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[NEW ALGORITHM] 2D Binary Index Tree #1490

Closed MahraibFatima closed 2 weeks ago

MahraibFatima commented 2 weeks ago

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[2D Binary Index Tree]


PrerequisiteFenwick Tree

We know that to answer range sum queries on a 1-D array efficiently, binary indexed tree (or Fenwick Tree) is the best choice (even better than segment tree due to less memory requirements and a little faster than segment tree).

Can we answer sub-matrix sum queries efficiently using Binary Indexed Tree ? The answer is yes. This is possible using a 2D BIT which is nothing but an array of 1D BIT.


We consider the below example. Suppose we have to find the sum of all numbers inside the highlighted area:

Screenshot 2024-10-30 130026

We assume the origin of the matrix at the bottom – O.Then a 2D BIT exploits the fact that-

Sum under the marked area = Sum(OB) - Sum(OD) - Sum(OA) + Sum(OC)


new algorithm, gssoc-ext, hacktoberfest, level3


Riddhi12349 commented 2 weeks ago

Please assign me