AlgoMole / MolCRAFT

Implementation for ICML 2024 paper "MolCRAFT: Structure-Based Drug Design in Continuous Parameter Space"
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ReconLossMonitor is missing #3

Closed orgw closed 2 weeks ago

orgw commented 2 weeks ago

Hi, thanks for the code there are some issues for custom sampling code

  1. ReconLossMonitor seems to be missing.

  2. in default.yaml file should evaluation.ckpt_path be gone?

  3. line 267

    ckpts = glob.glob(os.path.join(cfg.accounting.checkpoint_dir, "complete"))

    best_ckpt = sorted(ckpts, key=lambda x: float(x.split("complete")[-1][:4]))[-1]

    this part returns nothing. so i changed to

    best_ckpt = "./checkpoints/last.ckpt"

  4. i removed reconlossmonitor and added val_freq in validationcallback... which was missing

            dataset=None,  # TODO: implement CrossDockGen & NewBenchmark

Ithink sample_for_pocket needs to be fixed. for now i have the code running for a custom pdb, but currently getting poor generation results (lump of carbons)

for instance


C 0.214115143 0.108409405 -0.195690155 C 0.164110184 0.011476040 -0.109651566 C -0.065099716 -0.295134068 0.425556183 C -0.078313828 -0.167198658 -0.108057022 C 0.245813370 0.086417675 0.078857422 C -0.083972931 -0.184248447 -0.108453751 C 0.105867386 -0.115490913 -0.246013641 C -0.304323196 0.060392380 -0.351005554 C -0.148864746 0.097482204 -0.210437775 C -0.166894913 -0.051809311 0.183494568 C 0.111021042 -0.283643246 0.065307617 C -0.020961761 0.546407700 0.008531570 C -0.415521622 0.005795002 0.217208862 C 0.058902740 0.184230328 0.041841507 F 0.240030289 0.252028465 0.078256607 C -0.057777405 0.076941013 0.189619064 C -0.015632629 -0.138627529 0.075656891 C 0.228384018 -0.030953407 -0.202360153 C 0.009338379 -0.243238449 0.273071289 C -0.079238892 0.061812878 -0.072874069 C 0.250213623 -0.128890038 0.031322479 C -0.223791122 0.022377014 -0.035171509 C 0.032581329 0.125474930 -0.029033661

Atomu2014 commented 2 weeks ago


  1. ReconLoss has been merged into ValidationCallback. code has been updated.

  2. In updated code, evaluation.ckpt_path is preserved. This is to specify checkpoint path for sampling in

  3. I think you are referring This script will be updated with a interactable web app demo. Here is a temporaty link, please try and see is there any other issues. Note that, you should click "generate" before visualize generated molecules.

  4. For now, you can use as in, which has been tested and works well.

Thanks, yanru

orgw commented 2 weeks ago

Thanks for the feedback. i got it working for custom pdbs. Great work on your project, congratulations

Atomu2014 commented 2 weeks ago

Thanks for the feedback. i got it working for custom pdbs. Great work on your project, congratulations

Hi, and have been updated. Follow the instructions in README to see how to sample and host our demo locally.

Thanks, Yanru