Algo-Phantoms / Algo-Tree

Algo-Tree is a collection of Algorithms and data structures which are fundamentals to efficient code and good software design. Creating and designing excellent algorithms is required for being an exemplary programmer. It contains solutions in various languages such as C++, Python and Java.
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Pollard's Rho Algorithm #1974

Open Fatema110 opened 3 years ago

Fatema110 commented 3 years ago

Pollard's Rho Algorithm is a very interesting and quite accessible algorithm for factoring numbers. It is not the fastest algorithm by far but in practice it outperforms trial division by many orders of magnitude. It is based on very simple ideas that can be used in other contexts as well. It is an algorithm for integer factorization.The algorithm is very fast for numbers with small factors, but slower in cases where all factors are large. The ρ algorithm's most remarkable success was the factorization of the Fermat number F8 = 1238926361552897 93461639715357977769163558199606896584051237541638188580280321 The algorithm is used to factorize a number n =ab, where a is a non-trivial factor. A polynomial modulo n, called f(x) (e.g., f(x)= (xx+1) mod n) is used to generate a pseudorandom sequence . A starting value say 2, is chosen , and the sequence continues as x1 = f(2), x2=f(f(2)), x3 = f(f(f(2))), etc. The sequence is related to another sequence {xk mod p}. Since p is not known beforehand, this sequence cannot be explicitly computed in the algorithm. Yet, in it lies the core idea of the algorithm. **How the algorithm work x ← 2 #take any value of x and make y=x y ← 2 d ← 1

while d = 1:
    x ← g(x)     #g(x)=(x*x+c)%n, n is the number whose factor we are evaluating
    y ← g(g(y))   # update x=g(y) ,repeat this process till the gcd not become the factor 
    d ← gcd(|x - y|, n)   # gcd of absolute difference of x & y and of num is taken

if d = n:       #if gcd is equal to n then there no factor exist other one and itself
    return failure
    return d

INPUT 10403

Enter a number to find factor
factor is 101    
prakharshreyash commented 3 years ago

@Fatema110 Can I take this issue in Python?

Yashraghuvans commented 1 month ago

i can take this issue in c++