AliaksandrSiarohin / video-preprocessing

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Broken video_ids in vox-metadata.csv #18

Open moldach opened 3 years ago

moldach commented 3 years ago

I was hoping to download the data using but it seems like vox-metadata.csv has broken video_id's.

Running the following leads to a string of broken link's:

$ python --metadata vox-metadata.csv --format .mp4 --out_folder vox --workers 8

Can not load video EdFbFdf0K7w, broken link
moldach commented 3 years ago

Actually not all the links are broken, only 204:

$ grep -o -i "broken link" download_test_64093769.log | wc -l 
wmxlovextt commented 9 months ago

May I ask how did you successfully download the video, I also followed this line of code python --metadata vox-metadata.csv --format .mp4 --out_folder vox --workers 8 runs, but 257it [75:29:08,. 966.54s/it] Can not load video 75sBThtNTdo, broken link This keeps on happening without any video being downloaded, what should I do to successfully download the video, can you tell me your method?