AlgebraicJulia / DiagrammaticEquations.jl

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Reexport @relation #43

Open GeorgeR227 opened 1 month ago

GeorgeR227 commented 1 month ago

Even though DiagrammaticEquations exports its own composition code, like oapply, it does not currently reexport the @relation macro that downstream packages would need to actually compose. As of now, a user would have to add Catlab separately to have this work, which is not at all clear. However, DiagrammaticEquations already requires Catlab to function so reexporting @relation can be done at no cost.

lukem12345 commented 1 month ago

Would updating documentation also close this?

GeorgeR227 commented 1 month ago

I would say that since @relation, plus apex as I've found, is required to use the composition code here, the best solution is to just reexport it. I already have a branch set up.