AlgebraicJulia / Catlab.jl

A framework for applied category theory in the Julia language
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What are the steps for implementing a new syntax? #85

Closed jpfairbanks closed 4 years ago

jpfairbanks commented 4 years ago

This came up in a biochemistry application I am working on for SemanticModels.

We want to model enzyme interactions where X is catalyzing the degradation of Y. In chemistry, this cleaving action is denoted:

    X + Y <=> XY
    XY -> X + degraded(Y)

The formation of the XY-complex is reversible but the degradation is not which is part of why this is interesting.

We want to build a category where for every object (species) X I have a special object degraded(X). And for every pair of objects (X,Y), I have another object complex(X,Y). And there are special homs that create and destroy these complexes. For example bind(X::Ob, Y::Ob)::Hom(otimes(X,Y),complex(X,Y)) creates the complex and degrade(X::Ob,Y::Ob)::Hom(complex(X,Y), otimes(X, degraded(Y))) converts the complex to the degraded form.

I thought this would work:

@signature BiproductCategory(Ob,Hom) => Chemistry(Ob,Hom) begin
    bind(X::Ob, Y::Ob)::Hom(otimes(X,Y),complex(X,Y))
    degrade(X::Ob,Y::Ob)::Hom(complex(X,Y), otimes(X, degraded(Y)))
    cleave(X::Ob, Y::Ob)::Hom(otimes(X,Y),otimes(X,degraded(Y)))
@syntax FreeChemistry(ObExpr,HomExpr) Chemistry begin
  otimes(A::Ob, B::Ob) = associate_unit(new(A,B), munit)
  otimes(f::Hom, g::Hom) = associate(new(f,g))
  compose(f::Hom, g::Hom) = associate(new(f,g; strict=true))

  pair(f::Hom, g::Hom) = compose(mcopy(dom(f)), otimes(f,g))
  copair(f::Hom, g::Hom) = compose(otimes(f,g), mmerge(codom(f)))
  proj1(A::Ob, B::Ob) = otimes(id(A), delete(B))
  proj2(A::Ob, B::Ob) = otimes(delete(A), id(B))
  incl1(A::Ob, B::Ob) = otimes(id(A), create(B))
  incl2(A::Ob, B::Ob) = otimes(create(A), id(B))

  # cleaving is not a fundamental operation so we normalize it out of the syntax
  cleave(A::Ob, B::Ob) = bind(A,B)⋅degrade(A,B)

I basically want this syntax to work just like a FreeBiproduct category but have the special constructors degraded(X), complex(X,Y), bind(X,Y), degrade(X,Y), and cleave(X,Y). What needs to happen to get that working for the following features of Catlab?

  1. GATExprs
  2. Presentantations
  3. @parse_wiring_diagrams
  4. to_wiring_diagram
  5. x->to_graphviz(to_wiring_diagram(x))

Right now the first problem is

A,B = Ob.(FreeChemistry.Ob, [:A, :B])
r = Hom(:reaction, A,B)


MethodError: no method matching dom(::Main.FreeChemistry.Hom{:generator})
Closest candidates are:
  dom(!Matched::WiringLayer) at /Users/jfairbanks6/.julia/packages/Catlab/BhYS1/src/wiring_diagrams/Layers.jl:156
  dom(!Matched::Catlab.Programs.ExpressionTrees.Formulas) at /Users/jfairbanks6/.julia/packages/Catlab/BhYS1/src/programs/ExpressionTrees.jl:102
  dom(!Matched::Catlab.Doctrines.Category.Hom) at none:0
epatters commented 4 years ago

My guess is that you need to explicitly import the methods you are overriding:

import Catlab.Doctrines: dom, codom, compose, otimes, ...

This could (should?) be made part of the macro's syntactic sugar, but currently it is not.

Apart from that, you seem to be on the right track.

jpfairbanks commented 4 years ago

Thanks, that fixed a lot of it, but the wiring diagram code still doesn't know how to handle bind or degrade

MethodError: no method matching bind(::Ports{Main.Chemistry.Hom,Symbol}, ::Ports{Main.Chemistry.Hom,Symbol})
jpfairbanks commented 4 years ago

I don't know if this is "the right way" to solve this problem, but the diagrams show up.

degraded(p::Ports{Main.Chemistry.Hom,Symbol}) = begin
    p = Ports(map(p.ports) do x
    return p
degraded(s::Symbol) = Symbol("$(s)ᵈᵉᵍ")
complex(p::Ports{Main.Chemistry.Hom,Symbol}, q::Ports{Main.Chemistry.Hom,Symbol}) = begin
    ps = prod(string.(p.ports))
    qs = prod(string.(q.ports))
    comp = ps*"⁺"*qs
    return Ports([Symbol(comp)])

complex(p::Symbol, q::Symbol) = begin
    return Symbol(string(p)*"⁺"*string(q))

degrade(p::Ports{Main.Chemistry.Hom,Symbol}, q::Ports{Main.Chemistry.Hom,Symbol}) = begin
                complex(p.ports[1], q.ports[1])),
            Ob(FreeChemistry.Ob, degraded(q.ports[1]))))

bind(p::Ports{Main.Chemistry.Hom,Symbol}, q::Ports{Main.Chemistry.Hom,Symbol}) = begin
            Ob(FreeChemistry.Ob, p.ports[1])⊗Ob(FreeChemistry.Ob, q.ports[1]),
                complex(p.ports[1], q.ports[1])),

Is there a more elegant way to implement these functions?

epatters commented 4 years ago

I think so. One possibility is to retain the generator expressions and certain other expressions in the wiring diagrams. That way you don't have to introduce new types or perform hacky formatting logic.

For example, based on your current implementation, it looks like degraded should satisfy degraded(otimes(X,Y)) == otimes(degraded(X),degraded(Y)). So you could write:

degraded(p::Ports{Chemistry.Hom}) = Ports{Chemistry.Hom}(map(degraded, p.ports))

Then use the keep_exprs option when converting to wiring diagrams:

to_wiring_diagram(f, keep_exprs=true)

The result should be that you end up with ports of type Ports{Chemistry.Hom, FreeChemistry.Hom}. The same trick should work for the boxes.

jpfairbanks commented 4 years ago

Awesome! I’ll give that a try. I want elegant formatting instead of hacky formatting. Is there a way to tell Catlab what the latex expression is for an Ob/Hom?

jpfairbanks commented 4 years ago

It looks like the keep_exprs keyword argument is missing in v0.5.1. Was that an old API? I can’t find it with grep.

epatters commented 4 years ago

Oh sorry, coincidentally, I had added the keep_exprs option in a recent commit, after the v0.5.1 release. So it's only in master.

You can tell Catlab how to format expressions by adding a method for the generic functionSyntax.show_latex(io::IO, expr::GATExpr; kw...). E.g., you could dispatch on ObExpr{:degraded} or, if greater precision is desired, on FreeChemistry.Ob{:degraded}. There is also a Syntax.show_unicode function for Unicode formatting.

epatters commented 4 years ago

As noted in #86, keep_exprs has now been replaced by a more flexible API.

jpfairbanks commented 4 years ago

So I need to overload

import Syntax: show_latex
Syntax.show_latex(io::IO, expr::GATExpr; kw...) =   begin
  print(io, "\\mathop{\\mathrm{$(head(expr))}}")
  print(io, "\\left[")
  join(io, [sprint(show_latex, arg) for arg in args(expr)], ",")
  print(io, "\\right]")

What are the prefix, postfix, infix variants for?

jpfairbanks commented 4 years ago

This works for the jupyter notebook interface

Syntax.show_latex(io::IO, expr::ObExpr{:degraded}; kw...) =  begin
    if length(args(expr)) > 1
      print(io, "\\left[")
    join(io, [sprint(show_latex, arg) for arg in args(expr)], ",")
    if length(args(expr)) > 1
        print(io, "\\right]")
    print(io, "^{deg}")

Syntax.show_latex(io::IO, expr::ObExpr{:complex}; kw...) =  begin
    if length(args(expr)) > 1
      print(io, "\\left[")
    join(io, [sprint(show_latex, arg) for arg in args(expr)], "")
    if length(args(expr)) > 1
        print(io, "\\right]")


But that notation doesn't show up in the wiring diagram graphics. Do I need to overload something else?

jpfairbanks commented 4 years ago

Based on this code

""" Label for wire in wiring diagram.

Note: This function takes a port value, not a wire value.
wire_label(value) = wire_label(MIME("text/plain"), value)
wire_label(mime::MIME, value) = diagram_element_label(mime, value)

diagram_element_label(::MIME, value) = string(value)
diagram_element_label(::MIME, ::Nothing) = ""

function diagram_element_label(::MIME"text/latex", expr::GATExpr)
  string("\$", sprint(show_latex, expr), "\$")

I would think this would just work. Does Graphviz use MIMEtype text/plain?

jpfairbanks commented 4 years ago

This got it working:

import Catlab.Graphics.WiringDiagramLayouts: diagram_element_label
function diagram_element_label(::MIME"text/plain", expr::ObExpr{:degraded})
    if length(args(expr)) > 1
        string("(", join(args(expr), ","),")", "ᵈ")
        string(args(expr)[1], "ᵈ")
function diagram_element_label(::MIME"text/plain", expr::ObExpr{:complex})
    if length(args(expr)) > 1
        string("(", join(args(expr), ""),")", )
        string(args(expr)[1], "ᶜ")
epatters commented 4 years ago

Right, Graphviz doesn't support LaTeX, so it has to use plain text.

jpfairbanks commented 4 years ago

Makes sense. Sorry for the near real time posting to gh issues. You are getting a livestream of my coding process.

epatters commented 4 years ago

No worries.

It might be worth adding a special MIME type for Graphviz, since Graphviz supports limited formatting (bold, italics, subscript, superscript) through its HTML-like labels.

jpfairbanks commented 4 years ago

It looks like going to a hom expr has revealed more steps to implementing a new syntax.

to_hom_expr(FreeChemistry, d)
 MethodError: no method matching id(::Main.FreeChemistry.Ob{:complex})
Closest candidates are:
  id(!Matched::NLayer) at /Users/jfairbanks6/.julia/dev/Catlab/src/wiring_diagrams/Layers.jl:160
  id(!Matched::Catlab.Programs.ExpressionTrees.NFormula) at /Users/jfairbanks6/.julia/dev/Catlab/src/programs/ExpressionTrees.jl:112
  id(!Matched::Catlab.Doctrines.Category.Ob) at none:0
epatters commented 4 years ago

My guess is that you need import Catlab.Doctrines: id.

jpfairbanks commented 4 years ago


jpfairbanks commented 4 years ago

I think the number of things you need to import to use @signature, @syntax indicates that we should probably have the macros emit the imports

epatters commented 4 years ago

Probably so. It would seem to violate the spirit of Julia's module/namespace system, but I guess in the end convenience trumps everything :)

jpfairbanks commented 4 years ago

I think the idea of a macro creating a module violates the spirit of Julia. We already crossed that rubicon!

epatters commented 4 years ago

Fair enough. Once you're doing DSLs, all rules are out!

epatters commented 4 years ago

Going to close this for now. Feel free to reopen if necessary.