Algolzw / BSRT

Pytorch code for "BSRT: Improving Burst Super-Resolution with Swin Transformer and Flow-Guided Deformable Alignment", CVPRW, 1st place in NTIRE 2022 BurstSR Challenge (real-world track).
MIT License
179 stars 13 forks source link

IndexError: list index out of range #2

Closed CodeMadUser closed 2 years ago

CodeMadUser commented 2 years ago

作者,你好,请问 Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 24, in opt = option.parse(parser.parse_args().opt, is_train=False) File "D:\pythonProject\7_4\DCLS-SR-master\DCLS-SR-master\codes\config\DCLS\", line 60, in parse config_dir = path.split("/")[-2] 这个是为啥?一直不行,还有一个问题就是先验模型放在哪个位置呢?可以详细写下测试过程吗?测试过程不需要数据集吧?感谢