AlgebraicJulia / Semagrams.jl

A graphical editor for graph-like structures
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Short-term fix for wire hovering bug #129

Closed sjbreiner closed 1 year ago

sjbreiner commented 1 year ago

There is currently a bug (#117) where wires in DWD are not hoverable/clickable after they are drawn.

I've tracked it down to the removal of the Interactable attribute at the end of the drag, which doesn't trigger an update. As a short-term fix, I am setting the value to true at the end of the drag instead, but this is just a short-term fix, as attribute removal should be triggering the update.

The problem isn't showing up in simplepetri, which calls the same dragEdge method, but without the bells and whistles (port lifting, type propagation).

sjbreiner commented 1 year ago

There are a few other minor changes: