Algo-Phantoms / Algo-Tree

Algo-Tree is a collection of Algorithms and data structures which are fundamentals to efficient code and good software design. Creating and designing excellent algorithms is required for being an exemplary programmer. It contains solutions in various languages such as C++, Python and Java.
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CAPS lOCK(Basic Algo Question) #1993

Closed iaryangoyal closed 2 years ago

iaryangoyal commented 3 years ago


Caps lock is a computer keyboard key. Pressing it sets an input mode in which typed letters are capital by default. If it is pressed by accident, it leads to accidents like the one we had in the first passage.

Let's consider that a word has been typed with the Caps lock key accidentally switched on, if:

either it only contains uppercase letters; or all letters except for the first one are uppercase. In this case we should automatically change the case of all letters. For example, the case of the letters that form words "hELLO", "HTTP", "z" should be changed.

Eg-- input---- cAPS output--- Caps

purohitmansi commented 3 years ago

Do assign me.