AlgebraicJulia / Catlab.jl

A framework for applied category theory in the Julia language
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Overlap Maps is not an iterator #819

Closed jpfairbanks closed 1 year ago

jpfairbanks commented 1 year ago

@kris-brown, the maximum common c-set code is too slow for practical use, and I was trying to hunt down the problem with @p-stokes. It looks like this function was intended to be an iterator, but is actually realizing the whole collection.

Shouldn't this code be something like

function overlap_maps(Xs::Vector{T}) where T<:ACSet
  !isempty(Xs) || error("Vector must not be empty")
  Xs = Xs[sortperm(total_parts.(Xs))] # put the smallest X first
  res = OrderedDict()
  overlapstream = map(hom.(SubobjectIterator(Xs[1])) do subobj
    abs_subobj = abstract_attributes(dom(subobj)) ⋅ subobj
    Y = dom(abs_subobj)
    # don't repeat work if already computed syms/maps for something iso to Y
    seen = false
    for (Y′, Y′maps) in collect(res)
      σ = isomorphism(Y′, Y)
      if !isnothing(σ)
        push!(Y′maps[1], σ ⋅ abs_subobj)
        seen = true
    if seen continue end 
    # Compute the automorphisms so that we can remove spurious symmetries
    syms = isomorphisms(Y, Y)
    # Get monic maps from Y into each of the objects. The first comes for free
    maps = Vector{ACSetTransformation}[[abs_subobj]]
    for X in Xs[2:end]
      fs = homomorphisms(Y, X; monic=true)
      real_fs = Set() # quotient fs via automorphisms of Y
      for f in fs 
        if all(rf->all(σ -> force(σ⋅f) != force(rf),  syms), real_fs)  
          push!(real_fs, f)
      if isempty(real_fs)
        break # this subobject of Xs[1] does not have common overlap w/ all Xs
    if length(maps) == length(Xs)
      return Y => maps
  return overlapstream

This will cause overlap_maps to instantly return a generator of the overlaps (as a sequence of pairs) rather than as an OrderedDict. Then when the MCA code iterates over that collection, it won't have to fully realize the collection before processing it?

kris-brown commented 1 year ago

There are subtle reasons why it's more complicated to turn this into an iterator (related to the fact that there can be distinct subobjects with isomorphic domains, so there's not a one-to-one correspondence of outputs of Subobjectiterator and the overlap iterator) but this is being addressed in

epatters commented 1 year ago

Resolved by #821.