Closed xxrelax closed 4 months ago
Hi, thanks for your interest in our work!
The test.yaml
file should exist in previous commit (e.g., something that looks like:
project_name: &_project_name !ENV "${LOGNAME}_bfn_sbdd"
exp_name: !SUB ${exp_name}
revision: &_revision !SUB ${revision}
debug: !SUB ${debug}
no_wandb: !SUB ${no_wandb}
wandb_resume_id: !SUB ${wandb_resume_id}
logging_level: !SUB ${logging_level}
seed: !SUB ${seed}
test_only: !SUB ${test_only}
empty_folder: !SUB ${empty_folder}
t_min: !SUB ${t_min}
sigma1_coord: !SUB ${sigma1_coord}
beta1: !SUB ${beta1}
protein_atom_feature_dim: 27 #TODO
ligand_atom_feature_dim: 13
use_discrete_t: !SUB ${use_discrete_t}
discrete_steps: !SUB ${discrete_steps}
destination_prediction: !SUB ${destination_prediction}
sampling_strategy: !SUB ${sampling_strategy}
node_indicator: True
time_emb_dim: !SUB ${time_emb_dim}
time_emb_mode: !SUB ${time_emb_mode}
center_pos_mode: protein
pos_init_mode: !SUB ${pos_init_mode}
name: "unio2net"
num_blocks: 1
num_layers: 9
hidden_dim: 128
n_heads: 16
edge_feat_dim: 4 # edge type feat
num_r_gaussian: 20
knn: 32 # !
num_node_types: 8
act_fn: relu
norm: True
cutoff_mode: knn # [radius, none]
ew_net_type: global # [r, m, none]
num_x2h: 1
num_h2x: 1
r_max: 10.
x2h_out_fc: False
sync_twoup: False
logdir: &_logdir !PATHJOIN [!ENV "${HOME}/home/logs/", *_project_name, !SUB "${exp_name}", *_revision]
dump_config_path: !PATHJOIN [*_logdir, "config.yaml"]
wandb_logdir: *_logdir
checkpoint_dir: ./checkpoints
generated_mol_dir: !PATHJOIN [*_logdir, "generated_mol"]
test_outputs_dir: !PATHJOIN [*_logdir, "test_outputs"]
name: pl # pl, pl_tr
path: ./data/crossdocked_v1.1_rmsd1.0_pocket10
split: ./data/
ligand_atom_mode: add_aromatic
with_split: True
atom_decoder: ['H', 'C', 'N', 'O', 'F', 'P', 'S', 'Cl']
colors_dic: ['#FFFFFF99', 'C7', 'C0', 'C3', 'C1', 'C4', 'C8', 'C9', ]
radius_dic: [0.3, 0.6, 0.6, 0.6, 0.6, 0.6, 0.6, 0.6]
pos: !SUB ${pos_normalizer}
save_mols: True
visual_nums: 10
visual_chain: !SUB ${visual_chain}
batch_size: !SUB ${batch_size}
num_workers: 8
pos_noise_std: !SUB ${pos_noise_std}
random_rot: !SUB ${random_rot}
val_freq: 1000
epochs: !SUB ${epochs}
resume: !SUB ${resume}
v_loss_weight: !SUB ${v_loss_weight}
ckpt_freq: 1
max_grad_norm: !SUB ${max_grad_norm}
type: "adam"
lr: !SUB ${lr}
weight_decay: !SUB ${weight_decay}
beta1: 0.95
beta2: 0.999
type: !SUB ${scheduler}
factor: 0.6
patience: 10
min_lr: 1.e-6
max_iters: 20000
ema_decay: 0.999
batch_size: 100
sample_steps: !SUB ${sample_steps}
num_samples: !SUB ${num_samples} # x-% test
sample_num_atoms: !SUB ${sample_num_atoms} # ['prior', 'ref']
mode: !SUB ${docking_mode} # ['qvina', 'vina_score', 'vina_dock']
protein_root: ./data/test_set
exhaustiveness: 16
ligand_path: !SUB ${ligand_path:-null}
protein_path: !SUB ${protein_path:-null}
I am not sure if this missing file issue was caused by some code refactor. @Atomu2014 please look through it.
Oh!thank you for your reply, I can solve this problem now.
Hi, thanks for your wonderful work!
I want to try to generate some molecules, but I can't find the test.yaml file, could you please tell me how to configure this file?
Hi, test.yaml is the same as default.yaml. I've updated README.
Hi, thanks for your wonderful work!
I want to try to generate some molecules, but I can't find the test.yaml file, could you please tell me how to configure this file?