AliaksandrSiarohin / pose-gan

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how can I get these pose-stick mask pictures? #59

Open sunshinewhy opened 4 years ago

sunshinewhy commented 4 years ago

how can I get these pose-stick mask pictures? Such as: image Thanks!

AliaksandrSiarohin commented 4 years ago

In there are function draw_pose_from_cords for this purpose.

sunshinewhy commented 4 years ago

Thanks a lot! But I have some problems on parameter settings, could you tell me how to set them.When I run, it shows: usage: [-h] [--output_dir OUTPUT_DIR] [--batch_size BATCH_SIZE] [--training_ratio TRAINING_RATIO] [--l1_penalty_weight L1_PENALTY_WEIGHT] [--gan_penalty_weight GAN_PENALTY_WEIGHT] [--tv_penalty_weight TV_PENALTY_WEIGHT] [--lstruct_penalty_weight LSTRUCT_PENALTY_WEIGHT] [--number_of_epochs NUMBER_OF_EPOCHS] [--content_loss_layer CONTENT_LOSS_LAYER] [--checkpoints_dir CHECKPOINTS_DIR] [--checkpoints_ratio CHECKPOINTS_RATIO] [--generator_checkpoint GENERATOR_CHECKPOINT] [--discriminator_checkpoint DISCRIMINATOR_CHECKPOINT] [--nn_loss_area_size NN_LOSS_AREA_SIZE] [--use_validation USE_VALIDATION] [--dataset {market,fashion,fashion128,fashion128128}] [--display ratio DISPLAY RATIO] [--start_epoch START_EPOCH] [--pose_estimator POSE_ESTIMATOR] [--images_for_test IMAGES_FOR_TEST] [--use_input_pose USE_INPUT_POSE] [--warp_skip {none,full,mask,stn}] [--warp_agg {max,avg}] [--dis_type {call,sim,warp}] [--generated images dir GENERATED IMAGES DIR] [--load_generated_images LOAD_GENERATED_IMAGES] [--use_dropout_test USE_DROPOUT_TEST] error: unrecognized arguments: --data_url=s3://pose-transfer/market_data/train/ --num_gpus=1

AliaksandrSiarohin commented 4 years ago

If I remember correctly

python --pose_estimator pose_estimator.h5 --dataset market

In this case you should have folders with images called data/market-dataset/test and data/market-dataset/train