Alhajras / webscraper

Configurable search engine written in Python and Angular. It supports indexing as well.
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Chapter 1 Introduction #18

Closed Alhajras closed 8 months ago

Alhajras commented 10 months ago

Introduction 1

Alhajras commented 8 months ago

An introduction should be self-contained and understandable to a non-expert. Think of it as the shortest way to summarize your work in a couple of pages. As a minimum, it should clarify the problem dealt with, the motivation for dealing with that problem, the main results, the main challenge and the line of attack used to overcome it, and how it advances the state of the art. In the abstract, you have only one or two sentences (if any) for each of these aspects. In the introduction, you have more space. For the problem statement, it is almost always a good idea to provide a figure or screenshot with a (carefully chosen) example.

One common mistake (and nuisance) is to have relative vague and informal statements in the introduction and then later a separate section with a more formal problem statement. The corresponding reader experience is that upon first reading one either does not understand the introduction or does not find it very useful or both. You can fix this as follows: whatever is relatively easy to understand and can already be defined in the introduction should already be defined in the introduction.