AliaksandrSiarohin / motion-cosegmentation

Reference code for "Motion-supervised Co-Part Segmentation" paper
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Use of swap_index parameter #10

Closed AmarBouali closed 4 years ago

AmarBouali commented 4 years ago

Hello Aliaksander,

Thanks a lot for providing this code that would like to experiment. Could ou explain the use of the swap_index parameter in the script ? How the index values relate to parts and how to use them in particular with the different vox-* checkpoints ?

AliaksandrSiarohin commented 4 years ago

There is a visualization of parts and indexes in colab notebook. You can refer to this visualizations to see which index correspond to which part.

AmarBouali commented 4 years ago

There is a visualization of parts and indexes in colab notebook. You can refer to this visualizations to see which index correspond to which part.

Excellent. Thanks !