AliSoftware / Dip

Simple Swift Dependency container. Use protocols to resolve your dependencies and avoid singletons / sharedInstances!
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Resolve class with runtime argument #197

Closed bozidarlabas closed 6 years ago

bozidarlabas commented 6 years ago


i want to register some class with init. This class needs one runtime argument and one dependency. I want to resolve this registered class with a runtime argument. Is this possible that DIP takes care of other dependency (which is not runtime argument)?

For example, i have class A which depends on runtime argument SomeViewModel and UseCase which is not a runtime argument. I want to register this class A like this -> container.register ( factory: A.init ). Is it possible to resolve this class by passing a runtime argument? Problem is that this class besides runtime argument has other dependency UseCase which is not runtime argument. I can register class A like this -> container.register { (viewModel: SomeViewModel) in A(viewModel: viewModel, useCase: try self.container.resolve()) }. This works but i want to find a way to register class A like this -> container.register ( factory: A.init ).


class SomeViewModel { }

class UseCase { }

class A {

    init(viewModel: SomeViewModel, useCase: UseCase) {  }

class B {

    init(a: A) {   }

func registerDependencies() {
        container.register ( factory: A.init )    // -> i want to register class A  like this
        container.register ( factory: UseCase.init )

        container.register { (viewModel: SomeViewModel) in B(a: try! self.container.resolve(arguments: viewModel)) } // -> i want to resolve this class by passing runtime argument but it's not working because DIP try to resolve A with one argument (SomeViewModel)

        let test = try! container.resolve(arguments: SomeViewModel()) as B
ilyapuchka commented 6 years ago

You can resolve UseCase when you resolve A and pass it along with viewModel argument.

bozidarlabas commented 6 years ago

Ok. Thanks :) it's working