AlgoGenesis / C

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[Identity Matrix In C] #1302

Open DinkyRajpoot56 opened 2 hours ago

DinkyRajpoot56 commented 2 hours ago

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[Identity Matrix]


This C Program checks a given Matrix is an Identity Matrix. Identity matrix is a square matrix with 1’s along the diagonal from upper left to lower right and 0’s in all other positions. If it satisfies the structure as explained before then the matrix is called as identity matrix.

Problem Solution

  1. Create a matrix (2D array) and define its elements according to its size.
  2. Two check whether the matrix is an identity matrix or not, run a nested for loop with two iterators.
  3. Using two iterators, locate each position of matrix and check whether the right diagonal have all 1s with remaining elements as 0s.
  4. Set a flag variable 1 if it matches the above condition, otherwise it will be 0.
  5. Print Identity matrix if flag is 1.


new algorithm, gssoc-ext, hacktoberfest, level1


Monik2002 commented 2 hours ago
