AliFlux / VectorTileRenderer

A comprehensive Vector Map Tile Renderer for .Net/C#
MIT License
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Mapsui and Gmap demo don't show anything #1

Closed charlenni closed 6 years ago

charlenni commented 6 years ago

Thank you for this nice project. Could be very helpfull.

I downloaded it and try to start it, but Mapsui and GmapNet don't show any data. Debuged Mapsui version. Opens MBtiles file correct, but when running it, than I get many Exception thrown: 'System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException' in mscorlib.dll

Any idea?

AliFlux commented 6 years ago

I think the .gitignore somehow ignored the cache directory as well. Try making a folder named tile-cache right next to your solution (.sln) file.

AliFlux commented 6 years ago

I've added a check to the cache directory. Please check it and let me know if that works.

charlenni commented 6 years ago

Yes, that brings the demo to run :)

Quite impressive. Runs very fast. Symbols are missing up to now?

Would be nice, if I had known about this project earlier. Than we could have exchanged some parts :). I'm did the same in the last weeks. Ok, not the same. I try to render the tiles on the fly.

AliFlux commented 6 years ago

Yeah the symbols are missing at the moment. But I'll try to get it integrated in the next week.

Can you please share your progress? I'm excited to see some on-the-fly rendering.

charlenni commented 6 years ago

You could find it at here. Discussion is in Mapsui #152.

charlenni commented 6 years ago

But you could only look at the code, because there are some functions, that are not implemented yet in Mapsui. So I have my own private Mapsui version ;)

AliFlux commented 6 years ago

I just switched the nuget version and commented out some code to make it work. It's pretty decent, but needs a lot of work to make it production ready. And as I've mentioned at #152@Mapsui, the rendering engine needs to be changed as well.