AlgoGenesis / C

AlgoGenesis is a centralized open-source platform dedicated to providing optimized and well-documented algorithm implementations in C. Perfect for both beginners and advanced users, this repository serves as a comprehensive learning resource for solving algorithmic challenges.
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Add Traversal Algorithms and Shortest Path Algorithms for Graph #1366

Closed souvikpramanikgit closed 1 week ago

souvikpramanikgit commented 1 week ago

Issue will be closed if:

1) You mention more than one algorithm. You can create a separate issue for each algorithm once the current one is completed.
2) You propose an algorithm that is already present or has been mentioned in a previous issue.
3) You create a new issue without completing your previous issue.

Note: These actions will be taken seriously. Failure to follow the guidelines may result in the immediate closure of your issue.


   1. Traversal Algorithms
   2. Shortest Path Algorithms


Propose a new algorithm to be added to the repository

Traversal Algorithms

  1. Depth-First Search (DFS): Explores as far as possible along each branch before backtracking. Typically implemented recursively or using a stack.
  2. Breadth-First Search (BFS): Explores all vertices at the present depth before moving on to vertices at the next depth level. Typically implemented using a queue.

Shortest Path Algorithms

  1. Dijkstra's Algorithm: Finds the shortest path from a source vertex to all other vertices in a graph with non-negative edge weights. Bellman-Ford Algorithm: Finds the shortest path from a source vertex to all other vertices, and works with graphs that may have negative weight edges.
  2. Floyd-Warshall Algorithm: Solves the all-pairs shortest path problem for graphs with both positive and negative edge weights (without negative cycles).
  3. A (A-star) Algorithm*: Finds the shortest path in graphs with heuristic-based optimizations, often used in pathfinding problems (e.g., game development).
  4. Johnson's Algorithm: Solves the all-pairs shortest path problem for sparse graphs using a combination of Bellman-Ford and Dijkstra's algorithms.


new algorithm, gssoc-ext, hacktoberfest, level1


Riddhi12349 commented 1 week ago

Please assign me this issue

souvikpramanikgit commented 1 week ago

but it is not available in the graph folder.