AliNasra / Black-Box

This repository is dedicated to the final project of the CMPE 489, Introduction to Cogntive Science, for the giving of spring 2024
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Finding an alternative paper #5

Closed AliNasra closed 4 months ago

AliNasra commented 4 months ago

Upon experimenting with the code provided in the research paper that we picked, we noticed that some code scripts were missing, compromising our ability to replicate the paper. Subsequently, we ought to pick a paper whose code is functional and whose data is replicable. We will go with those papers. 1- Large-scale Generative AI Models Lack Visual Number Sense: "Jupyter Notebook - Computationally Demanding" link 2- Visual sense of number vs. sense of magnitude in humans and machines: "Matlab - Computationally Demanding" link 3- An emergentist perspective on the origin of number sense "Python" link 4- Traveling Salesperson Problem with Simple Obstacles: The Role of Multidimensional Scaling and the Role of Clustering "Python" link

AliNasra commented 4 months ago

There are also other candidates on the playground: 1- Cognitive Reframing of Negative Thoughts through Human-Language Model Interaction Paper, code 2- Stock Price Prediction Incorporating Market Style Clustering Paper, code 3- Teaching CNNs to mimic Human Visual Cognitive Process & regularise Texture-Shape bias Paper, Code 4- From Heuristic to Analytic: Cognitively-Motivated Reasoning Strategies for Coherent Physical Commonsense Reasoning. Paper, Code 5- MRS-XNet: An Explainable One-dimensional Deep Neural Network for Magnetic Spectroscopic Data classification Paper, Code 6- Learning to acquire novel cognitive tasks with evolution, plasticity and meta-meta-learning Paper, Code 7- Intentonomy: a Dataset and Study towards Human Intent Understanding Paper, Code 8- AGENT: A Benchmark for Core Psychological Reasoning Paper, Code 9- Noise or Signal: The Role of Image Backgrounds in Object Recognition Paper, Code 10- It is not the Journey but the Destination: Endpoint Conditioned Trajectory Prediction Paper, Code

AliNasra commented 4 months ago

The following papers' data can be replicated: 1- Cognitive Reframing of Negative Thoughts through Human-Language Model Interaction Data Sample 2- Teaching CNNs to mimic Human Visual Cognitive Process & regularise Texture-Shape bias Data Generation 3- Intentonomy: a Dataset and Study towards Human Intent Understanding Data but very big 4- Learning to acquire novel cognitive tasks with evolution, plasticity and meta-meta-learning Data Generation

AliNasra commented 4 months ago

The paper titled "Cognitive Reframing of Negative Thoughts through Human-Language Model Interaction" is currently the most promising candidate. Its data can be replicated, its code is functional, and its topic is relatable.

AliNasra commented 4 months ago

I have listed all the papers with published codes in the 45th volume of Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society:

  1. Convolutional Neural Generative Coding: Scaling Predictive Coding to Natural Images - link
  2. Iconic Artificial Language Learning:A Conceptual Replication with English Speakers - link
  3. Does Predictability Drive the Holistic Storage of Compound Nouns? - link
  4. Can Peanuts Fall in Love with Distributional Semantics? - link
  5. Simulating Political Polarization as a Function of Uncertain Inference and Signaling of Moral Values - link
  6. Errorless irrationality: removing error-driven components from the inverse base-rate effect paradigm - link
  7. A Computational Model of Lexical False Memory based on Semantic Distance from Word Embeddings - link
  8. Are discourse expectations modulated by being linguistically creative? A production and perception study on Implicit Causality - link
  9. Towards a computational account of projection inferences in clause-embedding predicates - link
  10. Causal inference shapes counterfactual plausibility - link
  11. Evidential uncertainty involves both pragmatic and extralinguistic reasoning: a computational account - link
  12. Re-examining cross-cultural similarity judgments using language statistics - link
  13. Modelling Rumination as a State-Inference Process - link
  14. Learning what matters: Causal abstraction in human inference - link
  15. Cultural reinforcement learning: a framework for modeling cumulative culture on a limited channel - link
  16. A rational model of spatial neglect - link
  17. Self-Censorship Appears to be an Effective Way of Reducing the Spread of Misinformation on Social Media - link
  18. Evidence From Computational Linguistics for the Concept of Biconsonantal Etymons in Hebrew - link
  19. Father, don't forgive them, for they could have known what they're doing - link
  20. Minority-group incubators and majority-group reservoirs for promoting the diffusion of climate change and public health adaptations - link
  21. Communicative need shapes choices to use gendered vs. gender-neutral kinship terms across online communities - link
  22. Comparing Humans and Models on a Similar Scale: Towards Cognitive Gender Bias Evaluation in Coreference Resolution - link
  23. Humans choose visual subgoals to reduce cognitive cost - link
  24. Why do some words have more meanings than others? A true neutral model for the meaning-frequency correlation. - link
  25. Augmenting EEG with Generative Adversarial Networks Enhances Brain Decoding Across Classifiers and Sample Sizes - link
  26. Simulating children’s verb inflection errors in English using an LSTM language model - link
  27. Plural causes in causal judgment - link
  28. Comparing Children and Large Language Models in Word Sense Disambiguation: Insights and Challenges - link
  29. Transformer-Maze: An Accessible Incremental Processing Measurement Tool - link
  30. Communicative Feedback in Response to Children’s Grammatical Errors - link
  31. Evaluating statistical language models as pragmatic reasoners - link
  32. Modeling Reliance on XAI Indicating Its Purpose and Attention - link
  33. Blame attribution in human-AI and human-only systems: Crowdsourcing judgments from Twitter - link
  34. Memory as a computational constraint in cross-situational word learning - link
  35. Prediction and learning under unsignalled changing contexts. - link
  36. Psychologically-informed chain-of-thought prompts for metaphor understanding in large language models - link
  37. Discourse structure affects reference resolution to events in English: Evidence from a new paradigm - link
  38. You are what you’re for: Essentialist categorization in large language models - link
  39. People have systematic expectations linking social relationships to patterns of reciprocal altruism - link
  40. The Effect of Response Suggestion on Dialogue Flow: Analysis Based on Dialogue Act and Initiative - link
  41. How Well Do Humans Learn Conditional Probabilities? - link
  42. Swipe and hold: composing interventions in continuous time causal learning - link
  43. How do communicative goals guide which data visualizations people think are effective? - link
  44. Evaluating machine comprehension of sketch meaning at different levels of abstraction - link
  45. What are the mechanisms underlying metacognitive learning in the context of planning? - link
  46. Improving neural saliency prediction with a cognitive model of human visual attention - link
  47. Effect of Response Format on Syllogistic Reasoning - link
  48. An Evaluation of Experimental Sampling Strategies for Autonomous Empirical Research in Cognitive Science - link
  49. The evolution of efficient compression in signaling games - link
  50. No evidence for familiarity preferences after limited exposure to visual concepts in preschoolers and infants - link
  51. Generate your neural signals from mine: individual-to-individual EEG converters - link
  52. Comparing Intuitions about Agents’ Goals, Preferences and Actions in Human Infants and Video Transformers - link
  53. Detecting social biases using mental state inference - link
  54. Uncertainty can explain apparent mistakes in causal reasoning - link
  55. Development of Multimodal Turn Coordination in Conversations: Evidence for Adult-like behavior in Middle Childhood - link
  56. Anaphoric Structure Emerges Between Neural Networks - link
  57. Active information-seeking in support of learning extensions of novel words - link
  58. Grounded physical language understanding with probabilistic programs and simulated worlds - link
  59. Teleology and generics - link
  60. Emergent Communication with Attention - link
  61. Promoting Climate Actions: Applying a cognitive constraints approach - link
  62. Characterizing tradeoffs between teaching via language and demonstrations in multi-agent systems - link
  63. What inferences do people actually make upon encountering informationally redundant utterances? An individual differences study - link
  64. Communicative reduction in referring expressions within a multi-player negotiation game - link
  65. Working memory updating modulates adaptation to speaker-specific use of uncertainty expressions - link
  66. Causal Reasoning Across Agents and Objects - link
  67. Using Computational Models to Understand the Role and Nature of Valuation Bias in Mixed Gambles - link
  68. Quantifying Bias in Library Classification Systems - link
AliNasra commented 4 months ago

The list of papers with data and code in Python or R:

  1. Modeling Reliance on XAI Indicating Its Purpose and Attention - Paper, Code "Python"
  2. Psychologically-informed chain-of-thought prompts for metaphor understanding in large language models - Paper, Code - "Python"
  3. The evolution of efficient compression in signaling games - Paper, Code - "Python very recommended"
  4. Generate your neural signals from mine: individual-to-individual EEG converters - Paper, Code "Python"
  5. Promoting Climate Actions: Applying a cognitive constraints approach - Paper, Code "R Script"
AliNasra commented 4 months ago

The following paper has functional code:

AliNasra commented 4 months ago

We will proceed with the paper titled Adversarial Filters of Dataset Biases. Its code runs and the paper is pretty important.