AlgoGenesis / C

AlgoGenesis is a centralized open-source platform dedicated to providing optimized and well-documented algorithm implementations in C. Perfect for both beginners and advanced users, this repository serves as a comprehensive learning resource for solving algorithmic challenges.
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[NEW ALGORITHM] Sweep Line Algorithm for Convex Hull #1562

Open Bhupendrakumar20 opened 2 hours ago

Bhupendrakumar20 commented 2 hours ago

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[NEW ALGORITHM] Sweep Line Algorithm for Convex Hull


Propose the implementation of the Sweep Line Algorithm for calculating the Convex Hull of a given set of points in a 2D plane. This algorithm is efficient and has a time complexity of O(n log n), making it suitable for inclusion in the repository.


new algorithm, gssoc-ext, hacktoberfest, level1


Bhupendrakumar20 commented 2 hours ago

@pankaj-bind kindly review the issue and assigned if possible