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Upstreaming mca #38

Closed ChrisRackauckas closed 1 year ago

ChrisRackauckas commented 1 year ago

The function mca is currently being depended on downstream, so it would be good to isolate and add to a release of AlgebraicPetri. Following the code, it looks like SubACSets.jl might be the only piece that we need.

The only demo dependency this has is the Ontologies module,

the Ontologies module is not dependent on any other demos module, specifically using:

It looks like that's only required because of the function strip_names. Its only internal dependencies is homomorphism which I presume comes from Catlab.CategoricalAlgebra. So if I'm not mistaken, the upstreaming should not be too difficult here.

ChrisRackauckas commented 1 year ago

Would there be any objection to the upstreaming of the following into a minor on AlgebraicPetri?

module SubACSets
export mca

using Catlab, Catlab.Theories, Catlab.CategoricalAlgebra, Catlab.Graphs, Catlab.CategoricalAlgebra.FinSets
using Catlab.Graphics
using Catlab.CategoricalAlgebra.Diagrams
using Catlab.CategoricalAlgebra.FreeDiagrams
using Catlab.ACSetInterface
import Catlab.CategoricalAlgebra.FinCats: FreeCatGraph, FinDomFunctor, collect_ob, collect_hom
using Catlab.Programs
using AlgebraicPetri

concatmap(f,xs) = mapreduce(f, vcat, xs; init =[])

function strip_names(p::AbstractLabelledPetriNet)
  map(p, Name = name -> nothing)

function strip_names(p::ACSetTransformation)
  init = NamedTuple([k=>collect(v) for (k,v) in pairs(components(p))])
  homomorphism(strip_names(dom(p)), strip_names(codom(p)), initial=init)

# the smaller acset is the "pattern"
function normalize_order(X::ACSet, Y::ACSet)
  size(X) ≤ size(Y) ? (X,Y) : (Y,X)

# given an acset X: C→Set and an object c ∈ C, compute all possible X' ↪ X which
# are given by removing a single element from the set Xc
function one_removed_subobs(X::ACSet, c)
  C    = acset_schema(X)
  subs = [filter(j -> j != i, parts(X,c)) for i ∈ parts(X,c)]
  build_sub(sub) = hom(
    # need double negation to remove dangling edges
          [o == c ? sub : parts(X, o) for o ∈ objects(C)]
  map(build_sub, subs)

Defintion: let 𝐺: C → 𝐒et be a C-set, we define the _size_ of 𝐺 to be ∑_{c ∈ C}
|𝐺c|.  For example, under this definition, the size of:
  * a graph G is |GE| + |GV| (num edges + num vertices)
  * a Petri net P is |PT| + |PS| + |PI| + |PO| (num transitions + num species +
    num input arcs + num output arcs).
function size(X::ACSet)
  foldl(+, [length(parts(X, oₛ)) for oₛ ∈ objects(acset_schema(X))])

"""Get all monomorphisms from an acset X to an acset Y
monos(X::ACSet, Y::ACSet) =
  homomorphism(X, strip_names(Y); monic = true, type_components=(Name=x->nothing,),)

"""Ask: "does there exists a mono X ↪ Y ?"
exists_mono(X::ACSet,Y::ACSet)::Bool =
  is_homomorphic(X, strip_names(Y); monic = true, type_components=(Name=x->nothing,),)

"""Brute-force implementation of Maximum Common Acset (MCA).
Input: two Acsets a₁ and a₂
Task : find all a with with |a| maximum possible such that there is a monic span of Acset a₁ ← a → a₂.
function mca(XX::ACSet, YY::ACSet)
  (X,Y) = normalize_order(XX,YY)
  exists_mono(X,Y) ? [X] : mca_help(X, Y)

function mca_help(X::ACSet, Y::ACSet)
  C = acset_schema(X) #X: C → Set
  getsmaller(c) = map(dom, one_removed_subobs(X, c))
  # enumerate all sub-acsets X' ↪ X of the acset X: C → Set obtained by removing one point from Xc for some c ∈ C
  oneRemovedFromX = concatmap(getsmaller, filter(c -> !isempty(parts(X,c)), objects(C)))
  # keep only those X' ↪ X such that there exists mono X' ↪ Y
  Y_subs          = filter(χ -> exists_mono(χ, Y), oneRemovedFromX)
  # either terminate or recurse
  if isempty(Y_subs)
    concatmap(χ -> mca_help(χ, Y), Y_subs)
    ω = maximum(map(size,Y_subs))
    filter(y -> size(y) == ω, Y_subs)
