Algolzw / BSRT

Pytorch code for "BSRT: Improving Burst Super-Resolution with Swin Transformer and Flow-Guided Deformable Alignment", CVPRW, 1st place in NTIRE 2022 BurstSR Challenge (real-world track).
MIT License
179 stars 13 forks source link

关于测试script的canon数据集 #7

Closed anguoyang closed 1 year ago

anguoyang commented 1 year ago

@Algolzw 您好,我试着用,而且也从下载了三星的raw 测试数据,但是貌似还需要canon/GT数据集,要不然会报错, ntire21/burstsr/real/val/0021_0000/canon/im_raw.png'): can't open/read file: check file path/integrity 请问这个canon的数据集在哪里下载?谢谢

Algolzw commented 1 year ago

Hello, real-world的数据集可以用这个DBSR提供的script下载。如果只想下载验证集的话点这个

anguoyang commented 1 year ago
