AliaksandrSiarohin / pose-gan

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Is it possible to transpose person's pose? #35

Closed dajinstory closed 5 years ago

dajinstory commented 5 years ago

I want to use pose-gan in this way.

  1. input two images(image1 and image2).
  2. image1 has a person A taking a pose X. image 2 has a person B taking a pose Y
  3. i want my output would be a person A taking a pose Y

But, i read the paper and it was quite different from what i thought...... In paper, two input images must have same person. just with different pose.

Do you think i can get the result what i want?

Sorry for asking too personal questions..

AliaksandrSiarohin commented 5 years ago

It is possible. The method works similarly to others: first you extract the pose in term of a keypoints Y. Then you combine this pose Y and appearance A using GAN. In paper images of the same person show for comparison with ground truth. You can youse for this.

dajinstory commented 5 years ago

Thanks for quick answer! :) The same person in both input images is just for training.