AliasIO / Raphael.FreeTransform

Free transform tool for Raphaël elements.
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not work with chrome #87

Closed pallone closed 11 years ago

pallone commented 11 years ago

with chrome the demo not work!!'s possible???

AliasIO commented 11 years ago

It works fine for me in Chrome. What isn't working for you?

pallone commented 11 years ago

I would like to show you my application (I can write the address here?!) makes with raphael and raphael free-transform...but raphael free transform not work (any action, drag, rotate etc.. work) my machine: SO: windows 7 64 bit browser: Chrome V. 26.0.1410.64 m (also the previous not work)

AliasIO commented 11 years ago

Does my demo not work in Chrome for you? Do you have any browser plugins that may be interfering?

pallone commented 11 years ago

even your demo function...

pallone commented 11 years ago

From page of plugin: Plug-in (14) Details:

1)Adobe Flash Player (2 files) - Versione: 11.7.700.202 Shockwave Flash 11.7 r700

2)Chrome Remote Desktop Viewer This plugin allows you to securely access other computers that have been shared with you. To use this plugin you must first install the Chrome Remote Desktop webapp.

3)Microsoft Office (2 files) - Versione: 14.0.4730.1010 Office Authorization plug-in for NPAPI browsers

4)QuickTime Player (7 files) - Versione: 7.6.9 (1680.8) The QuickTime Plugin allows you to view a wide variety of multimedia content in Web pages. For more information, visit the QuickTime Web site.

5)Native Client

6)Chrome PDF Viewer

7)Adobe Reader - Versione: Adobe PDF Plug-In For Firefox and Netscape 10.1.6

8)Java(TM) (2 files) - Versione: Next Generation Java Plug-in 10.17.2 for Mozilla browsers

9)NVIDIA 3D (2 files) - Versione: NVIDIA 3D Vision plugin for Mozilla browsers

10)Photo Gallery - Versione: 16.4.3505.0912_ship.client.main.w5m4 (ship) NPWLPG

11)iTunes Application Detector - Versione: iTunes Detector Plug-in

12)WPI Detector 1.4 - Versione: 1, 1, 0, 2

13)Google Update - Versione:

14)Silverlight - Versione: 5.1.20125.0

pallone commented 11 years ago


AliasIO commented 11 years ago

I'd say try it with a clean install or a different computer. I can't replicate the issue in Chrome and nobody else has reported the issue before you.

pallone commented 11 years ago

In the office where i work in at least two pc the demo not work...

AliasIO commented 11 years ago

Can you bring up the console (F12) and see if any JavaScript errors are logged?

pallone commented 11 years ago

I bring up the console and this is a image error

AliasIO commented 11 years ago

That's not an error, it's a log from the Google Plus button. Do any errors come up in the console when you try to drag an element?

pallone commented 11 years ago

when i try to drag the element in your demo i not have any error... in my application where i use your library the error is: error

AliasIO commented 11 years ago

That's also not a critical issue and is the result of an AJAX call made by another script. It wouldn't cause an issue with FreeTransform.

pallone commented 11 years ago

there is something that I just can not understand..after a certain time (I was simply looking for something in the console but I have not touched anything the demo work..after a certain time where i drag element..the demo stop!.. no joke!..

pallone commented 11 years ago

if bring up the console (F12) the demo and my application work!..if i close the demo...the application don't work!!'s possible?!

pallone commented 11 years ago

sorry if a close the console...

AliasIO commented 11 years ago

Does it work when you resize the browser window? Can you inspect the element you're trying to drag to see if an element is overlapping it?

pallone commented 11 years ago

I a open the demo and try to drag element..or rotate byt not work...(neither my application neither your demo).. When I click F12 ...the element in your demo and my application became draggable..and all functionality of library work! Then I close the console and all element returns static!...

pallone commented 11 years ago

with console open... console open i drag element

with console close console close nobody move

pallone commented 11 years ago

in my application with console open myapplication-console open each action corresponds to a line in the console

AliasIO commented 11 years ago

Does the window size have anything to do with it? The console makes the window smaller. Does it work when you close the console and make the window smaller?

pallone commented 11 years ago

no..any size has the window (maximize or variable) if the console is close nobody work. when I open the console..turns on some property?!..

pallone commented 11 years ago

if you could you would connect to my pc .. because it is a strange thing

AliasIO commented 11 years ago

Very odd! Have you tried it in a different browser?

I could connect to your PC but you'd have to install a VNC server. I don't have a Windows PC.

pallone commented 11 years ago

with explorer all work both with the console open and with the console closed ( however, in explore, the text does not detect the formatting (font changes, but always appears bold and italic although these two features do not have it))

pallone commented 11 years ago

if you've installed vnc server

AliasIO commented 11 years ago

Do you have a public IP address I can use to connect? You can email me at elbert at

pallone commented 11 years ago

I have write on discussion's group of raphale and i have suggested this post:!topic/raphaeljs/FOY0ftfygp8/discussion with a possible solution..believe that is this the problem?

AliasIO commented 11 years ago

Yes quite possibly. You can try to apply the fix in the last post and see if that fixes it.

pallone commented 11 years ago

in my application, modify this line of code, it's work!... In your demo?! references the raphael library?!

AliasIO commented 11 years ago

Great. It's a bug in Raphael so I'm closing this issue.