Open limelect opened 1 month ago
one more picture
One more bug in the project URestClient in 'C:\Users\LimElect\Documents\Embarcadero\Studio\Projects\URestClient.pas'; although my project is G:\Delphi Projects\AliDehbansiahkarbon\OpenAPIClientWizard-master\MyDemo and there there is URestClient.pas
Hi, Thank you for spending time on the plugin, I do appreciate it.
1- Get the latest version from GitHub and reinstall it, this is a bit old.
2- You must save all the files once the project is created, otherwise it won't be compiled properly, it's the nature of the Delphi projects in RAD Studio, and I can not change this behavior.
3- I must be able to recreate the issue at my end to fix it, If you want me to check and debug using a specific swagger file, please share the swagger file with me so I can trace and fix the problem (share via email not here). Email:
I put the swagger file at the top OpenApiPetStore.json
I downloaded it again and all the bugs persist I saved all the files !!! and no
Application.Initialize; Application.MainFormOnTaskbar := True; Application.CreateForm(TFrm_Main, Frm_Main); Tmr := TTimer.Create(Frm_Main); Tmr.Interval := 10; Tmr.OnTimer := Frm_Main.Timer1Timer; Tmr.Enabled := True;
All I have in dir is DPR and URestClient.pas further more this is wrong URestClient in 'C:\Users\LimElect\Documents\Embarcadero\Studio\Projects\URestClient.pas'; as my directory is diffrent
OpenApiPetStore.json As a swagger, I get this error As A postman it is OK The pas files are incomplete as a project