Algolisted-Org / AlgoListed

Algolisted is an AI-powered nonprofit analytics firm dedicated to assisting computer science students in preparing for placements and internships. Our services include tracking and analytics across various platforms and topics.
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Charts for Resume AI page #212

Closed NayakPenguin closed 7 months ago

NayakPenguin commented 7 months ago
Screenshot 2023-11-18 at 8 47 09 AM Screenshot 2023-11-18 at 8 46 38 AM

In the resume-related questions, we aim to showcase charts to the user. Currently, you can utilize dummy useState values for the three specified criteria and generate charts accordingly. Ensure the charts align with the other charts on the website, and make them adaptable for both light and dark modes. Happy coding 🚀

Ktn-mariam commented 7 months ago

@Nayaker I will take up this issue, thanks!