker Compose templates to deploy Alfresco Community
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Tomcat insufficient cache size #150

Closed Lucas-Ribeiro-Lima closed 1 year ago

Lucas-Ribeiro-Lima commented 1 year ago

That message is being showed on catalina log of Alfresco Share. /logs/share/catalina.log And i cant use the addons, to sign or edit documents in Share maybe related because the components is loading forever? I tried allocate a fixed size on context.xml of containerd config file of tomcat that i have found a some foruns i find a similar situation but it doesn't work


aborroy commented 1 year ago

Did you try this approach?

iohann95 commented 1 year ago

Add this line on the share Dockerfile:

RUN sed -i '/<Context>/a <Resources cacheMaxSize="51200" />' /usr/local/tomcat/conf/context.xml

That's what I did. I actually was going to open a ticket and suggest that this could be added to the project. But honestly I don't know if this has anything to do with the problems you are having. I only set this parameter for it to stop complaining on startup.

Lucas-Ribeiro-Lima commented 1 year ago

Hello, I'm closing this issue for now, apparently the e-sing add-on needs an app to use, and it doesn't work in Chrome either.